Agenda item

Planning performance


The Joint Director of Planning and Economic Development and the Head of Development Management, presented the report which updated the committee on performance and service improvement within the Development Management Service.


The Joint Director of Planning and Economic Development was pleased to report continuing performance improvement, with performance remaining better than Government targets and above the threshold for designation. He was confident that the processes and protocols that had been put in place by the Head of Development Management and her team, would continue to improve performance.


977 backlog applications had reduced to 47. It was confirmed that October’s performance for minor applications was 75% and not 37/79.


The current challenge around the five year land supply was highlighted. The committee was informed that land supply was at 4.1 years.


Validation was queried and the committee was informed that the clock started on an application once all the information to validate it according to the Town and Country Planning Act, was received. The committee was informed that thought was being given to making available in the public domain, performance information regarding the rate of valid applications submitted by agents.


Concern was raised regarding designation. The Joint Director of Planning and Economic Development informed the committee that clarity had been sought but had not been forthcoming regarding this. He advised the committee that the Council could be designated on the basis of performance relating to appeals rather than the speed of decision making. There was ongoing dialogue with the Planning Advisory Service regarding this. According to information provided by the Planning Advisory Service, designation would involve no more action than what was already being done by the service to improve performance. 


Concern was raised regarding consultation responses from individuals being put in the public domain. The committee was informed that it was made clear to respondents that their details would be put online. It was advised that all Members needed to be made aware of this so that this information could be passed onto residents via their parish councils.


The Joint Director of Planning and Economic Development was asked how many out of time applications were taken to appeal on non-determination. This information was not available at the meeting but would be included as standard in future reports.


It was queried whether conditions could be applied to planning approvals whereby building must be carried out within a certain timescale. The committee was informed that representation had been made to Government regarding this, however it was explained that the issue with compulsory construction was the enforcement of these conditions.


The committee was informed that the building industry was facing challenges of lead in times for building materials with bricks and tiles having to come from Germany, which delayed construction.


It was suggested that there should be monitoring of the delivery of schemes that had been approved, however the Joint Director of Planning and Economic Development advised that the law did not allow for this.


The committee NOTED the update and congratulated officers for the improvement in Development Management performance.



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