Outside body

Cambridge and District Citizens' Advice Bureau Management Committee Trustee Board


Trustee Board

Structure, Governance and Management


Governing document:

The bureau is a charitable company limited by guarantee, incorporated on 26 April 1996 and registered as a charity on 13 June 1996. The company is established under a Memorandum of Association which identifies its objects and powers and is governed under its Articles of Association. In the event of the company being wound up, every member (including members who ceased to be members within one year prior to such winding up) would be required to contribute to the company’s assets an amount not exceeding £1.


Induction and training of trustees:

New trustees are provided with an ‘Induction Pack’ covering such topics as legal status and governance, structure, organisation and staffing, finances, policy and strategy. In addition, to familiarise themselves with the charity and the context within which it operates, new trustees are invited and encouraged to attend training courses organised by the Citizens Advice East Region and to attend specialised training where it is considered to be appropriate.


Trustees who are members of sub-committees are offered training and refresher courses on issues such as appraisal processes, legal updates on key employment and volunteer law, updates on charity finance and other changes that may be of relevance to the functions they carry out.


A record of all staff and volunteers training is maintained and reviewed annually to assess the skills base of the organisation and Trustee Board.


Organisational structure:

A table detailing membership of the Trustee Board is available for download.


The organisation has role descriptions for the trustees, the chairman, the vice chairmen, the honorary treasurer and the company secretary and these are all discussed as part of the induction process and reviewed from time to time.


The organisation has an Operations Committee, a Staff / Personnel Committee and an Appeals Committee and currently has two working groups (Risk Management and Property). Each of these report to the Trustee Board. The Chief Executive attends all meetings of the sub committees and of the working groups.


Composition and functions of the sub committees:

1.                  Operations Committee: Budgets / end of year accounts / projects / contracts strategic and business planning / salaries.  There is a standing invitation to all Board Members to attend the meetings of this committee if they so wish.


2.                  Staff / Personnel: Staff and volunteer appointments/terms and conditions and other personnel functions / annual review of personnel matters and appraisals.


3.                  Appeals Committee: To process disciplinary and grievance issues at the appropriate stage of the procedure.


Composition and function of the two working groups:

1.                  Risk Management: Function – to analyse annually the risks and the time scales/budgets for taking action on such matters as health and safety.


2.                  Property Working Group: Function – to review, monitor and make recommendations on all aspects of the bureau’s property leasing and development (including the Advice Hub).


The Chief Executive Officer is responsible to the Trustee Board:

·                      For the management development and strategic planning of the Cambridge CAB services.


·                      To show vision and leadership in the continuing development of Cambridge CAB thus ensuring it remains one of the leading advice centres in the United Kingdom


·                      To serve and advise the Board of Directors in carrying out their responsibilities, in maintaining an overview of the organisation and in making appropriate strategic, policy and financial decisions.


The Chief Executive Officer post is the most senior staff post. The focus of the post is on the overall strategic elements of management including forward planning, external relations, ensuring that the bureau complies with Citizens Advice aims, policies and quality standards, public accountability, personnel, finance, funding and the raising of resources.


All the above duties and responsibilities must be carried out in compliance with Equal Opportunities practice, policies and legislation.


More specific management responsibilities may be delegated as appropriate.



SCDC can appoint only one alternate, although if, for any reason he / she is unable to attend, another person can be quickly appointed in their place.  An alternate can speak at a meeting but does not have the right to vote.

Contact information

Rachel Talbot, Chief Executive
Email:&nbsp;<a href="mailto:racheltalbot@cambridgecab.org.uk">racheltalbot@cambridgecab.org.uk</a>

Cambridge Citizens' Advice Bureau
72-74 Newmarket Road

Phone: 01223 222660

Fax: 01223 222661

Our representatives