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Planning Enforcement Sub-Committee

This page lists the meetings for Planning Enforcement Sub-Committee.


Information about Planning Enforcement Sub-Committee

Terms of Reference


The Planning Enforcement Sub-Committee (formerly Planning Sub-Committee) will:

1.                  Work with the relevant Portfolio Holder to provide an overview of the Council's planning enforcement policies and procedures, bringing forward recommendations for changes for the Portfolio Holder and Cabinet’s consideration as appropriate; and


2.                  Make determinations in respect of formal enforcement action in respect of breaches of planning control referred to the Sub-Committee by the Corporate Manager for Planning and Sustainable Communities. In making such referrals, the Corporate Manager will take the following matters into account:

(a)               The extent of the likely harm to the character and amenity of the area concerned and the physical, social and economic well-being of communities within and around it;

(b)               The implications of enforcement action on the Council’s resources balanced against the benefits likely to be generated from such action; and

(c)               The extent to which there is difference of opinion between officers, parish councils and Local Ward Members on the expediency of enforcement action; and


3.                  Receive reports on the progress of cases determined in (b) above.


In 2010-11, meetings will be called as and when required.


If you would like to address the Committee, please read the Protocol and contact Democratic Services by the Friday before the meeting.

Planning Enforcement Sub-Committee - Public Speaking Protocol