Agenda item

Grants to Voluntary Organisations


Councillor JH Stewart declared a personal and prejudicial interest as the President of the Cambridgeshire Rehabilitation Club for the Visually Handicapped. He left the meeting and took no part in the subsequent debate. Councillor Mrs DSK Spink expressed a personal interest as a trustee and the Council’s representative on Crossroads Care South and East Cambridgeshire.


Councillor Mrs VG Ford, Community Development portfolio holder, thanked the Committee for agreeing to discuss this matter and hoped that its members would impart their local knowledge regarding the voluntary organisations detailed in the report. It was noted that it was the portfolio holder’s hope that it would soon become possible to commit funding to voluntary organisations for up to three years.


Councillor Mrs Ford explained that by working in partnership with voluntary organisations, the District’s residents were benefiting in return for a relatively small investment from the Council. The Citizen Advice Bureaux advised residents effectively on debts and the Council benefited in the payment of rent and Council Tax, which would otherwise have to be written off.


It was suggested that the Executive needed to formulate a policy on the payment of grants to voluntary organisations. Councillor Mrs Ford stated that the report detailed the grants that were proposed under the existing policy and invited the Committee members for their comments.


Cambridge Family Mediation Service, CRUSE and the Cogwheel Trust

It was asserted that as the Grants being offered to the Cambridge Family Mediation Service, the Cambridge CRUSE Bereavement Care and the Cogwheel Trust were very low compared to their annual budgets, the funding should be removed.


It was understood that voluntary organisations were required to have a surplus in their accounts to ensure that staff could be paid. This could explain why the yearly expenditure figures detailed in the report, were less than the income from grants.


Cambridgeshire ACRE

The Community Development Manager explained that Cambridgeshire ACRE worked with parish councils in the production of parish plans. It was stated that a recent presentation given by Cambridgeshire ACRE to parish councils on housing matters gave an inaccurate impression of the housing services offered by them and other organisations. Councillor Mrs Ford replied that ACRE would be contacted regarding this issue.


Duplication of effort

Members of the Committee expressed opposition to funding organisations that carried out the same work as an existing organisation. For example the Disability Information Service Huntingdonshire appeared to be duplicating the efforts of the DWP’s Home Visiting Service.


Funding activities for young people

Concern was expressed that organisations for young persons appeared to be under-represented, although it was noted that the Connections Bus continued to receive the Council’s support. Councillor Ford explained that voluntary organisations for young people enjoyed funding from other organisations such as DCLG, which allowed the Council to focus on other priorities.


Promoting equality

Members of the Committee expressed concern that no grants appeared to be offered to organisations that supported minority groups. The Community Development Manager explained that funding agreed at officer level had been given to the Cambridge Ethnic Community Forum. Councillor Mrs DP Roberts suggested that the Council should consider ways in which immigrants who come into the District from Eastern Europe could be assisted. The Community Development Manager acknowledged the issue and explained that there was Countywide Migrant Workers Forum, which co-ordinated development of services for migrant workers.


It was also suggested that funding could be made available to the Ormiston Children and Families Trust for their work on Traveller issues.


The Community Development Manager explained that organisations applying for funding were asked, via the application form, to give details of arrangements they had in place to promote equal opportunities / race equality.


Royston Community Transport Scheme

The Community Development Manager explained that despite requests the Royston Community Transport Scheme had not yet completed the necessary paperwork, which would enable them to be considered for a grant from this authority. In recognition of the work that this organisation carries out, they have been given until the end of February to complete the necessary forms.


Service Level Agreements

The Community Development Manager explained that the organisations which had entered into Service Level Agreements with the Council would be expected to compile 6 monthly reports. Those organisations that were receiving smaller amounts and so had not entered into Service Level Agreements would be liable for spot checks.


Saving room hire costs

It was suggested that voluntary organisations could be saved hire costs if they used sheltered housing communal rooms throughout the District. The Chairman stated that tenants and residents on the scheme would have to approve such usage.


Councillor Mrs Heazell thanked Councillor Ford and the Community Development Manager for their attendance and informative answers.

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