Agenda item

Uttlesford Local Plan Consultation


The Planning Portfolio Holder agreed that a consultation response be submitted on the draft Uttlesford Local Plan based upon paragraphs 15-35 of this report, taking account of agreed modifications and additions concerning transport,  the North Uttlesford Garden Community start date, build-out rates, water supply and disposal, and ‘rat running’.


 The Planning Portfolio Holder considered a report on the draft Uttlesford District Council Local Plan (Regulation 18) consultation.


The Principal Planning Policy Officer reported that officers had met with Parish Councils on 23 August 2017, and that the proposed response could usefully add a number of points which had emerged from that meeting, including


·       reference to whether a start date in 2021/22 for the North Uttlesford Garden Community (NUGC) was deliverable

·        boosting the report concerning village rat running

·       giving more emphasis to implications for the Parkway station at Whittlesford

·       noting possible impacts on Saffron Walden during the long build out phase of the NUGC

·       referencing the need for high quality public transport links to key local destinations.


The Principal Planning Policy Officer drew attention to a letter from Uttlesford District Council dated 24 August 2017 concerning that Council’s emerging Local Plan. He summarised its contents, noting that it had already been circulated to the Portfolio Holder, Opposition Spokesmen and Scrutiny and Overview Committee Monitors. 


Officers summarised the report from the Joint Director for Planning and Economic Development.


The Planning Portfolio Holder referred to paragraph 8 of the report, and expressed empathy with the challenges being faced by Uttlesford District Council in its efforts to bring forward a sound Local Plan.


Councillor Tony Orgee (local Member for the Abingtons) thanked officers for their contribution to this process, and addressed the Portfolio Holder. He made the following points:


·       He had concerns about the supply of fresh water

·       Referring to paragraph 33, it should be emphasised that South Cambridgeshire District Council was able to approach this issue on the basis of the real evidence gained from major developments already in progress, and not simply projected figures

·       The problem of “rat running”

·       It should be noted that Great Chesterford railway station was simply a stopping station, and therefore should not form part of the sustainability argument. People would use Whittlesford station instead.


Councillor David Bard (a local Member for Sawston) raised the question of viability in respect of  foul water treatment and water recycling, and expressed concerns about the underlying aquifer.


Councillor Kevin Cuffley (another local Member for Sawston) said that the traffic data relied upon in drafting the Local Plan needed to be updated. He also raised concerns about flood risk, and the impact on landscape. In reply, the Joint Director for Planning and Economic Development pointed out that the traffic data had been agreed between Cambridgeshire County Council and Essex County Council. He said that the challenges ahead included the proof of soundness of Uttlesford’s Local Plan, levels of certainty of investment in transport, and mitigation measures.


Councillor Anna Bradnam highlighted the importance of secondary education given the capacity challenges already being encountered by Linton Village College by virtue of several recent planning consents issued by South Cambridgeshire District Council, and the possibility that the NUGC might not be developed to a point at which it could justify having its own secondary school. Furthermore, the withdrawal of school buses could have an adverse impact in terms of traffic congestion at peak times.


The Planning Portfolio Holder agreed that a consultation response be submitted on the draft Uttlesford Local Plan based upon paragraphs 15-35 of this report, taking account of agreed modifications and additions including those concerned with  transport, the North Uttlesford Garden Community start date, build-out rates, water supply and disposal, and ‘rat running’.

Supporting documents: