Issue details

Capital Strategy and Asset Management Plan 2007/08

To approve the refreshed Capital Strategy, Asset Management Plan and associated Core Data.


Delegated by Cabinet on 21 July 2003 (item 10) to the Resources and Staffing Portfolio Holder. 

Decision type: Key

Reason Key: Significant to Locality, Council or Services;

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Decision due: 29 November 2007 by Resources Portfolio Holder

Given delegated powers by Cabinet on 21 July 2003 - item 10

Lead member: Resources Portfolio Holder

Lead director: Chief Executive

Department: (All Services)

Contact: Brent O'Halloran, Property Services Manager Email: brent.o' Tel: 01954 71, Graham Smith, Management Accountant Email: Tel: 01954 713126.



Consideration by SMT / EMT: Portfolio Holder decision


Agenda items
