Decision Maker: Planning Committee
Made at meeting: 14/08/2024 - Planning Committee
Decision published: 04/09/2024
Effective from: 14/08/2024
The Committee agreed to change the description of the proposal to refer to “gypsy and traveller caravan site” rather than “residential caravan site”. The Committee also agreed to the addition of a number of conditions and an informative.
By affirmation, the Committee approved the application in accordance with the officer’s recommendation and subject to the conditions as laid out in the report from the Joint Director of Planning and Economic Development and amended by the Committee. Officers were granted delegated authority to make minor amendments to the final wording of the conditions in the report and the wording of the additional conditions was to be agreed with the Chair and Vice-Chair.
Decision Maker: Planning Committee
Made at meeting: 14/08/2024 - Planning Committee
Decision published: 04/09/2024
Effective from: 14/08/2024
By affirmation, the Committee approved the application in accordance with the officer’s recommendation and subject to the conditions as laid out in the report from the Joint Director of Planning and Economic Development, with officers granted delegated authority to make minor amendments to the final wording.
On 29th of August 2024 the Grants Advisory Committee reviewed all the applications to the Long Term Condition activity grant fund for 2024/25.
Nine applications were brought forward in ‘Appendix A’ of the meeting reports pack. In line with the report recommendations, the GAC recommended that the following applications be awarded funding:
In line with the recommendation in the report, the following applications were not recommended for funding as they were not compliant with the criteria for the grant scheme:
Decision Maker: Lead Cabinet member for Resources
Decision published: 02/09/2024
Effective from: 10/09/2024
To accept the recommendations of the Grants Advisory Committee (see above).
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Lead officer: Ben Truett
On 29th of August 2024 the Grants Advisory Committee reviewed all Community Chest applications received between 8th July to the 7th August 2024.
Two applications were brought forward in ‘Appendix A’ of the meeting reports pack.
After consideration of these applications, the Committee recommended to the Lead Cabinet Member for Resources that:
Decision Maker: Lead Cabinet member for Resources
Decision published: 29/08/2024
Effective from: 06/09/2024
To accept the recommendations of the Grants Advisory Committee (see above). In reference to the application from Swavesey Parish Council, it is recommended that the project is funded through the Community Chest Grant fund and not the Community Chest Grant Biodiversity ring-fenced fund.
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Lead officer: Emma Dyer