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Arts Development Advisory Group
Audit and Corporate Governance Committee
Audit Panel
Business and Customer Services Portfolio Holder's
Cambridge City and South Cambridgeshire Local Stra
Cambridge City Fringes Joint Committee
Cambridge East Joint Member Reference Group
Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority
Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Joint Strategic Pl
Choice-Based Lettings Advisory Group
Civic Affairs Committee
Climate and Environment Advisory Committee
Climate Change Working Group
Community Services Portfolio Holder's Meeting
Community Well-Being Select Committee
Community, Arts and Sports Advisory Group
Conservation and Design Advisory Group
Conservation Committee
Council - Local Plan Special Meeting
Customer Service and Business Improvement Portfoli
Development and Conservation Control (Advisory) Co
Development and Conservation Control Committee (se
Development and Conservation Control Sub-Committee
Economic Development Portfolio Holder's meeting (a
Economic Development Portfolio Holder's Meeting (d
Electoral Arrangements Committee
Employment and Staffing Committee
Environment Select Committee
Environmental Services and Health Committee
Environmental Services and Licensing Portfolio Hol
Environmental Services Portfolio Holder's Meeting
Finance and Staffing Portfolio Holder's Meeting
Finance Portfolio Holder Meeting
Finance Portfolio Holder's Meeting
Finance, Resources and Staffing Committee
General Purposes Committee
Grants Advisory Committee
Greater Cambridge City Deal Shadow Board
Greater Cambridge Partnership Executive Board
Greater Cambridge Partnership Joint Assembly
Greater Cambridge Partnership Portfolio Holder's M
Growth and Sustainable Communities / Planning Serv
Gypsy and Traveller Development Plan Document Memb
Health and Wellbeing Portfolio Holder Meeting
Health Improvement Advisory Group
Housing and Environmental Services Portfolio Holde
Housing Committee
Housing Engagement Board
Housing for Older People Advisory Group
Housing Futures Working Group
Housing Options Portfolio Holder's Meeting
Housing Options Working Group
Housing Portfolio Holder's Meeting
Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Ad
Joint Development Control Committee (administered
Joint Development Control Committee: Cambridge Fri
Joint Local Planning Advisory Group
Land Drainage Advisory Group
Leader's Portfolio Meeting
Library Access
Licensing (2003 Act) Sub-Committee
Licensing (2005 Gambling Act) Sub-Committee
Licensing Appeals Sub-Committee
Licensing Committee
Licensing Committee (2003 Act)
Licensing Committee (2005 Gambling Act)
Licensing Sub-Committee
Milton Country Park Advisory Group
New Communities Portfolio Holder's Meeting
Northstowe and New Communities Portfolio Holder's
Northstowe Development Trust Working Group
Northstowe Joint Development Control Committee
Northstowe Member Steering Group
Northstowe Portfolio Holder's Meeting
Parish Council Monthly Bulletin
Parish Council Standards Sub-Committee
Partnerships Review Committee
Personnel, Resources & Communications Select Commi
Planning and Economic Development Portfolio Holder
Planning and Housing Select Committee
Planning and New Communities Joint Portfolio Holde
Planning Committee
Planning Committee - Planning Development Control
Planning Committee - Planning Policy
Planning Enforcement Sub-Committee
Planning Policy Advisory Group
Planning Policy and Localism Portfolio Holder's Me
Planning Portfolio Holder's Meeting
Planning Portfolio Holder's Meeting (archive)
Planning Sub-Committee
Policy and Performance Portfolio Holder's Meeting
Policy Development Committee
Policy, Improvement and Communications Portfolio H
Resources Portfolio Holder's Meeting
Scrutiny and Overview Committee
Shadow Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Combined Auth
South Cambridgeshire Local Strategic Partnership B
South Cambs Community Safety Partnership
Staffing and Communications Portfolio Holder's Mee
Staffing Portfolio Holder's Meeting
Standards Committee
Standards Committee Hearing Panel
Strategic Planning Portfolio Holder's Meeting
Sustainability, Planning and Climate Change Portfo
Sustainability, Procurement and Efficiency Portfol
Sustainable Energy Committee
Transformation Committee
Travellers Consultative Group
Waste Management Advisory Group
Weekly Bulletin
Disclosable Non Registerable Interest
Disclosable Pecuniary Interest
Non Pecuniary
Non-disclosable pecuniary interest
Non-Registerable Interest
Other Registrable Interest
Personal and Prejudicial
Potential Conflict
Atkins, Cllr Michael Atkins
Batchelor, Cllr Henry Batchelor
Batchelor, Cllr John Batchelor
Bearpark, Cllr Paul Bearpark
Bhattacharya, Cllr Dr Shrobona Bhattacharya
Bradnam, Cllr Anna Bradnam
Bygott, Cllr Tom Bygott
Cahn, Cllr Ariel Cahn
Cahn, Cllr Dr Martin Cahn
Cone, Cllr Graham Cone
Drew, Cllr Stephen Drew
Earle, Cllr Libby Earle
Ellington, Cllr Sue Ellington
Fane, Cllr Peter Fane
Garvie, Cllr Corinne Garvie
Hales, Cllr Jose Hales
Handley, Cllr Bill Handley
Hansraj, Cllr Sunita Hansraj
Hart, Cllr Sally Ann Hart
Harvey, Cllr Geoff Harvey
Hawkins, Cllr Dr Tumi Hawkins
Heylings, Cllr Pippa Heylings
Hobro, Cllr Dr James Hobro
Hofman, Cllr Carla Hofman
Howell, Cllr Mark Howell
Jackson-Wood, Cllr William Jackson-Wood
Leeming, Cllr Helene Leeming
Lentell, Cllr Daniel Lentell
McDonald, Cllr Peter McDonald
Milnes, Cllr Brian Milnes
Nieto, Cllr Lina Nieto
Osborne, Cllr Annika Osborne
Redrup, Cllr Dr Lisa Redrup
Rippeth, Cllr Judith Rippeth
Rixon, Cllr James Rixon
Sandford, Cllr Peter Sandford
Smith, Cllr Bridget Smith
Stobart, Cllr Richard Stobart
van de Ven, Cllr Dr Susan van de Ven
Van de Weyer, Cllr Dr Aidan Van de Weyer
Warren-Green, Cllr Natalie Warren-Green
Waters, Cllr Bunty Waters
Williams, Cllr Heather Williams
Williams, Cllr John Williams
Williams, Cllr Dr Richard Williams
Wilson, Cllr Eileen Wilson
There are no declarations of interest on this record for the period