Decision details

Grants to Mobile Warden Schemes 2017-18

Decision Maker: Lead Cabinet member for Housing

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: Yes


The purpose of this decision is to allocate grants to a number of Mobile/Community Warden Schemes as part of the Council’s scheme of grants to the voluntary sector.


Mobile and Community Wardens Schemes (sometimes called Community Care Schemes) exist in South Cambridgeshire to support older people to live independently in their homes and in the community they know, and which knows them.


The warden schemes are complementary to statutory care services and do not duplicate or replace the medical or social care services that individuals may also require.  They can help to combat loneliness and social isolation and can provide significant benefits to clients at relatively low cost. They are seen by clients and their families as a vital community-based service.


South Cambridgeshire District Council has been providing grant funding to Mobile and Community Warden Schemes for many years.  Until this year, the grant application process has run from December to January. This year it was put forward and has run from October to December.


To award the Mobile Warden Schemes the grant funding for 2016-17 as per table 1 below.


To support a valuable community led service within each of these wards/villages in keeping with the Council’s aims and objectives.


The decision to award the grants as per Table 1 was made taking into consideration the amount of grant requested, the fees charged by each scheme to the client, the number of clients each scheme supports at any one time, income and expenditure for the previous year and the finances of each scheme.



Grant Awarded 2017-18(£)

Amount requested for 2017-18 (£)


Cottenham Mobile Warden scheme


A contribution towards total costs of £7472

Slightly more was allocated to this scheme than in 2016-17 given that slightly more funding per scheme was available and the scheme  circumstances were similar to the previous year.

Harston & District Village Warden scheme



Slightly more was allocated to this scheme than in 2016-17 given that slightly more funding per scheme was available and the scheme  circumstances were similar to the previous year.

Haslingfield Community Warden scheme



Same funding as last year, given the good reserves this scheme has.

Histon & Impington Community Warden scheme (Age UK)



More was allocated than in the previous year in recognition of the increased numbers of clients the scheme is catering for.

Linton Community Warden scheme (Age UK)



Slightly more was allocated to this scheme than in 2016-17 given that slightly more funding per scheme was available and the scheme  circumstances were similar to the previous year

Melbourn Mobile Warden scheme



Slightly more was allocated to this scheme than in 2016-17 given that slightly more funding per scheme was available and the scheme  circumstances were similar to the previous year

Milton Community Care scheme



Slightly more was allocated to this scheme than in 2016-17 given that slightly more funding per scheme was available and the scheme  circumstances were similar to the previous year

The Mordens & Litlington Mobile Warden scheme


A contribution towards total costs of £8385

Slightly more was allocated to this scheme than in 2016-17 given that slightly more funding per scheme was available and the scheme  circumstances were similar to the previous year

‘Small villages’* Community Warden scheme (Age UK)

*Balsham, Western Colville, West Wratting, Horseheath, West Wickham, Castle Camps and Shudy Camps



Same funding as last year, just under that requested.

Swavesey Community Warden scheme (Age UK)



Same funding as last year, slightly less than requested.

Teversham Community Warden scheme (Age UK)



As requested.






Reasons for the decision:


Slightly more was allocated to this scheme than in 2016-17 given that slightly more funding per scheme was available and the scheme  circumstances were similar to the previous year.

Slightly more was allocated to this scheme than in 2016-17 given that slightly more funding per scheme was available and the scheme  circumstances were similar to the previous year.

Same funding as last year, given the good reserves this scheme has.

More was allocated than in the previous year in recognition of the increased numbers of clients the scheme is catering for.

Slightly more was allocated to this scheme than in 2016-17 given that slightly more funding per scheme was available and the scheme  circumstances were similar to the previous year

Slightly more was allocated to this scheme than in 2016-17 given that slightly more funding per scheme was available and the scheme  circumstances were similar to the previous year

Slightly more was allocated to this scheme than in 2016-17 given that slightly more funding per scheme was available and the scheme  circumstances were similar to the previous year

Slightly more was allocated to this scheme than in 2016-17 given that slightly more funding per scheme was available and the scheme  circumstances were similar to the previous year

Same funding as last year, just under that requested.

Same funding as last year, slightly less than requested.

As requested.



Alternative options considered:

Option 1: To not award funding to any/all of the schemes applying for funding.


This option was rejected due to the valuable work that the schemes do in the District.  The schemes provided the information required to satisfy the grant criteria as part of the application process.


Option 2: To award all of the schemes the funding they requested in the application form. 


This option was rejected due to the total amount of grant requested exceeding the total grant allocation within the budget of £19250.

Publication date: 09/02/2017

Date of decision: 09/02/2017

Effective from: 17/02/2017