Agenda item

Sickness Absence 1 January 2017 - 31 March 2017

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The Finance and Staffing Portfolio Holder received and noted a confidential report containing information about sickness absence for the period 1st January 2017 to 31st March 2017. This report was the latest in a quarterly cycle of monitoring reports, and detailed performance as at the end of 2016/17.


The Head of People and Organisational Development reported that there had been a significant increase in absence during this quarter and explained that an analysis of available data had established this was mainly attributable to an increase in headcount following the TUPE transfer undertaken within the Shared Waste Service.  Management action was being taken to address this.


It was noted that a key area of concern was the continuing delays caused by line managers  in the notification of absences and completion of return to work meetings.  This could result in a delay in putting in place appropriate measures to support employees as well as causing inaccurate reporting.  The Portfolio Holder reinforced the role and responsibility of service managers in terms of active attendance management in particular, the need for prompt reporting of absences and close liaison with HR in terms of employee support, in line with the Council’s Attendance Management Policy.  He undertook to look at this in more detail, where necessary raising concerns with the appropriate service Portfolio Holder.  With that in mind, he asked that the next monitoring report contain a more detailed breakdown of performance.


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