Agenda item

S/2307/06/F - Hauxton (Land to the East of the A10 Known as the Former Bayer CropScience Ltd Site)

Appendices 1 to 6 are attached to the electronic version of the agenda. 


The Committee approved the application, subject to the prior completion of a suitable Section 106 Legal Agreement including an obligation to secure agreement from Atkins or other specialist consultant to act as an impartial and independent expert tasked with producing a report confirming the achievement of proper remediation of the site and providing a collateral warranty for the benefit of South Cambridgeshire District Council, and subject to the Conditions referred to in the report, amended as necessary as a result of further consultation and negotiation.


Roger Braithwaite (objector), Jennie Daly (for the applicant), Tony Allison (Hauxton Parish Council and Councillor Janet Lockwood (local Member) addressed the meeting.


The Committee approved the application, subject to the prior completion of a suitable Section 106 Legal Agreement including an obligation to secure agreement from Atkins or other specialist consultant to act as an impartial and independent expert tasked with producing a report confirming the achievement of proper remediation of the site and providing a collateral warranty for the benefit of South Cambridgeshire District Council, and subject to the Conditions referred to in the report, amended as necessary as a result of further consultation and negotiation.


Councillor Sebastian Kindersley declared a personal interest as Chairman of the Scrutiny and Overview Committee when it discussed this matter.  He was now considering the matter afresh.


Councillor Deborah Roberts declared a personal interest as a former employee of a previous company operating from this site.  This employment related to a 12-month period some 32 years ago.


Councillor John Williams declared a personal interest as a former employee of companies operating from this site between 1973 and 1989, and as a recipient of a pension from that employment paid by Bayer CropScience which inherited the schemes.


Councillor Sally Hatton and Councillor Deborah Roberts voted to refuse the application.

Supporting documents: