Agenda item

S/1606/16/OL- Cottenham (Land at Oakington Road)


Outline planning application for the erection of up to 126 dwellings, formation of a new vehicular & pedestrian access onto Oakington Road and associated infrastructure and works (All matters reserved apart from access)


Given the extension of the period for determining the application to 31 July 2017, the possibility of Judicial Review, and the desirability of further consideration being given to additional information submitted in relation to heritage assets and, in particular, to the impact of the proposed new roundabout on those heritage assets, the Committee deferred the application


Members visited the site on 9 May 2017.


The Planning Lawyer Informed Members that no decision notice had yet been issued in respect of Application S/1411/16/OL. He urged caution in the light of roundabout works already agreed as part of that application. He also reminded them about the possibility of Judicial Review proceedings.


Members expressed concern about the increased risk of damage to the heritage assets. Deferral was proposed and seconded for that reason and to make sure that all relevant information was presented to Members and the public in an accessible manner and in advance of the meeting.


Given the extension of the period for determining the application to 31 July 2017, the possibility of Judicial Review, and the desirability of further consideration being given to heritage assets and to the impact of the proposed new roundabout on those heritage assets, the Committee deferred the application

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