Agenda item

Quarterly Position Statement on Finance, Performance and Risk




(a)             noted the Council’s provisional financial outturn position, together with the overview of Corporate Plan 2016-2021  achievements and performance against key performance indicators set out in the report and appendices A-D attached;

(b)             Approved budget rollovers totalling £3,149,007 as detailed in Appendices D(1) General Fund Revenue, D(2) HRA Revenue and D(3) Capital, to be carried forward into the 2017-18 financial year, and

(c)             Approved the Strategic Risk Register at Appendix E.


Cabinet considered a report containing


·       A provisional 2016-17 outturn position statement on General Fund, Housing Revenue Account (HRA) and Capital expenditure, including requests for budget rollovers from 2016-17 to 2017-18;

·       A statement on the 2016-17 year-end position statement with regard to the Council’s corporate objectives and performance indicators; and

·       The Strategic Risk Register.


Councillor Simon Edwards (Finance and Staffing Portfolio Holder) and Councillor Nick Wright (Business and Customer Services Portfolio Holder and Deputy Leader) summarised those aspects of the report for which they had responsibility.


On risk, Councillor Robert Turner (Planning Portfolio Holder) highlighted a significantly improved position following two challenging years in the planning service.


Referring to the new strategic risk matrix, and in reply to a question from Councillor Anna Bradnam, Councillor Wright confirmed that Members would still also receive the details of risks.


Councillor Bridget Smith asked about the risk held by Ermine Street Housing. Councillor Edwards reminded her that Ermine Street was an independent company, and that the Council’s interest in it was purely as an investor. The Executive Director explained that the two registers held by the Council and by Ermine Street covered the same risks but approached them from different perspectives.


In response to the Leader, the Policy and Performance Manager said that officers were working towards reducing the number of Performance Indicators from 38 to 28.


Members noted the implication of paragraph 26(e) of the report from the Chief Executive.


The Business and Customer Services Portfolio Holder took the opportunity to explain the rationale behind the relocation of the Swansley Room, and reconfiguring of the access to the Monkfield Room. While work had been delayed for reasons beyond the Council’s control, once completed it would improve public access to the two meeting rooms, and enhance staff safety both within the office area and in the interview rooms, which would be relocated nearer to Reception.




(a)            noted the Council’s provisional financial outturn position, together with the overview of Corporate Plan 2016-2021 achievements and performance against key performance indicators set out in the report and appendices A-D attached;


(b)            Approved budget rollovers totalling £3,149,007 as detailed in Appendices D(1) General Fund Revenue, D(2) HRA Revenue and D(3) Capital, to be carried forward into the 2017-18 financial year, and

(c)            Approved the Strategic Risk Register at Appendix E.

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