Attendance summary

Explanation of the statistics columns

The number of meetings that the councillor was expected to attend in their capacity as member of that committee. This includes meetings only for which the councillor's actual attendance status is known..
The number of meetings that the councillor attended in his or her capacity as member of that committee..
Present, virtual
The number of meetings that the councillor attended virtually in their capacity as member of that committee.
Present as substitute
The number of meetings that the councillor attended in place of a committee member who could not attend..
Present, as substitute, virtual
The number of meetings that the councillor attended virtually in place of a committee member who could not attend.
In attendance
The number of meetings that the councillor attended in a capacity other than committee member, for example, a voluntary attendance out of personal interest or the local member for a topic being discussed..
In attendance, virtual
The number of meetings that the councillor attended virtually in a capacity other than committee member, for example a voluntary attendance out of personal interest for a topic being discussed.
Councillor Expected Present Present, virtual Present as substitute Present as substitute, virtual In attendance In attendance, virtual
Cllr Michael Atkins6500000
Cllr Henry Batchelor4300000
Cllr John Batchelor5400010
Cllr Paul Bearpark7700000
Cllr Dr Shrobona Bhattacharya6400000
Cllr Anna Bradnam9901010
Cllr Tom Bygott7500000
Cllr Ariel Cahn9901000
Cllr Dr Martin Cahn10802000
Cllr Graham Cone7500000
Cllr Stephen Drew6400000
Cllr Libby Earle6500000
Cllr Sue Ellington121100000
Cllr Peter Fane9700110
Cllr Corinne Garvie6402000
Cllr Jose Hales10600000
Cllr Bill Handley141100010
Cllr Sunita Hansraj12800000
Cllr Sally Ann Hart7400000
Cllr Geoff Harvey11400010
Cllr Dr Tumi Hawkins111000000
Cllr Pippa Heylings5200000
Cllr Dr James Hobro6500000
Cllr Carla Hofman2100000
Cllr Mark Howell8601000
Cllr William Jackson-Wood4100000
Cllr Helene Leeming9800000
Cllr Daniel Lentell3300000
Cllr Peter McDonald5300000
Cllr Brian Milnes5500020
Cllr Lina Nieto4200000
Cllr Annika Osborne3200000
Cllr Dr Lisa Redrup101002000
Cllr Judith Rippeth6200000
Cllr Peter Sandford211800000
Cllr Bridget Smith6500020
Cllr Richard Stobart10900000
Cllr Dr Susan van de Ven4400000
Cllr Dr Aidan Van de Weyer7400000
Cllr Natalie Warren-Green5500000
Cllr Bunty Waters6300000
Cllr Heather Williams11801000
Cllr John Williams7700030
Cllr Dr Richard Williams7700000
Cllr Eileen Wilson5200000