Issue - meetings

City Deal Forward Plan

Meeting: 01/09/2016 - Greater Cambridge Partnership Executive Board (Item 7)

7 City Deal Forward Plan pdf icon PDF 133 KB

To consider the attached City Deal Forward Plan.


The Executive Board NOTED the Forward Plan.


The Executive Board considered its Forward Plan.


Tanya Sheridan, City Deal Programme Director, presented the document and highlighted that the ‘Western Orbital – consultation results’ item, scheduled for consideration by the Board at its meeting on 10 November 2016, would include an update on the M11 Junction 11 work.  An item on the Smart Cambridge project would also be considered at that meeting.


Councillor Francis Burkitt referred to the item regarding the selection of preferred options for Cambourne to Cambridge, scheduled for consideration at the meeting of the Board on 13 October 2016.  He asked whether at that meeting the Board would be asked to make a decision on a preferred option.  Graham Hughes, Executive Director of Economy, Transport and Environment at Cambridgeshire County Council, was not in a position to be able to answer the question but agreed to consult with his team.


Regarding the item on skills, Councillor Burkitt was of the understanding that reports would be presented back to the Board on a quarterly cycle rather than six-monthly as set out in the Forward Plan.  Councillor Herbert expressed his concern with reports submitted back to the Board on a quarterly basis, which he felt was too frequent, and agreed to discuss this issue with Councillor Burkitt outside of the meeting.


Councillor Burkitt referred to a letter he had sent to all District Councillors and Parish Council Chairmen and Clerks regarding bus hubs and intended to bring a report, for information, to the meeting of the Executive Board on 10 November 2016.  In addition, he had identified other items for scheduling into the Forward Plan for future meetings of the Board, as follows:


·         update on the cross-city cycling project;

·         update on the Cambridge City greenways project;

·         residents’ parking in Cambridge and liaison with Councils;

·         Park and Ride improvements;

·         a City Deal Annual Report for the 2016/17 year.


Tanya Sheridan noted these suggestions and reported that the items on residents’ parking and Park and Ride sites would be included as part of the Cambridge access and congestion item scheduled to be considered by the Board at its meeting on 25 January 2017


The Executive Board NOTED the Forward Plan.

Meeting: 25/08/2016 - Greater Cambridge Partnership Joint Assembly (Item 6)

6 City Deal Forward Plan pdf icon PDF 133 KB

To consider the attached City Deal Forward Plan.


The Joint Assembly NOTED the Forward Plan.


Tanya Sheridan, City Deal Programme Director, presented the City Deal Forward Plan.


It was noted that the Chisholm Trail decision item scheduled for the September 2016 meeting may be delayed as it was dependant on the timing of the determination of the respective planning application.


The Joint Assembly NOTED the Forward Plan.