Issue details

Housing Market Assessment for the Cambridge Sub-Region

Agree to the immediate joint commissioning of a sub-Regional Housing Market Assessment instead of a local project and to agree that this is an inescapable commitment for expenditure in the next 3 financial years. This will enable the Council to benefit from the economies of scale of a joint project with other authorities, it is likely to attract funding from other government agencies, and it will comply with the emerging government specification for future Housing Market Assessments.

Decision type: Key

Reason Key: Significant to Locality, Council or Services;

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Decision due: 14 November 2007 by Growth and Sustainable Communities Portfolio Holder, Housing and Environmental Services Portfolio Holder

Lead member: Growth and Sustainable Communities Portfolio Holder, Housing and Environmental Services Portfolio Holder

Department: Executive Director - Operational Services

Contact: Mike Knight, Housing Strategy Manager Email: Tel: 01954 713353, Keith Miles, Planning Policy Manager Email: Tel: 01954 713181.


The project has been developed in consultation with all of the authorities in the sub-Region and relevant government agencies, via the Cambridge sub-Region Affordable and Social Housing Group (CRASH). 

Consideration by SMT / EMT: Joint Housing and Planning & Economic Development Portfolio Holder decision


Agenda items
