Decision details

HRA Reforms - Verbal Update from Stephen Hills

Decision Maker: Lead Cabinet member for Housing, Council, Cabinet, Housing Portfolio Holder's Meeting

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: No


The purpose of this decision is to respond to the consultation prospectus on the government’s proposal to replace the Housing Revenue Account (HRA) Subsidy System, which offered this authority to take on £197 million of debt incurred by other councils, in return for which the authority would be able to retain 100% of housing rent collected locally.


The Housing Portfolio Holder


1.     declined the Tenant Participation Group’s request for funding amounting to about £9,000  (nine thousand pounds), which would have been used to canvass tenants about their views about Stock Transfer, given that there is no political support from councillors for a new stock transfer process.


2.     Requested that Officers continue to work with the Tenant Participation Group to ensure that the group can become more representative, and democratically accountable to all South Cambridgeshire tenants and that a report setting out the options is brought back to the Portfolio Holder for consideration before the end of 2011.

Publication date: 18/03/2011

Date of decision: 16/03/2011

Decided at meeting: 16/03/2011 - Housing Portfolio Holder's Meeting