Main Purpose of Role
To take a leading role in ensuring that the Council’s systems of corporate governance, risk management and internal control remain robust, and that the Committee raises issues of concern with Council and Cabinet where necessary.
Duties and Responsibilities
To Chair and manage the
business of the committee in an efficient manner, ensuring
effective engagement by all members.
To provide leadership and
direction for the committee.
To determine priorities in
the light of the volume of work presented to the
To ensure that the
Committee successfully achieves its objectives set within its Terms
of Reference, specifically:
· To ensure the Committee carries out timely and in-depth reviews of the Council’s corporate governance, risk management and internal control arrangements such that it is able to provide assurance that these arrangements are sound;
· To ensure that the Committee makes appropriate recommendations to Cabinet and Council regarding matters of concern, and that it monitors recommendations to ensure that they are implemented as agreed.
To command the respect and confidence of the
Council in relation to matters of corporate governance.
To sign and date the Statement of
Accounts to
represent completion ofthe Council’s approval process of the
annual accounts; to ensure that the annual corporate governance
statement meets the requirements expected by the relevant guidance,
and to act as member champion for the Council’s risk
management strategy.
To maintain effective working relationships
and links with the Vice-Chairman and members of the committee, the
Leader of the Council and other relevant members, the Chief
Executive, Chief Finance Officer and other relevant
To maintain effective working relationships
with the Council’s external auditors, and to ensure that the
Committee contributes fully to the agreement of annual programmes
of work.
To maintain an overview of best practice in
the field of corporate governance (as exhibited in the CIPFA /
SOLACE framework) and to ensure that this is reflected in the
Council’s local code of corporate governance.
To bring forward suggestions for member
training and development in relation to corporate governance
To represent, by virtue of his / her
position, the Council and committee on relevant external bodies and
events as required.
The tasks and duties outlined in this role description relate to the activities of the postholders within the political structures of the Council. Accountability for the postholders’ performance is to the Council.