Agenda item

2016-17 Second Quarterly Position Statement on Finance, Performance and Risk




NOTED    the Council’s provisional financial position together with the performance and risk matters and contextual information set out in the report and Appendices A-C.


APPROVED the Strategic Risk Register and Matrix set out in Appendix D-E, incorporating the proposed changes set out in paragraph 28 of the report.


Councillor Simon Edwards, Finance and Staffing Portfolio Holder, presented this report on the Council’s position with regard to its General Fund, Housing Revenue Account and Capital budgets; whilst Councillor Nick Wright, Corporate and Customer Services Portfolio Holder, presented the corporate objectives, performance indicators and strategic risk part of the report.


Councillor Edwards provided details of the improvement in the variance figures for the second quarter compared to those at the end of the first quarter. He made the following points:

·         Expenditure on ICT developments had been delayed as the Council were working in partnership to ensure value for money.

·         Higher than expected planning fees had brought in more income than expected.

·         The figures would change again for both the 3rd quarter and the final end of year position.


Councillor Wright summarised the key performance information in appendix B of the report. He highlighted the following points:

·         August’s performance figure for expenditure on Bed and Breakfast accommodation was due to two complex cases, that had been resolved.

·         New staff had been recruited to the contact centre, which would lead to improved performance in the next quarter.

·         It was expected that the reduction in the backlog of applications would lead to an improvement in customer satisfaction with planning and new communities.


Performance Indicators CC303 & CC307: Contact Centre

Councillor Wright explained that the contact staff were trained to deal with calls without having to refer them. This meant an average call time of about eight minutes, which made a wait time of two minutes an acceptable target. The Interim Chief Executive explained that performance targets were not set by Cabinet, but by the relevant Portfolio Holder in February or March for the following financial year. Councillor Wright explained that a recruitment plan had been put in place to mitigate the expected high turnover of staff working in the Contact Centre.


Performance Indicators FS116/7: Staff sickness and turnover

In response to queries regarding staff sickness, Councillor Edwards was pleased to report that staff sickness had declined considerably over the years. He considered that the staff turnover of 10% per year was reasonable, as the Council benefitted from new staff bringing new and innovative ideas into the Council.


Planning appeals

Councillor Wright explained that the increase in the number of planning appeals was due to the fact that the Council had not yet updated its Local Plan.


Risk STR25: Homelessness

It was noted that the score for the above risk had increased to 25. The Government’s Homelessness Reduction Bill was likely to create a challenge for this authority.


Risk STR08: Medium Term Financial Strategy

Councillor Edwards was pleased to report that the risk STR08 – Medium Term Financial Strategy was decreasing in likelihood.


Risk STR03: Illegal Traveller Encampments

It was noted that the risk score for STR03 – Illegal Traveller encampments or developments had decreased, but Cabinet agreed it should be kept on the Strategic Risk Register until the impact of the Travellers’ Needs Assessment was known and the impact of the change in the Government’s definition of Travellers was assessed.


Risk STR30: Devolution

Councillor Topping explained that the challenge posed by the Government’s devolution proposals was exacerbated by changes in their timescales, which had been made at short notice. It was noted that plans were in place for the setting up of a combined authority, with interim officers ready to be appointed to the key positions should all Cambridgeshire and Peterborough councils agree to the Government’s proposals.




NOTED     the Council’s provisional financial position together with the performance and risk matters and contextual information set out in the report and Appendices A-C.


APPROVED   the Strategic Risk Register and Matrix set out in Appendix D-E, incorporating the proposed changes set out in paragraph 28 of the report.

Supporting documents: