Issue - decisions

GF Outturn

07/09/2021 - General Fund Outturn



a)    Acknowledged the 2020/21 general fund revenue outturn position and the net underspend (after income from Taxation and Government Grants) in the year of £0.281 million and the explanations provided for the variances compared to the revised 2020/21 revenue budget;

b)    Acknowledged the consequent decrease in the General Fund as at 31 March 2021 of £1.994m to around £14.5m;

c)    In relation to the Capital Programme:

(i) Noted the 2020/21 capital outturn of £43,252 million;

(ii) Recommended to Council the carry forwards of £2.081 million in relation to General Fund capital projects due mainly to slippage.

(iii) Recommended to Council additional lending of £5.237 million in 2021/22 to enable Ermine Street housing to meet its target of 500 property purchases.

(iv) Noted that a full review of the Capital Programme will be submitted to Cabinet at its December 2021 meeting to include re-phasing of the existing programme and new Capital bids for the next budget cycle.