Agenda item

'Mind the Gap' in support and provision between schools and Children and Adolescent Mental Health Services


A number of expert witnesses will be attending the meeting to discuss this with the committee. 


On conclusion of the discussion, the Committee will be invited to consider next steps and identify what this Council can do to improve the situation.


The following external attendees were present at the meeting:


·        Jacki Parris - Deputy Principal, Swavesey Village College

·        Al Mistrano - Head Teacher at Bar Hill Primary

·        Emma Neagle - Assistant Principal at Cambourne Village College

·        Lee Miller - Head of Transformation and Commissioning (Children and Maternity) at the Cambridgeshire NHS Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG)

·        Dr Becky Jones - South Cambs General Practitioner and the CCG's clinical lead for children’s mental health

·        Ann Jones – Allyance


Jacki Parris delivered a short PowerPoint presentation about The Hub at Swavesey Village College featuring


·        A mental health statistics quiz

·        An overview of the implications of funding cuts on the locality team, and the pressure on both CAMHS and Circle 33

·        A description of the work undertaken by The Hub, namely

o   In-School Counselling

o   Special Educational Needs services

o   Mindfulness and Relaxation Techniques

o   Behaviour Support

o   Attendance and Medical Needs Support

o   Restorative Conference Referral

·        The process for making a referral

·        An explanation of what happens after a referral is made

·        A ‘Wise Up’ Petition


The external attendees took the opportunity to discuss among themselves how their specific expertise could most effectively be brought together in order to enhance the provision of mental healthcare for young people.


Councillor Ingrid Tregoing stressed the importance of the volunteer sector in dealing with mental health issues. The ultimate aim was one of prevention rather than cure.


For Allyance, operating in Melbourn, Bassingbourn and Gamlingay First Schools, the crucial message was that every child matters. Committee members noted how Allyance was funded, through school subscription, and that its main function was to deal with referrals. Allyance worked both with parents and with South Cambridgeshire District Council through a variety of areas, including music therapy and mental health conferences.


The Vice-Chairman said that the core problem was one of stigma. It was important to create an atmosphere in which children felt at ease discussing issues among themselves.


Councillor Tregoing welcomed the good working relationship between Allyance and locality teams. GPs were getting better at addressing the logistical challenge posed by the demands of mental health referrals.


The Chairman thanked the external attendees for their invaluable contribution to the meeting. The external attendees then left.


Introducing the Committee debate, the Chairman highlighted the urgent need for prompt intervention, and the importance of bonding with peers, as had happened earlier in the meeting. Funding of this resource-intensive area was a significant challenge. He referred to the funding available through the NHS.


Moving forward, it would be important to provide information points, and make it easier for people to access the kind of advice they needed. The Director for Health and Environmental Services said that a good starting point would be for officers to visit schools to ascertain whether or not sufficient resources were in place to consider the expansion of the kind of facility currently offered by Allyance. The Chairman agreed that this would help formulate a report to Cabinet relating to best practice and the need for a resource package.


The Committee agreed the following Actions:


1.      To initiate discussion with other stakeholders with a view to identifying appropriate funding streams, and allocate other resources.


2.      To position South Cambridgeshire District Council as a kind of directory, streamlining the process and making it easier for people to access the information they needed, either directly from the Council or from organisations to which the Council refers them. The aim should be to avoid duplication of effort.


3.      To examine the pros and cons of establishing several small groups providing mental health advice in specific localities, or one large group serving the whole of the South Cambridgeshire district.