Issue - decisions

Local Authority Discretionary Grant Funding for Small Businesses Policy

17/07/2020 - Local Authority Discretionary Grant Funding for Small Businesses Policy

Local authorities are responsible for delivering grants to eligible businesses in accordance with the Local Authority Discretionary Grants Fund – Guidance for Local Authorities.   In order to formalise arrangements for  carrying  out this function the Chief Executive, in exercise of the emergency delegation in paragraph 4.4 of the Scheme of Delegation in Part 3 of the Constitution, and the emergency delegation approved by the Leader of the Council on 30 March 2020, authorising the Chief Executive to exercise all executive functions, or to authorise specified officers to exercise any such functions, and after consultation with the Leader of the Council:-


1  Approves the updated Local Authority Discretionary Grant Funding for Small Businesses Policy.

2  Endorses previous operational decisions of the Chief Finance Officer to award grants in accordance with government guidance.

3. Authorises the Chief Finance Office to approve  future individual discretionary grants for small businesses up to £10,000.