Agenda item

S/2367/16/OL – Gamlingay (Land south of West Road and West of Mill Street)


Outline application for the development of up to 29 dwellings, including open space with access applied for in detail


The Committee gave officers delegated powers to approve the application, in accordance with the Building Height Parameter Plan (SZ258000027-202 Rev B) subject to


1.     The prior completion of a Legal Agreement under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 securing

a.     £92,310 towards Early Years Education

b.     £128,459 towards Primary School Education

c.      £297.84 towards libraries and lifelong learning

d.     £5249.00 towards strategic waste

e.     £18,009 towards GP Surgery

f.       £35,000 towards Old Methodist Church

g.     £30,000 towards relocation of tennis courts and bowling green

h.     £35,000 towards The Butts Playground

i.       £10,000 towards a cycle link feasibility study

j.       Scheme of 40% affordable housing provision to be agreed

k.      Scheme of on-site public open space and management to be agreed

l.       Scheme of ecological enhancement, management and monitoring


as detailed in the Heads of Terms attached as Appendix 1 to the report from the Head of Development Management, subject to

(i)               an amendment to the trigger for Reference CCC4 (Libraries and lifelong learning) to 50% prior to occupation and 50% prior to occupation of the 14th dwelling

(ii)              an additional clause securing maintenance and management of the hedge along the application site boundary with Mill Street;


2.     The Conditions and Informatives set out in the said report, amended in Condition (b) by replacing ’18 months’ with ’12 months’, and in Condition (c) also by replacing ’18 months’ with ’12 months’; and


3.     An additional Condition requiring that no built development take place within a distance of ten metres from the western edge of the existing footway along the application site adjacent to Mill Street (Reason: to secure an acceptable relationship with the setting of the Grade II listed buildings and Conservation Area, in accordance with policies CH/4 and CH/5 of the adopted Local Development Framework 2007); and


4.     Another Condition stating that,notwithstanding the approved plans identified in condition (d) no more than two houses shall be permitted along the eastern edge of the site fronting Mill Street.

(Reason: To ensure there is not significant harm to the setting of the Grade II listed building and Conservation Area in accordance with policies CH/4 and CH/5 of the adopted Local Development Framework 2007.)


Members visited the site on 31 January 2017.


Dr. Paul Jeffriss (objector), Jake Nugent (applicant’s agent), Kirstin Rayner (Gamlingay Parish Council Clerk speaking with the authority of the Parish Council), and Councillor Bridget Smith (a local Member) addressed the meeting. Dr. Jefferiss’ concerns related to elevations, and to the process followed in considering the application to date. Mr. Nugent said that the development was deliverable within five years. The Parish Council objected because of the adverse impact on the Conservation Area and Listed Building. Councillor Smith said that small sites like this were insignificant in addressing the five-year housing land supply issue. In that regard, she suggested, the benefit that the application would bring was outweighed by the harm it would cause. Councillor Smith said there was no demand for this development locally, and that it would have an adverse impact on neighbours while failing either to preserve or enhance the Conservation Area.


Speaking as the other local Member, Councillor Sebastian Kindersley referred to Application S/1338/15/OL, now the subject of an appeal due to be considered at public inquiry commencing on 28 March 2017. The Committee had refused that application because of

·   harm to the setting of the Conservation Area and Grade II listed buildings

·   overbearing impact on the dwellings at Mill Street and West Road

·   visual dominance causing significant harm to the character of the village and open countryside.

Councillor Kindersley said that those three reasons had not been overcome in the current application.


Following debate, the Committee gave officers delegated powers to approve the application, in accordance with the approved plans: Drawing number A,46,721 (Site Location Plan), C. 1,830 (Block Plan), SZ258000027-201 Rev B (Development Framework Parameters Plan), SZ258000027-202 Rev B (Building Height Parameters), A.46,721a (Ecological Mitigation Land Plan), SK03, SK04 and 4397-D Rev B subject to


1.     The prior completion of a Legal Agreement under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 securing

a.     £92,310 towards Early Years Education

b.     £128,459 towards Primary School Education

c.      £297.84 towards libraries and lifelong learning

d.     £5249.00 towards strategic waste

e.     £18,009 towards GP Surgery

f.       £35,000 towards Old Methodist Church

g.     £30,000 towards relocation of tennis courts and bowling green

h.     £35,000 towards The Butts Playground

i.       £10,000 towards a cycle link feasibility study

j.       Scheme of 40% affordable housing provision to be agreed

k.      Scheme of on-site public open space and management to be agreed

l.       Scheme of ecological enhancement, management and monitoring


as detailed in the Heads of Terms attached as Appendix 1 to the report from the Head of Development Management, subject to

(i)               an amendment to the trigger for Reference CCC4 (Libraries and lifelong learning) to 50% prior to occupation and 50% prior to occupation of the 14th dwelling

(ii)              an additional clause securing maintenance and management of the hedge along the application site boundary with Mill Street;


2.     The Conditions and Informatives set out in the said report, amended in Condition (b) by replacing ’18 months’ with ’12 months’, and in Condition (c) also by replacing ’18 months’ with ’12 months’; and


3.     An additional Condition requiring that no built development take place within a distance of ten metres from the western edge of the existing footway along the application site adjacent to Mill Street (Reason: to secure an acceptable relationship with the setting of the Grade II listed buildings and Conservation Area, in accordance with policies CH/4 and CH/5 of the adopted Local Development Framework 2007); and


4.     Another Condition stating that, notwithstanding the approved plans identified in condition (d) no more than two houses shall be permitted along the eastern edge of the site fronting Mill Street.

(Reason: To ensure there is not significant harm to the setting of the Grade II listed building and Conservation Area in accordance with policies CH/4 and CH/5 of the adopted Local Development Framework 2007.)

Supporting documents: