01/09/2021 - Health and Wellbeing Strategy Update

This is for information only, but has been requested by Cabinet to provide a 6 month update.

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision due date: 19/10/2021

Lead officer: Lesley McFarlane

Notice of decision: 01/09/2021

02/08/2021 - Corporate Fraud Strategy

To adopt the Strategy.

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision due date: 06/09/2021

Lead officer: Tara Nutbeam-King

Notice of decision: 05/08/2021

02/08/2021 - Creating a Vision for the Oxford-Cambridge Arc - response to consultation

To agree a joint response to the government consultation ‘Creating a vision for the Oxford-Cambridge Arc’ with Cambridge City Council.

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision due date: 01/10/2021

Lead officer: Caroline Hunt

Notice of decision: 02/08/2021

02/08/2021 - North East Cambridge Area Action Plan: Proposed Submission (Regulation 19)

To agree the North East Cambridge Area Action Plan.

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision due date: 10/01/2022

Lead officer: Julian Sykes

Notice of decision: 02/08/2021

02/08/2021 - Greater Cambridge Local Plan

To agree the Greater Cambridge Local Plan: Preferred Options and supporting documents, topic papers and evidence for public consultation

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision due date: 23/01/2023

Lead officer: Jonathan Dixon

Notice of decision: 02/08/2021

02/08/2021 - Empty Homes Strategy

Approval of the draft Empty Homes Strategy to go out for wider consultation.

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision due date: 06/12/2021

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Julie Fletcher

Notice of decision: 02/08/2021

18/06/2021 - Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1982 - Street Trading

To Adopt Act to enable Street Trading controls to be applied District-wide.

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision due date: 06/09/2021

Lead officer: Rachel Jackson

Notice of decision: 21/06/2021

18/06/2021 - CSP Action Plan 2021/22

SCDC Cabinet has to approve the CSP Plan as we are the lead agency on the Partnership.

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision due date: 06/09/2021

Lead officer: Kathryn Hawkes

Notice of decision: 01/07/2021

18/06/2021 - HRA Outturn

Comparison of budget to actual for 20/21.

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision due date: 06/09/2021

Lead officer: Farzana Ahmed

Notice of decision: 01/07/2021

18/06/2021 - GF Outturn

Comparison of budget to actual for 20/21.

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision due date: 06/09/2021

Lead officer: Farzana Ahmed

Notice of decision: 01/07/2021

18/06/2021 - Q1 Financial Monitoring

To note the spending compared to budget.

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision due date: 06/09/2021

Lead officer: Farzana Ahmed

Notice of decision: 01/07/2021

18/06/2021 - Medium Term Financial Strategy

Agree the updated MTFS.

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision due date: 06/09/2021

Lead officer: Peter Maddock

Notice of decision: 01/07/2021

18/06/2021 - Investment Strategy

To agree an updated strategy.

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision due date: 06/12/2021

Lead officer: Peter Maddock

Notice of decision: 01/07/2021

18/06/2021 - South Cambridgeshire Recovery Plan

The Plan will outline the approach SCDC will take to supporting our residents, businesses and communities as we move out of the pandemic. The decision will be whether the Council agrees this approach, and any associated financial or resource implications

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Lead officer: Anne Ainsworth

Notice of decision: 01/07/2021

18/06/2021 - Taxi Policy

Minor review of Licensing Policy.

Decision Maker: Lead Cabinet Member for Environmental Services and Licensing

Decision due date: 20/09/2021

Lead officer: Rachel Jackson

Notice of decision: 21/06/2021

18/06/2021 - Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1982 - Street Trading

Subject to above to agree new Street Trading Policy.


Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision due date: 02/02/2022

Lead officer: Rachel Jackson

Notice of decision: 21/06/2021

01/06/2021 - Little Shelford Village Design Guide Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)

A draft little Shelford Village Design Guide SPD has been prepared by the local community. The Council has been asked to take it through the relevant processes to enable it to become an SPD.

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision due date: 06/09/2021

Wards affected: Shelford;

Lead officer: Alison Talkington, Hana Loftus

Notice of decision: 01/06/2021

31/03/2021 - Waterbeach Neighbourhood Plan

Adoption of neighbourhood plan after successful referendum.

Decision Maker: Council

Decision due date: 23/09/2021

Lead officer: Alison Talkington

Notice of decision: 31/03/2021

02/06/2011 - Service Plans 2012/13

Decision Maker: Lead Cabinet Member for Environmental Services and Licensing, Finance and Staffing Portfolio Holder, Lead Cabinet member for Housing, Leader of Council, , Northstowe and New Communities Portfolio Holder's Meeting, Northstowe and New Communities Portfolio Holder, Policy and Performance Portfolio Holder

Decision due date: 17/04/2012

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Mike Hill