Agenda item

M11 Junction 11: Bus Only Slip Roads

To consider the attached report.


The Joint Assembly RECOMMENDED that the Executive Board agrees that the M11 Junction 11 south bound bus only off slip road concept should be integrated into the Western Orbital project ensuring that any strategic transport and economic benefits may be realised and that a sustainable phased proposal can be developed.


The Joint Assembly considered a report which provided a summary of the further assessment of a southbound bus only off slip road at Junction 11 of the M11.


Ashley Heller, Team Leader of Public Transport Projects at Cambridgeshire County Council, presented the report and explained that the assessment undertaken did not support a standalone bus only south bound off slip road, but confirmed that some options may be deliverable albeit with associated risks.  It was noted that there remained uncertainties as to the long term plans of Highways England for the M11 as well as potential land use planning issues associated with the junction which would require further clarification.  Mr Heller outlined that the proposal reflected a very small stretch of bus priority along an extremely long and congested corridor but recognised that there were issues with this particular junction and that intervention would be necessary in view of employment growth in the area.  In his professional option, Mr Heller felt that it was more sensible to consider the junction in the context of the Western Orbital scheme, with the junction featuring as part of a modular scheme potentially around Park and Ride intervention. 


Councillor Bridget Smith supported the recommendations contained within the report and made the point that no buses currently travelled along the route, calling for the project to be dropped at this stage.


Andy Williams corrected some the of statistics quoted in the report at paragraphs 5 and 6 of the report in relation to Astra Zeneca, Papworth Hospital and the Cambridge Biomedical Campus, which he felt underestimated the size of the problem.  He also made it clear that AstraZeneca had in fact relocated from London, not Chester as stated in the report.  Mr Williams reiterated the significant demand that would be placed on this junction as early as 2018 when Papworth Hospital moved to the site, reminding Members that AstraZeneca would have 2,000 additional employees located on the site and that there would be a further 6,000 employees as a result of growth around Sawston.  He added that 50% of Papworth Hospital employees had indicated that they would use a bus service if there was one in operation.  Mr Williams said that something needed to be in place before 2018 and was therefore keen for something to come back for consideration in the future, particularly around what could be done in respect of Park and Ride. 


Councillor Roger Hickford, Chairman of the Joint Assembly, highlighted that a report on this issue was scheduled for reporting back to the Joint Assembly and Executive Board at their meetings in July 2017. 


Claire Ruskin was interested in the traffic modelling information and felt that this should be made available.  She also made the general point that the City Deal was seeking to make businesses more accessible and practical for people, which should be taken into account as part of considering this specific project.


Councillor Tim Bick was of the opinion that any improvement gained as a result of implementing these measures would be minimal and supported the recommendations contained within the report, saying that it was necessary to think more strategically.


Councillor Noel Kavanagh referred to the subsidy that had been offered, equating to 3 buses an hour, and asked where that would come from in the longer term. 


Councillor Dave Baigent felt that this project presented a very important opportunity to test the City Deal and deliver something that could prevent a huge problem on the M11.  He therefore felt this was something that should be followed through.


Councillor Hickford made the point that the recommendation in the report was not seeking to reject anything, but instead ensure that this aspect of the scheme was right.


The Joint Assembly RECOMMENDED that the Executive Board agreed that the M11 Junction 11 south bound bus only off slip road concept should be integrated into the Western Orbital project ensuring that any strategic transport and economic benefits may be realised and that a sustainable phased proposal could be developed.