Issue details

Consultation response to the emerging Water Resources Regional Plan for Eastern England

The purpose of this decision is to agree the  response to the emerging Water Resources Regional Plan for Eastern England, set out at Appendix 1 to this decision.


Water Resources East (WRE) are carrying out consultation on the emerging Water Resources Regional Plan between 17th January and 28th February 2022.  WRE are planning for sustainable and resilient water resources for the next 50 years and beyond.  The Water Resources Management Plans produced by the water companies in this region will need to be in line with the Regional Plan.


For further information, see the emerging Regional Plan, the non-technical summary and the WRE press release.


The Regional Plan will be a key document for the Greater Cambridge Local Plan.  In the First Proposals, the Councils were clear that the preferred option for growth was contingent on there being evidence as the plan progresses that an adequate water supply would be available to meet the development needs identified without unacceptable environmental harm.  Therefore, it is important that the Councils put forward their views on the emerging Regional Plan and the potential solutions to providing water supply in the future.


This is the first consultation on the regional plan.  It sets out the scale of the water deficit in the region and the reasons for this, which relate to growth, climate change, the needs of the agri-food and energy sectors, and an increasing allocation for the natural environment.  The plan focuses on:

·         Demand management including reducing leakage and per capita consumption.

·         New sources of water supply including large infrastructure options (>10 Megalitres/day (Ml/d)) such as reservoirs, transfer, desalination, effluent re-use.

·         ‘Local’ non-water company and smaller (<10Ml/d) water company infrastructure projects and schemes.

·         Possible water innovations and exemplars which could be supported or facilitated.


Appendix 1 sets out the proposed responses to the questions posed by WRE in the consultation.  The purpose of this decision is to agree the responses so that they can be submitted before the deadline as a joint response from Cambridge City Council and South Cambridgeshire District Council.


WRE will use the results of the consultation to develop the Draft Plan which will be subject to another round of consultation in Autumn 2022 and the final plan is expected in 2023.  Officers are also carrying out ongoing engagement with WRE, the water companies and the Environment Agency to support the development of the Local Plan.

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Notice of proposed decision first published: 22/02/2022

Decision due: 22 February 2022 by Lead Cabinet member for Planning

Lead member: Lead Cabinet member for Planning

Lead director: Joint Director for Planning and Economic Development

Department: Greater Cambridge Shared Planning

Contact: Jonathan Dixon, Planning Policy Manager Email: Tel: 01954 713194.



Purpose of Report: 1. The full emerging water resources regional plan 2. The non-technical summary of the emerging water resources regional plan 3. The WRE press release for the emerging water resources regional plan


Agenda items
