Agenda, decisions and minutes

Finance and Staffing Portfolio Holder's Meeting - Tuesday, 7 July 2009 10.00 a.m.

Venue: Jeavons Room, First Floor. View directions

No. Item


Apologies for absence


Apologies for absence were received from Cllr MB Loynes. 


Declarations of Interest


There were no declarations of interest. 


Minutes of Previous Meeting and matters arising pdf icon PDF 151 KB

The Portfolio Holder is asked to sign the minutes of the meeting held on 9 June 2009 as a correct record.


The minutes of the meeting held on 9 June were agreed as a correct record.


Matters Arising


It was confirmed that the Forward Plan had been amended as requested. 


Unspent Budget Rollovers from 2008-09 to 2009-10 pdf icon PDF 107 KB

Additional documents:


The Finance and Staffing Portfolio Holder APPROVED that the budget rollovers, as summarised in Appendix A, be carried forward into the 2009-10 financial year, subject to final confirmation by the Section 151 Officer being given on an individual basis at the appropriate time during the year.


The rollover requests total £72,820 on General Fund budget accounts, £170,760 on the Capital Programme and £40,000 on the Housing Revenue Account. 



The Chief Executive Officer presented a report requesting that the Portfolio Holder approve requests for rollover of unspent budgets from 2008-09 to 2009-10.


The Portfolio Holder was advised that the total amount of rollover was lower than in previous years.


In reply to a question it was confirmed that paragraph 3 in the report, the rollover rules, as extracted from the Constitution, should read, ‘Rollovers may then only be used……….and that there are no other sources of funding, including virement.’


The Portfolio Holder was advised that rollovers that remained unspent in 2009-10 could not be further rolled into 2010-11.


The Portfolio Holder was advised of the latest income forecasts.  Based on figures to date, Planning income would be down by £400,000 against estimates, Building Control income down by £100,000 and Land Charges by £65,000.  With the reduction in interest rates this could result in a potential shortfall in income of £750,000 against forecast for the year.


The Portfolio Holder undertook to liaise with the Planning Portfolio Holder concerning the reduction in planning income.


The Portfolio Holder APPROVED for the budget rollovers, as summarised in Appendix A, be carried forward into the 2009-10 financial year, subject to final confirmation by the Section 151 Officer being given on an individual basis at the appropriate time during the year.


The rollover requests total £72,820 on General Fund revenue budgets, £170,760 on the Capital Programme and £40,000 on the Housing Revenue Account.


Benefits Service Workload and Performance pdf icon PDF 128 KB


The Head of Revenues presented a report to inform the Portfolio Holder of the impact of increasing numbers of claims for Housing and Council Tax Benefit and of arrangements put into place to minimise the effect of delivery of benefits services, which included employing additional temporary benefits assessors to provide cover for maternity leave.  Additional funding of £85,025 had been received from the DWP.


The Portfolio Holder was advised that whilst the number of enquiries for benefit had increased by 26% over the first two months of last year, there were few new payments being made.  Additional workload was also being incurred as a result of customers progress chasing their claims.


Questions and Comments


In reply to a question the Portfolio Holder was advised that with the slippage to 30 days to process an enquiry there had not been a commensurate increase in the number of complaints.  Customers’ expectations were being managed and customers were advised of the probable waiting time on first contact with the Council.


The Portfolio Holder was advised that an appointments process was not in use for ad hoc enquiries received at reception.  A ‘full interview service’ was not offered and evidence suggested that many of the callers were Cambourne residents calling in ‘on spec’.


The Portfolio Holder was advised that the likelihood of receiving an inspection from the Audit Commission was low.  The Council’s performance was in the upper quartile and not thought to be sufficiently high to warrant inspection as part of a bench marking exercise being undertaken by the Commission.


In reply to a question the Portfolio Holder was advised that it would be impossible to set up a phantom account for mystery shopper purposes.  The Portfolio Holder expressed a desire to use Mystery Shopper to assess the effectiveness of the Council’s service and was advised that it might be possible to implement some form of mystery shopper research at reception.


The Portfolio Holder was advised that targets were still achievable, although a more accurate assessment could be made at the end of the second quarter.


The report was NOTED. 


Pay Award 2009


The HR Manager presented a verbal update of the pay negotiations for 2009-10.


The Portfolio Holder was advised that nationally an offer of 0.5% had been tabled.  This offer had been subsequently withdrawn, as the Unions had not responded.  Negotiations were ongoing, but regional advice suggested that they were close to stalemate and would be referred either to arbitration or to Ministers for resolution.


The Portfolio Holder was further advised that locally the Council recognised both GMB and Unison and the unions had proposed a 1.5% pay increase.  The Council’s response had been that Members were looking for a 0% increase.   The local Unison secretary had requested the opportunity to address the Leader’s meeting and had done so.


Forward Plan pdf icon PDF 78 KB

The Portfolio Holder will maintain, for agreement at each meeting, a Forward Plan identifying all matters relevant to the Portfolio which it is believed are likely to be the subject of consideration and / or decision by the Portfolio Holder, Cabinet, Council, or any other constituent part of the Council.   The plan will be updated as necessary and published on the Council’s website following each meeting.  The Portfolio Holder will be responsible for the content and accuracy of the forward plan. 


Pay Award 2009-10 to be added to the Forward Plan for consideration at a future date.  


Date of Next Meeting


The date of the next meeting was confirmed as Wednesday 11 August 2009.  The meeting will commence at 10 am and be held in the Jeavons Room. 


The Portfolio Holder expressed his thanks to Head of Revenues, Lee Phanco, who would be leaving the Council on 24 July, and wished him well in his new role at Bedfordshire Borough Council.