Agenda, decisions and minutes

Council - Thursday, 27 November 2008 2.00 p.m.

Venue: Council Chamber - South Cambs Hall. View directions

Contact: Richard May  01954 713016

No. Item


Prior to the formal start of the meeting, the Chairman presented Georgina Hayward, Communications Manager, with a Diploma from the Chartered Institute of Public Relations, a qualification in which Miss Hayward had recently achieved a merit. Council joined the Chairman in congratulating Miss Hayward on this impressive achievement.  




Councillors NN Cathcart, Mrs SJO Doggett, Mrs DP Roberts and NJ Scarr declared personal non-prejudicial interests in Agenda item 8(c) (Housing futures – developing the offer to tenants) as members of the lobby group ‘South Cambridgeshire Against Transfer’. Given that the interests were not prejudicial, and in accordance with the Council’s Code of Conduct  for Councillors, they remained in the meeting and took part in the discussions and voting.


Councillors NCF Bolitho, RE Barrett, Mrs EM Heazell and PW Topping declared personal non-prejudicial interests in Agenda item 8(c) (Housing futures – developing the offer to tenants) as members of the Shadow Housing Board. Given that the interests were not prejudicial, and in accordance with the Council’s Code of Conduct for Councillors, they remained in the meeting and took part in the discussions and voting.


Councillor RT Summerfield declared a personal non-prejudicial interest in Agenda item 8(c) (Housing futures – developing the offer to tenants) on the grounds that his mother-in-law was a resident on a sheltered housing scheme. Given that the interest was not prejudicial, and in accordance with the Council’s Code of Conduct for Councillors, he remained in the meeting and took part in the discussions and voting.


Councillor Ms FAR Amrani declared a personal non-prejudicial interest in Agenda item 8(c) (Housing futures – developing the offer to tenants) on the grounds that her brother was a tenant of the Council. Given that the interest was not prejudicial, and in accordance with the Council’s Code of Conduct for Councillors, she remained in the meeting and took part in the discussions and voting.


Councillor RE Barrett declared a personal non-prejudicial interest in Agenda item 8(c) (Housing futures – developing the offer to tenants) on the grounds that his daughter was a Council tenant. Given that the interest was not prejudicial, and in accordance with the Council’s Code of Conduct for Councillors, he remained in the meeting and took part in the discussions and voting.


MINUTES pdf icon PDF 304 KB

To authorise the Chairman to sign the Minutes of the meeting held on 25 September 2008 as a correct record (attached).


Council RESOLVED that the Minutes of the meeting held on 25 September 2008 be approved as a correct record, subject to clarification of the wording of the Supplementary question asked by Councillor D de Lacey under Minute 45(e) to read as follows:


‘By way of a Supplementary question, Councillor de Lacey asked how many of the Members and officers who had produced the plan had set an example by cycling to the meeting.’  




There were no announcements. 



To advise of the outcome of the by-election for the Teversham Ward held on Thursday 20 November 2008. 


Council congratulated Councillor Frances Amrani on her election to the Council at the by-election for the Teversham Ward held on 20 November 2008.


The Chairman thanked former Councillor Caroline Hunt, holder of the seat until her recent resignation, for her hard work during her time period of service on the Council, and wished Mrs. Hunt well in her future plans.  




From Councillor CR Nightingale to the Planning Portfolio Holder

Please will the Portfolio Holder support me in requesting that a Section 215 Amenity Notice be placed on Sites on Orchard Park and Cambourne where work has stopped, specifically to ensure that all site safety fencing and access paving is completed to allow access to all completed properties, and to leave all sites safe, clean and tidy?  


Councillor CR Nightingale asked the Planning Portfolio Holder the following question:


Please will the Portfolio Holder support me in requesting that a Section 215 Amenity Notice be placed on Sites on Orchard Park and Cambourne where work has stopped, specifically to ensure that all site safety fencing and access paving is completed to allow access to all completed properties, and to leave all sites safe, clean and tidy?


Councillor Dr DR Bard, New Communities Portfolio Holder, advised that an action plan had been agreed with the Cambridgeshire County Council, Cambridgeshire Horizons and developer. Actions within the plan were time-limited and, whilst the Council reserved the right to use Section 215 powers, its preference was to work in partnership to address the issues raised in the question.


From Councillor VG Ford to the Environmental Services Portfolio Holder

Given the falling commodity prices for both recyclable plastics and paper,

please could the Portfolio Holder provide an update on whether the Council faces

a potential shortfall in budget or increase in cost for 2008/9 or 2009/10?


Councillor VG Ford asked the Environmental Services Portfolio Holder the following question:


Given the falling commodity prices for both recyclable plastics and paper,

please could the Portfolio Holder provide an update on whether the Council faces

a potential shortfall in budget or increase in cost for 2008/9 or 2009/10?


Councillor Mrs SM Ellington, Environmental Services Portfolio Holder, advised that the current economic downturn was having an effect on the market value of recyclable plastics and paper. The Council had, however, negotiated an inclusive contract in which its contractor bore the risk from any price fluctuations. As such, the anticipated impact on the budget was minimal, however officers continued to monitor the situation in case future action was required.


By way of a Supplementary question, Councillor Ford requested an update on the performance of the plastics recycling service since its introduction.


The Portfolio Holder advised that the project had been delivered on time and within budget and specification; for this, congratulations were due to all the officers concerned. To date, 92.47 tonnes had been collected, an increase of 389% on the 2007 total. Councillor Mrs. Ellington reported that the plastics recycling initiative had had a positive effect on the percentages of other recyclable materials collected.


From Councillor Mrs HM Smith to the Housing Portfolio Holder

Given that Peterborough City Council is reducing the required percentage of affordable housing to get development moving, can the Portfolio Holder tell us what the Council is doing to encourage the development of affordable housing in the area, without losing the high percentage of affordable housing needed here which is written into our Local Development Framework? Equity share houses are going to be more difficult for people to afford. If they are expected to bring in funding for affordable housing to subsidise the social rented houses, how does the Housing Portfolio Holder envisage those houses being financed? How can the Council encourage more private rented housing in the area?


Councillor Mrs HM Smith asked the Housing Portfolio Holder the following question:


Given that Peterborough City Council is reducing the required percentage of affordable housing to get development moving, can the Portfolio Holder tell us what the Council is doing to encourage the development of affordable housing in the area, without losing the high percentage of affordable housing needed here which is written into our Local Development Framework? Equity share houses are going to be more difficult for people to afford. If they are expected to bring in funding for affordable housing to subsidise the social rented houses, how does the Housing Portfolio Holder envisage those houses being financed? How can the Council encourage more private rented housing in the area?


Councillor Dr DR Bard, New Communities Portfolio Holder, answered the question as the issues raised within fell primarily within his portfolio. He advised that the current construction downturn was affecting all local authorities with significant development pressures, however the Council’s growth agenda was a long-term programme during which 2-3 economic cycles were likely to be experienced. The Council had made provision in its Core Strategy to take account of this situation; moreover, not all developers were requesting that affordable housing percentages be revised.


The Portfolio Holder advised that the Council was working with Cambridgeshire Horizons and the Homes and Communities Agency (HCA) with a view to using rolling fund money to move priority part-developed sites to completion. He advised further that the HCA Regional Director would be joining the Horizons’ board and that he would provide further updates as the situation moved forward.


From Councillor SGM Kindersley to the New Communities Portfolio Holder

In the light of recent research showing this Authority was the 28th worst performer in the UK in terms of its carbon footprint, can we be advised (a) what immediate steps if any are being taken by the Administration to better our performance and (b) what steps are being taken in relation to the Development Agenda to ensure it does not impact adversely on climate change?  


Councillor SGM Kindersley asked the New Communities Portfolio Holder the following question:


In the light of recent research showing this Authority was the 28th worst performer in the UK in terms of its carbon footprint, can we be advised (a) what immediate steps if any are being taken by the Administration to better our performance and (b) what steps are being taken in relation to the Development Agenda to ensure it does not impact adversely on climate change?  


Councillor Dr DR Bard, New Communities Portfolio Holder, advised that the calculation of carbon footprint was an inexact science in which widely differing figures could be produced for the same region. Having said this, he accepted that the district had a high carbon footprint before identifying some principal reasons for this:


  • The A14 highway running through the district (this also contributed to Huntingdonshire District Council’s relatively high carbon footprint);
  • The district contained many isolated villages with poor public transport links. Dr Bard advised that he continued to lobby the county council to address this issue, and welcomed costed proposals for local bus services set out in a recent transport plan. He had requested the county council consider demand responsive public transport as an effective means of connecting isolated rural areas with key public transport hubs such as mainline railway stations.
  • High rates of business activity in a rural district. The Council was working with businesses to encourage them to reduce their carbon footprints through measures such as Travel-to-work plans and renewable energy sources, some of which could be funded through Section 106 developer contributions. Councillor Dr Bard anticipated that the district’s carbon footprint from business would reduce as a consequence of the present economic downturn.
  • The relatively high proportion of properties which were off the gas grid and therefore dependent on oil.


The Portfolio Holder outlined other measures being taken to reduce the district’s carbon footprint, drawing particular attention to the following:


·         The award of £200k Local Strategic Partnership funding to bring forward sustainable parish energy programmes to raise awareness of sustainability issues within local communities.

·         The requirement for developers to submit sustainability documents within planning applications covering key areas such as sustainable design and construction.

·         Provision within the proposed housing transfer offer to tenants to encourage improved energy efficiency.


By way of a supplementary question, Councillor Kindersley asked whether the Portfolio Holder considered the climate change action plan, referred to in the Council’s proposed aims, approaches and actions, to be sufficient in addressing the Council’s poor carbon footprint.


The Portfolio Holder advised that no document could in itself address these issues, however real progress would be achieved through the implementation of specific actions within the plan.


From Councillor R Hall to the Chairman of the Electoral Arrangements Committee

Considering that the Electoral Arrangements Committee accepted the recommendation of the Arbury Park Scrutiny Review that a new Parish Council for the development called the Orchard Park Community Council should be put in place as soon as possible, a recommendation confirmed by this Council on 25 September 2008, why have councillors only recently been informed that this is not possible before April next year?


Councillor R Hall asked the Chairman of the Electoral Arrangements Committee the following question:


Considering that the Electoral Arrangements Committee accepted the recommendation of the Arbury Park Scrutiny Review that a new Parish Council for the development called the Orchard Park Community Council should be put in place as soon as possible, a recommendation confirmed by this Council on 25 September 2008, why have councillors only recently been informed that this is not possible before April next year?


Councillor RJ Turner, Chairman of the Electoral Arrangements Committee, advised that the Committee, at the time it made a recommendation in respect of the creation of the Orchard Park Community Council, had access to incomplete legal advice. Since this meeting it had become apparent that the Council faced a high risk of challenge if it proceeded as previously planned, consequently a report had been brought to the current Council meeting recommending the changes necessary to the Reorganisation Order to delay the creation of the new parish until 2009. Councillor Turner apologised for the delay, and expressed the hope that the Council would assist the Impington Parish Council in dealing with the implications of the delay in any ways it was able.


From Councillor MJ Mason to the New Communities Portfolio Holder

Please could the New Communities Portfolio Holder:


(a)     Confirm that the Electoral Arrangements Section 106 contribution of £24,800 has now been claimed and received from the developer and that these monies will be properly used for expenditure directly related to the electoral review and not for other incidental items such the purchase of new software?

(b)    Give an undertaking that Council will reimburse Impington Parish Council for all expenditure, incurred as a direct result of the delay, and for the governance of the new community in the interim period to June 2009?

(c)    Confirm that the Principal Solicitor has now fully briefed the Chairman and members of Electoral Arrangements Committee of all the circumstances and implications of the delay in the creation of the new Parish?


Councillor MJ Mason asked the New Communities Portfolio Holder the following question:


Please could the New Communities Portfolio Holder:


(a)    Confirm that the Electoral Arrangements Section 106 contribution of £24,800 has now been claimed and received from the developer and that these monies will be properly used for expenditure directly related to the electoral review and not for other incidental items such the purchase of new software?

(b)    Give an undertaking that Council will reimburse Impington Parish Council for all expenditure, incurred as a direct result of the delay, and for the governance of the new community in the interim period to June 2009?

(c)    Confirm that the Principal Solicitor has now fully briefed the Chairman and members of Electoral Arrangements Committee of all the circumstances and implications of the delay in the creation of the new Parish?


Councillor Dr DR Bard, New Communities Portfolio Holder, answered Councillor Mason’s questions as follows:


(a)   This was the case.

(b)   The exact amount of expenditure to be incurred was not known at this stage, however the Council would be sympathetic to any requests from the parish council for the reimbursement of costs incurred as a direct result of the delay.

(c)   This was the case.



To note all petitions received since the last Council meeting.


No petitions had been submitted since the last meeting. 




Council Aims, Approaches and Actions (9 October 2008) pdf icon PDF 91 KB

Cabinet RECOMMENDED to Council:


A)           That the attached Aims, Approaches and Actions be adopted with effect from 1 April 2009;


B)          That the Corporate Plan, existing service plans and strategies based on the current Corporate Objectives remain in force until they would normally be revised;


C)          That, for the remainder of the current financial year, new and revised policies and strategies should be tested for compatibility with the Aims, Approaches and Actions agreed in (A) above, and also with the existing Corporate Objectives. 


The report and appendices considered by the Cabinet can be accessed using the following links to the Council’s website,


- Report

- Appendix


A hard copy of the papers is available to view in the Members’ Room. Please contact Democratic Services if you wish to obtain a hard copy – telephone (01954) 713016 e-mail




A)           That the Aims, Approaches and Actions set out in the report at Agenda pages 11-14 be adopted with effect from 1 April 2009;


B)          That the Corporate Plan, existing service plans and strategies based on the current Corporate Objectives remain in force until they would normally be revised;


C)          That, for the remainder of the current financial year, new and revised policies and strategies should be tested for compatibility with the Aims, Approaches and Actions agreed in (A) above, and also with the existing Corporate Objectives. 


Councillor RMA Manning moved, Councillor TJ Wotherspoon seconded and Council RESOLVED:


A)           That the Aims, Approaches and Actions set out in the report at Agenda pages 11-14 be adopted with effect from 1 April 2009;


B)          That the Corporate Plan, existing service plans and strategies based on the current Corporate Objectives remain in force until they would normally be revised;


C)          That, for the remainder of the current financial year, new and revised policies and strategies should be tested for compatibility with the Aims, Approaches and Actions agreed in (A) above, and also with the existing Corporate Objectives. 


Pay Award 2008/09 (13 November 2008)



(1)   That a 3% increase be implemented to conclude the annual pay negotiations (backdated 1 to April 2008).

(2)   That the matter of future negotiating frameworks be referred to the Staffing and Finance Portfolio Holders for consideration.


The report and appendix considered by the Cabinet can be accessed using the following links to the Council’s website,


- Report

 - Appendix


A hard copy of the papers is available to view in the Members’ Room. Alternatively, to obtain a hard copy, please contact Democratic Services, telephone (01954) 713016 e-mail




(1)   That a 3% increase be implemented to conclude the annual pay negotiations (backdated 1 to April 2008).

(2)   That the matter of future negotiating frameworks be referred to the Staffing and Finance Portfolio Holders for consideration.



Councillor RMA Manning moved, Councillor AG Orgee seconded and Council RESOLVED:


(1)   That a 3% increase be implemented to conclude the annual pay negotiations (backdated 1 to April 2008).

(2)   That the matter of future negotiating frameworks be referred to the Staffing and Finance Portfolio Holders for consideration.



Review of Medium Term Financial Strategy (13 November 2008) pdf icon PDF 39 KB

Cabinet RECOMMENDED TO COUNCIL that Option B, attached as Appendix 2, (with the amendment of the cost of the Aims, Approaches and Actions and Inescapable Bids, plus inflation for 2008/09 from £100,000 to £50,000) and the following assumptions, be approved as the basis for the Medium Term Financial Strategy and planning of the budget for 2009/10 onwards:


a)      the base budget and carry forward of expenditure approved for 2008/09 being rolled forward;

b)      an increase in pay inflation to 3% from 2.5% for 2008/09;

c)      inflation at 2.5% for 2009/10 onwards and increased employer’s pension contributions of 2.1% each year (cumulative) until 2010/11;

d)      from 2010/11 a further increase of 3% on the pay budget as an estimation of the effect of the pay and grading review;

e)      2.5% for non-pay budgets (officers are reviewing actual inflation requirements rather than applying the general increase to all budget areas.  This will lead to increases in some areas based on contract increases and inflation pressures, off-set by no increases in some budget headings);

f)        the substantial efficiency savings targets (of which some are still unidentified) will be achieved;

g)      the maintenance of debt free status;

h)      the continued use of capital receipts to finance capital expenditure not met by grants, contributions and reserves;

i)        formula grant increases from 2008/09 to 2010/11 based on the three year settlement.  From 2011/12 an estimated increase of 2.5%, plus allowance for growth at half the rate of increase in the tax base;

j)        a revised tax base, based on the current tax base growth in 2008/09 and taking into account the slow down in the housing market;

k)      no allowance for LABGI;

l)        increases of Council Tax at 4.9% per annum (at Band D);

m)   the Housing and Planning Delivery Grant will continue at the same level as the 2007/08 allocations, as the additional grant received in 2008/09 is unlikely to continue in future years.  The additional grant received will be used to offset the lower income projections for planning and land charges over the next few years contributing to a balanced budget.


The full report and appendices considered by Cabinet can be accessed using the following link to the Council's website, Item 5 refers. A hard copy of Appendix 2 is attached; hard copies of the full papers are available to view in the Members’ Room. Alternatively, to obtain a hard copy, please contact Democratic Services, telephone (01954) 713016 e-mail


Council RESOLVED that Option B, attached at agenda page 15, and the following assumptions, be approved as the basis for the Medium Term Financial Strategy and planning of the budget for 2009/10 onwards:


a)      The base budget and carry forward of expenditure approved for 2008/09 being rolled forward;

b)      An increase in pay inflation to 3% from 2.5% for 2008/09;

c)      Inflation at 2.5% for 2009/10 onwards and increased employer’s pension contributions of 2.1% each year (cumulative) until 2010/11;

d)      From 2010/11 a further increase of 3% on the pay budget as an estimation of the effect of the pay and grading review;

e)       2.5% for non-pay budgets (officers are reviewing actual inflation requirements rather than applying the general increase to all budget areas.  This will lead to increases in some areas based on contract increases and inflation pressures, off-set by no increases in some budget headings);

f)         The substantial efficiency savings targets (of which some are still unidentified) will be achieved;

g)      The maintenance of debt free status;

h)       The continued use of capital receipts to finance capital expenditure not met by grants, contributions and reserves;

i)        Formula grant increases from 2008/09 to 2010/11 based on the three year settlement.  From 2011/12 an estimated increase of 2.5%, plus allowance for growth at half the rate of increase in the tax base;

j)        A revised tax base, based on the current tax base growth in 2008/09 and taking into account the slow down in the housing market;

k)      No allowance for LABGI;

l)        Increases of Council Tax at 4.9% per annum (at Band D);

m)   The Housing and Planning Delivery Grant will continue at the same level as the 2007/08 allocations, as the additional grant received in 2008/09 is unlikely to continue in future years.  The additional grant received will be used to offset the lower income projections for planning and land charges over the next few years contributing to a balanced budget.


Councillor RMA Manning moved, Councillor AG Orgee seconded and Council RESOLVED that Option B, attached at agenda page 15, and the following assumptions, be approved as the basis for the Medium Term Financial Strategy and planning of the budget for 2009/10 onwards:


a)      The base budget and carry forward of expenditure approved for 2008/09 being rolled forward;

b)      An increase in pay inflation to 3% from 2.5% for 2008/09;

c)      Inflation at 2.5% for 2009/10 onwards and increased employer’s pension contributions of 2.1% each year (cumulative) until 2010/11;

d)      From 2010/11 a further increase of 3% on the pay budget as an estimation of the effect of the pay and grading review;

e)       2.5% for non-pay budgets (officers are reviewing actual inflation requirements rather than applying the general increase to all budget areas.  This will lead to increases in some areas based on contract increases and inflation pressures, off-set by no increases in some budget headings);

f)         The substantial efficiency savings targets (of which some are still unidentified) will be achieved;

g)      The maintenance of debt free status;

h)       The continued use of capital receipts to finance capital expenditure not met by grants, contributions and reserves;

i)        Formula grant increases from 2008/09 to 2010/11 based on the three year settlement.  From 2011/12 an estimated increase of 2.5%, plus allowance for growth at half the rate of increase in the tax base;

j)        A revised tax base, based on the current tax base growth in 2008/09 and taking into account the slow down in the housing market;

k)      No allowance for LABGI;

l)        Increases of Council Tax at 4.9% per annum (at Band D);

m)   The Housing and Planning Delivery Grant will continue at the same level as the 2007/08 allocations, as the additional grant received in 2008/09 is unlikely to continue in future years.  The additional grant received will be used to offset the lower income projections for planning and land charges over the next few years contributing to a balanced budget.


Councillor Mrs DP Roberts requested to be recorded as voting against the Motion.


Housing Futures: Developing the Council's Offer to tenants (13 November 2008)



(a)               That the Council seeks to make the best possible transfer offer to tenants by reflecting tenants’ aspirations as expressed through the extensive Housing Futures consultation activities, while having regard to the financial impact on the Council.


(b)               That the outline proposals set out in paragraph 33 of the report are fully supported as Cabinet considers that transfer to South Cambridgeshire Village Homes, a new local not for profit Housing Association, is in the best interests of the Council’s tenants.


(c)               That officers be instructed to develop the details of those proposals, in consultation with tenants, staff and the shadow board of South Cambridgeshire Village Homes for inclusion in the formal consultation (or ‘offer’) document for presentation to the Housing Portfolio Holder and Council early in 2009.


(d)               That the Council is prepared to consider reducing its places on the board of South Cambridgeshire Village Homes from five to three, in order to allow for a higher number of tenant board members, if principles from the Community Gateway Association model are incorporated in future.


(e)               That the Council supports in principle, a commitment that the housing transfer proposal should deliver an increase in the supply of affordable homes in the district’s villages.


The report and appendix considered by the Cabinet can be accessed using the following links to the Council’s website,


- Report

- Appendix


A hard copy of the papers is available to view in the Members’ Room. Alternatively, to obtain a hard copy, please contact Democratic Services, telephone (01954) 713016 e-mail




(a)               That the Council will make the best possible transfer offer to tenants by reflecting tenants’ aspirations as expressed through the extensive Housing Futures consultation activities, while having regard to the financial impact on the Council.


(b)               That the outline proposals set out in paragraph 33 of the report are supported as Cabinet considers that transfer to South Cambridgeshire Village Homes, a new local not for profit Housing Association, is in the best interests of the Council’s tenants.


(c)               That officers be instructed to develop the details of those proposals, in consultation with tenants, staff and the shadow board of South Cambridgeshire Village Homes for inclusion in the formal consultation (or ‘offer’) document for presentation to the Housing Portfolio Holder and Council early in 2009.


(d)               That the Council is prepared to consider reducing its places on the board of South Cambridgeshire Village Homes from five to three, in order to allow for a higher number of tenant board members, if principles from the Community Gateway Association model are incorporated in future.


(e)               That the Council supports in principle, a commitment that the housing transfer proposal should deliver an increase in the supply of affordable homes in the district’s villages.


Councillor SM Edwards moved and Councillor RMA Manning seconded the following recommendations of the Cabinet:


(a)               That the Council seeks to make the best possible transfer offer to tenants by reflecting tenants’ aspirations as expressed through the extensive Housing Futures consultation activities, while having regard to the financial impact on the Council.


(b)               That the outline proposals set out in paragraph 33 of the report are fully supported as Cabinet considers that transfer to South Cambridgeshire Village Homes, a new local not for profit Housing Association, is in the best interests of the Council’s tenants.


(c)               That officers be instructed to develop the details of those proposals, in consultation with tenants, staff and the shadow board of South Cambridgeshire Village Homes for inclusion in the formal consultation (or ‘offer’) document for presentation to the Housing Portfolio Holder and Council early in 2009.


(d)               That the Council is prepared to consider reducing its places on the board of South Cambridgeshire Village Homes from five to three, in order to allow for a higher number of tenant board members, if principles from the Community Gateway Association model are incorporated in future.


(e)               That the Council supports in principle, a commitment that the housing transfer proposal should deliver an increase in the supply of affordable homes in the district’s villages.


Councillor A Riley moved and Councillor D de Lacey seconded an amendment in the following terms (amendments marked in bold italics):


(a)   That the Council will  make the best possible transfer offer to tenants by reflecting tenants’ aspirations as expressed through the extensive Housing Futures consultation activities, while having regard to the financial impact on the Council.


(b)   That the outline proposals set out in paragraph 33 of the report are supported by Cabinet which considers that transfer to South Cambridgeshire Village Homes, a new local not for profit Housing Association, is in the best interests of the Council’s tenants.


(c)   That officers be instructed to develop the details of those proposals, in consultation with tenants, staff and the shadow board of South Cambridgeshire Village Homes for inclusion in the formal consultation (or ‘offer’) document for presentation to the Housing Portfolio Holder and Council early in 2009.


(d)   That the Council will reduce its places on the board of South Cambridgeshire Village Homes from five to three, in order to allow for a higher number of tenant board members, if principles from the Community Gateway Association model are incorporated in future.


(e)   That the Council supports a commitment that the housing transfer proposal should deliver an increase in the supply of affordable homes in the district’s villages.


In accordance with Standing Order 14.6(b), the proposer and seconder of the original Motion accepted the amendment to part (a), therefore part (a) stood altered accordingly.


In accordance with Standing Order 14.6(a), the Chairman did not allow the amendment to part (b) to be put on the grounds that, if passed, its effect would be to negate the original Motion.


The amendments to parts (d)  ...  view the full minutes text for item 59d




Recruitment of additional Independent Member to the Standards Committee (24 September 2008)

The Standards Committee, at its meeting on 24 September 2008, noted that successful interviews had resulted in the recommendation of two candidates for appointment by Council as Independent Members on 25 September 2008.  These appointments were subsequently confirmed by Council. In considering the issue, the Committee noted the high calibre of the candidates and resolved that the Appointments Panel might recommend a third appointment, should a suitable appointee be identified.


Following a subsequent interview, the Appointments Panel RECOMMENDED TO COUNCIL that Mr. Alan Charles Hampton be appointed to the Standards Committee as an Independent Member to serve a four-year term ending 27 November 2012.


Council RESOLVED that Mr. Alan Charles Hampton be appointed to the Standards Committee as an Independent Member to serve a four-year term ending 27 November 2012.


Council RESOLVED that Mr. Alan Charles Hampton be appointed to the Standards Committee as an Independent Member to serve a four-year term ending 27 November 2012.


Procedure for Initial Assessment of Complaints (24 September 2008)

The Standards Committee RECOMMENDED TO COUNCIL that the procedure for the Initial Assessment of Complaints, set out at Part 5 M(2) of the Constitution, be amended to give discretion to the Monitoring Officer as to whether a Subject Member should be informed of receipt of a complaint against them, the relevant part being amended to read (amendment marked in bold italics):


Acknowledging receipt of a complaint


On receiving a complaint and after determining that it is a Code complaint, the Monitoring Officer:


(a)         Shall send written acknowledgement to the complainant,


(b)         Has the discretion to inform the subject member of that complaint, (having due regard to the Data Protection Act 1998 and Section 63 of the Local Government Act 2000 as modified by Regulation 12 of the regulations) including:


                                       i.       The name of the complainant (unless the complainant has requested confidentiality and the standards committee has not yet considered whether or not to grant it)


                                     ii.        The relevant paragraphs of the Code of Conduct that are alleged to have been breached.


                                    iii.        A statement explaining that a written summary of the allegation will only be provided to the subject member once the assessment sub-committee has met to consider the complaint,


                                   iv.        And the date of the meeting of the Assessment Panel, if known.


Council RESOLVED that the recommendation be referred back to the Standards Committee for further consideration.


Council considered the recommendation of the Standards Committee in respect of modifying the procedure for the Initial Assessment of Complaints, set out at Part 5 M(2) of the Constitution, to give discretion to the Monitoring Officer as to whether a Subject Member should be informed of receipt of a complaint against them. The Committee had recommended that the relevant part be amended to read as follows (amendment marked in bold italics):


Acknowledging receipt of a complaint


On receiving a complaint and after determining that it is a Code complaint, the Monitoring Officer:


(a)         Shall send written acknowledgement to the complainant,


(b)         Has the discretion to inform the subject member of that complaint, (having due regard to the Data Protection Act 1998 and Section 63 of the Local Government Act 2000 as modified by Regulation 12 of the regulations) including:


                                       i.      The name of the complainant (unless the complainant has requested confidentiality and the standards committee has not yet considered whether or not to grant it)


                                     ii.      The relevant paragraphs of the Code of Conduct that are alleged to have been breached.


                                    iii.       A statement explaining that a written summary of the allegation will only be provided to the subject member once the assessment sub-committee has met to consider the complaint,


                                   iv.      And the date of the meeting of the Assessment Panel, if known.


Members expressed concern that councillors with complaints made against them might not be notified that a complaint had been submitted. Further concerns were expressed that, even where the Member was notified, the Monitoring Officer was prohibited from disclosing any details of the complaint. In light of these concerns, Council RESOLVED that the recommendation be referred back to the Standards Committee for further consideration.



At its last meeting, Council resolved that a reorganisation order be made in the following terms:


i)          To create a new parish at Arbury Park with a Council, thus amending the parish boundaries of Impington Parish and Milton Parish, by reference to a plan of the proposed changes,

ii)             The Parish created be called Orchard Park and the council created be

styled Orchard Park Community Council,

iii)                 The Parish created to be not warded,

iv)                The council created to consist of 9 councillors,

v)                  First elections to take place on 27 November 2008 and the ordinary year of elections to be 2012,

vi)                No changes to be made to the electoral arrangements of

Impington Parish and Milton Parish,

vii)               The Principal Solicitor of the authority to calculate the budget requirement for the created authority through negotiations with the Finance Section of the District Council and Impington Parish Council.


The Principal Solicitor has since established, in consultation with the Department for Communities and Local Government and Electoral Commission, that it is not legally possible for mid-year elections to be held for the establishment of the new parish council at Orchard Park. The new Council has to come into effect on 1st April in any year.


It was hoped that the new Council could come into being as soon as possible to lift the burden of the additional workload on Impington Parish Council by the new development at Orchard Park. 


However, the Reorganisation Order can be made in advance of 1st April to allow for preparations to be made for the creation of the new community council after the elections are held in June 2009.




That the Reorganisation Order approved at the last meeting be amended to reflect that Orchard Park Parish will come into effect on 1 April 2009 and that the Council elections will be held on 4 June 2009, being the ordinary date of elections for 2009.


Council RESOLVED that the Reorganisation Order approved at the last meeting be amended to reflect that Orchard Park Parish will come into effect on 1 April 2009 and that the Council elections will be held on 4 June 2009, being the ordinary date of elections for 2009.



Council RESOLVED that the Reorganisation Order approved at the last meeting be amended to reflect that Orchard Park Parish will come into effect on 1 April 2009 and that the Council elections will be held on 4 June 2009, being the ordinary date of elections for 2009.




To consider the report of the Executive Director (attached). 


Recommendation (from paragraph 11 of the report)


Council is recommended to agree the draft regulations set out at Appendix 3 (attached), with the addition of a requirement that a joint Local Development Scheme be submitted to the Secretary of State within 6 months of the order coming into effect.

Additional documents:


CouncilRESOLVED that the draft regulations set out at Appendix 3, with the addition of a requirement that a joint Local Development Scheme be submitted to the Secretary of State within 6 months of the order coming into effect, be agreed.


Councillor RMA Manning moved, Councillor Dr DR Bard seconded and CouncilRESOLVED that the draft regulations set out at Appendix 3 (Agenda page 17), with the addition of a requirement that a joint Local Development Scheme be submitted to the Secretary of State within 6 months of the order coming into effect, be agreed.


Councillor NJ Scarr requested to be recorded as voting against the proposal.



To consider the report of the Executive Director (attached). 


Recommendation (from paragraph 11 of the report)


Council is RECOMMENDED to appoint three Members to the Regional Spatial Strategy Review Panel, in accordance with the Council’s political proportionality and including the Portfolio Holder with responsibility for Regional Planning.


Council RESOLVED that the following Members be appointed to the Cambridgeshire Regional Spatial Strategy Review Panel (CRESSP), in accordance with the political proportionality of the Council:


Councillor Dr DR Bard (as Portfolio Holder with responsibility for Regional Planning)

Councillor RMA Manning  

Councillor SGM Kindersley




Councillor AG Orgee (Conservative Group)

Councillor NIC Wright (Conservative Group)

Councillor JD Batchelor (Liberal Democrat Group)


Council RESOLVED that the following Members be appointed to the Cambridgeshire Regional Spatial Strategy Review Panel (CRESSP), in accordance with the political proportionality of the Council:


Councillor Dr DR Bard (as Portfolio Holder with responsibility for Regional Planning)

Councillor RMA Manning (Conservative Group)

Councillor SGM Kindersley (Liberal Democrat Group)




Councillor AG Orgee (Conservative Group)

Councillor NIC Wright (Conservative Group)

Councillor JD Batchelor (Liberal Democrat Group)



To consider the report of the Chief Executive (attached). 


RECOMMENDATION (from paragraph 7 of the report)


Council is asked to resolve that meetings during the 2009-2010 Civic Year be scheduled as follows:



Type of meeting

16 July 2009


24 September 2009


26 November 2009


28 January 2010


25 February 2010


22 April 2010


27 May 2010



Council RESOLVED that meetings during the 2009-2010 Civic Year be scheduled as follows:



Type of meeting

16 July 2009 at 7pm


24 September 2009 at 2pm


26 November 2009 at 7pm


28 January 2010 at 2pm


25 February 2010 at 2pm


22 April 2010 at 2pm


27 May 2010 at 2pm



Councillor JH Stewart moved, Councillor DH Morgan seconded and Council RESOLVED that meetings during the 2009-2010 Civic Year be scheduled as follows:



Type of meeting

16 July 2009 at 7pm


24 September 2009 at 2pm


26 November 2009 at 7pm


28 January 2010 at 2pm


25 February 2010 at 2pm


22 April 2010 at 2pm


27 May 2010 at 2pm




The Council is currently undertaking the recruitment and selection process for the position of Executive Director for Corporate Services. Article 12.01 of the Constitution provides that the appointment of Chief Officers is a matter reserved to the Council. The Appointments Panel of the Employment Committee will be carrying out interviews for the role on Wednesday 26 November and will be requested to make a preliminary offer to the candidate selected. Given the time required to complete key elements of the process following an offer, however, it is not considered that the Council will be in a position to make an appointment at this meeting.


On account of the length of time until the next Council meeting, Council is RECOMMENDED to delegate authority to the Appointments Panel of the Employment Committee to undertake the following steps:


(1)   To make an appointment to the position of Executive Director for Corporate Services, the detailed terms and conditions to be agreed by the Chief Executive.

(2)   To designate the successful candidate as Chief Finance Officer of the Council in accordance with the requirements of Section 151 of the Local Government Act 1972.

(3)   To designate the successful candidate as the Council’s Lead Officer in respect of Risk Management, Procurement and Electronic Service Delivery, future appointments to these roles to be delegated to the Chief Executive as an operational staffing matter.


Council RESOLVED to delegate authority to the Appointments Panel of the Employment Committee to undertake the following steps:


(1)   To make an appointment to the position of Executive Director for Corporate Services, the detailed terms and conditions to be agreed by the Chief Executive.

(2)   To designate the successful candidate as Chief Finance Officer of the Council in accordance with the requirements of Section 151 of the Local Government Act 1972.

(3)   To designate the successful candidate as the Council’s Lead Officer in respect of Risk Management, Procurement and Electronic Service Delivery, future appointments to these roles to be delegated to the Chief Executive as an operational staffing matter.


Councillor RT Summerfield moved, Councillor RMA Manning seconded and Council RESOLVED to delegate authority to the Appointments Panel of the Employment Committee to undertake the following steps:


(1)   To make an appointment to the position of Executive Director for Corporate Services, the detailed terms and conditions to be agreed by the Chief Executive.

(2)   To designate the successful candidate as Chief Finance Officer of the Council in accordance with the requirements of Section 151 of the Local Government Act 1972.

(3)   To designate the successful candidate as the Council’s Lead Officer in respect of Risk Management, Procurement and Electronic Service Delivery, future appointments to these roles to be delegated to the Chief Executive as an operational staffing matter.



Council is requested to consider whether it wishes to extend the contract with Mr GJ Harlock to continue to serve as Chief Executive and Returning Officer for a further period following the expiry of his present contact on 30 June 2009.


At its meeting on 25 January 2007, Council resolved to extend the contract with Mr GJ Harlock to continue to serve as Chief Executive, Chief Finance Officer and Returning Officer for a further period to 30 June 2009. Members are requested to note that, subject to the appointment of an Executive Director under Agenda Item 14 above, Mr. Harlock will no longer hold the position of Chief Finance Officer.  


In response to a request by the Leader of the Council for flexibility, and in the interests of effective succession planning, Council is RECOMMENDED to appoint Mr. GJ Harlock to the positions of Chief Executive, Electoral Registration Officer and Returning Officer for an indefinite period from 1 July 2009, with access to the previously-agreed termination package at the expiry of six months’ notice in writing by Mr. Harlock.


Council RESOLVED that Mr. GJ Harlock be appointed to the positions of Chief Executive, Electoral Registration Officer and Returning Officer for an indefinite period from 1 July 2009, with access to the previously-agreed termination package at the expiry of six months’ notice in writing by Mr. Harlock. 


The Chief Executive left the meeting during consideration of this item.


Councillor RMA Manning moved, Councillor RT Summerfield seconded and Council RESOLVED that Mr. GJ Harlock be appointed to the positions of Chief Executive, Electoral Registration Officer and Returning Officer for an indefinite period from 1 July 2009, with access to the previously-agreed termination package at the expiry of six months’ notice in writing by Mr. Harlock. 



Following the resignation from the Council of Mrs Caroline Hunt, Council is RECOMMENDED to approve the nominations of the Conservative Group to fill vacancies which have arisen on the Planning Committee and Licensing Committee.




(1)   That Councillor PW Topping be appointed to the Planning Committee;

(2)   That Councillor CR Nightingale be appointed to the Licensing Committee,


These appointments filling vacancies created by the resignation of former Councillor Mrs CA Hunt. 




(1)   That Councillor PW Topping be appointed to the Planning Committee;

(2)   That Councillor CR Nightingale be appointed to the Licensing Committee,


these appointments filling vacancies created by the resignation of former Councillor Mrs CA Hunt. 



Following the resignation from the working group of Councillor JA Hockney, Council is RECOMMENDED to approve the nomination of the Conservative Group to fill this vacancy.


Council RESOLVED that Councillor SM Edwards be appointed to the Climate Change Working Group in place of Councillor JA Hockney.


Council RESOLVED that Councillor SM Edwards be appointed to the Climate Change Working Group in place of Councillor JA Hockney.



Following the resignation of Mrs. Caroline Hunt from the Council, vacancies have arisen on the following outside and joint bodies:


(1)   Cambridge Airport Consultative Committee


The appointment of a district councillor to sit on the consultative Committee.


(2)   Farmland Museum Trustees


The appointment of a district councillor to act as representative of the Council on the Board of Trustees. The Curator of the Museum has requested that a local Ward Member be appointed. 


(3)   Cambridge East Joint Member Reference Group


This group is appointed in accordance with the Council’s political balance, therefore Council is requested to appoint a Member of the Conservative Group.




(1)   That Council make appointments of elected Members to the following outside bodies, nominees to serve until the date of the Annual Meeting of Council in 2011 or until they are no longer a district councillor, whichever is the sooner:


·         Cambridge Airport Consultative Committee.

·         Farmland Museum Trustees.


(2)   That Council appoint a Member of the Conservative Group to the Cambridge East Joint Member Reference Group.




(1)   That Councillor Ms FAR Amrani be appointed as the Council’s representative on the Cambridge Airport Consultative Committee to serve until the date of the Annual Meeting of Council in 2011, or until she is no longer a district councillor, whichever is the sooner.

(2)   That Councillor PT Johnson be appointed as the Council’s representative on the Farmland Museum Trustees, to serve until the date of the Annual Meeting of Council in 2011, or until he is no longer a district councillor, whichever is the sooner.

(3)   That Councillors Ms FAR Amrani and CR Nightingale be appointed to the Cambridge East Joint Member Reference Group in place of Councillor Mrs HM Smith and former Councillor Mrs CA Hunt.




(1)   That Councillor Ms FAR Amrani be appointed as the Council’s representative on the Cambridge Airport Consultative Committee to serve until the date of the Annual Meeting of Council in 2011, or until she is no longer a district councillor, whichever is the sooner.

(2)   That Councillor PT Johnson be appointed as the Council’s representative on the Farmland Museum Trustees, to serve until the date of the Annual Meeting of Council in 2011, or until he is no longer a district councillor, whichever is the sooner.

(3)   That Councillors Ms FAR Amrani and CR Nightingale be appointed to the Cambridge East Joint Member Reference Group in place of Councillor Mrs HM Smith and former Councillor Mrs CA Hunt, and that a report be brought to a future meeting reviewing the continuing operation of Joint Member Reference Groups.




Council RESOLVED that Councillor Mrs JM Guest be appointed to the Scrutiny and Overview Committee in place of Councillor PW Topping. 


The Chairman agreed to a request by the Conservative Group to consider this item of business.


Council RESOLVED that Councillor Mrs JM Guest be appointed to the Scrutiny and Overview Committee in place of Councillor PW Topping. 




Councillor MJ Mason provided a report on the three Annual General Meetings of the Old West, Waterbeach Level and Swaffham Internal Drainage Boards (IDB). Councillor Mason advised that he was unable to be present at the Waterbeach meeting due to a clash of date and time with the last Cabinet meeting at which the proposals concerning the Covills Drain study were presented.


As expected, the Waterbeach Board had confirmed the recommendations in its agenda to authorise the replacement of the obsolete diesel pumps at the Cam pumping Station (installed in 1948) at an approximate cost of £1 million. The Board had made its decision based upon a comprehensive feasibility study by its consultants, Hannah Read. The implications for South Cambridgeshire District Council were that, subject to confirmation of drainage rates in February, the likely proportion of Special Levy request from that Board would increase by approximately £23,000 per annum. This would result in a likely increase of the total Levy on the Council’s rate fund next year and subsequent years to around £127,000. This had been verbally reported to Cabinet when dealing with the item on the medium term financial strategy last Thursday. Councillor Mason had been informed of an offer to the portfolio holder and other interested members and officers to tour the Waterbeach Level district and inspect the capital works proposals in the spring of next year. This offer would be formally confirmed at a later date.

There were no known similar capital schemes for the other two Boards on which Councillor Mason served, but Council should be mindful of any possible increase in special levy from the other three IDBs not included in this report, Swavesey, Willingham and Over and Bedford and Ivel. Councillor Mason urged the Chief Finance Officer to contact those Boards or representative members to ensure that any possible increases be noted before the Council completed the rate-setting process.

Councillor Mason reported that there were other matters dealt with by all three IDBs which might affect the special levy in future years. After long discussions with the Environment Agency (EA), Anglian Central Region, agreement on a formula for the precept had finally been reached. This had resulted in payments to EA being reduced from approximately 100% next year down to an inflation allowance of, in most cases, 3% per annum. Councillor Mason advised that a table showing the precept calculation for all IDBs in the area would be made available for members.

Councillor Mason advised that he had represented the Old West IDB at the recent Conference and Annual General Meeting of the Association of Drainage Authorities held at Peterborough. The most important topic at the meeting had been the impending final report from Government concerning the Pitt Report’s 92 recommendations. A presentation had been given by Roger Hargreaves  (Head of the Pitt Review) with an opportunity for discussion and questions.

Other topics discussed had been the ongoing review of IDB re-organisation proposals from DEFRA. A report of the meeting and the current thinking  ...  view the full minutes text for item 71.




Council RESOLVED that the following Notice of Motion be agreed:


 ‘In the village of Dry Drayton, the local pub, the Black Horse, has recently closed and residents are concerned as to the long-term future of its school. This Council, therefore, welcomes proposals to build affordable housing for local people in our villages so that they will continue to be inhabited by people across the age range and village facilities will remain open and viable.’


Standing in the name of Councillor R Hall

‘In the village of Dry Drayton, the local pub, the Black Horse, has recently closed and residents are concerned as to the long-term future of its school. This Council, therefore, welcomes proposals to build affordable housing for local people in our villages so that they will continue to be inhabited by people across the age range and village facilities will remain open and viable.’


Council RESOLVED that the following Notice of Motion be agreed: 


‘In the village of Dry Drayton, the local pub, the Black Horse, has recently closed and residents are concerned as to the long-term future of its school. This Council, therefore, welcomes proposals to build affordable housing for local people in our villages so that they will continue to be inhabited by people across the age range and village facilities will remain open and viable.’


Councillor R Hall proposed, Councillor SM Edwards seconded and Council RESOLVED that the following Notice of Motion be agreed: 


‘In the village of Dry Drayton, the local pub, the Black Horse, has recently closed and residents are concerned as to the long-term future of its school. This Council, therefore, welcomes proposals to build affordable housing for local people in our villages so that they will continue to be inhabited by people across the age range and village facilities will remain open and viable.’



To note the Chairman’s and Vice-Chairman’s engagements since the last Council meeting:


Events attended by the Chairman of the Council



Venue / Event

1 October

Celebrating Age, services for older people, Salvation Army Community Centre, Cambridge

5 October

High Sheriff’s Justice Service, Ely Cathedral

11 October

Addenbrokes NHS Trust afternoon tea to thank the WRVS for voluntary work, Scotsdales Garden Centre

22 October

Opening extension/refurbishment at Fowlmere Village Hall

3 November

Presenting Best Kept Garden Awards, Scotsdales Garden Centre

6 November

Presenting Health and Safety Certificates, South Cambs Hall

12 November

Laying wreath, Veterans’ Day, American Military Cemetary, Madingley

14 November

Mayor of Cambridge’s reception, Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge

19 November

Visit to the Womens’ Institute Country Market at the Memorial Hall, Great Shelford

24 November

Recreation Ground Opening, Guilden Morden


Events attended by the Vice-Chairman of the Council



Venue / Event

1 October

Celebrating Age, services for older people, Salvation Army Community Centre, Cambridge (with Chairman)

11 October

Addenbrokes NHS Trust afternoon tea to thank the WRVS for voluntary work, Scotsdales Garden Centre (with Chairman)

2 November

East Cambridgeshire District Council Civic Service, Soham

3 November

Cambridgeshire Constabulary Awards Evening

9 November

Remembrance Day Service, Great Shelford

20 November

Cambridge Community Mediation Service Annual General Meeting

22 November

Opening of Cambridge Steiner School


Council noted the list of engagements attended by the Chairman and Vice-Chairman since the last meeting set out in the Agenda.


The Chairman advised that he had attended the opening of the play area within Guilden Morden recreation ground on 24 November.


The Vice-Chairman advised that he had attended the funeral of Mr. Ken Spink, husband of former Councillor Mrs. Daphne Spink, on 26 November.