Agenda item

S/2407/17/DC - Longstanton (Northstowe Phase 2)


Discharge of condition no.9 (Design Code) of planning permission S/2011/14/OL - Design code for phase 2 of Northstowe .


Appendices B, C and D are available online by visiting > The Council > Councillors, Minutes and agendas, and browse.


The Committee discharged Condition 9 (Design Code) attached to planning permission S/2011/14/OL (Northstowe Phase 2).


The Case Officer summarised the background, and emphasised the importance of the Phase 2 Design Guide, which had been developed taking into account the Design Guide for Phase 1, thus ensuring a level of consistency.


The Team Leader (Consultancy Unit) made a PowerPoint presentation, which covered the following topics:


·        Planning context

·        Northstowe Phase 1 delivery

·        What are Design Codes?

·        Urban design framework

·        Movement framework

·        Landscape structure

·        Character areas

·        Northstowe Fields character area

·        Town centre character area

·        Landscape strategy

·        Site wide coding

·        Town centre Square

·        Landscape and open space parameter plan

·        Movement and access

·        Density parameter plan

·        Heights parameter plan


Dean Harris (for the applicants) set out the Housing and Communities Agency’s priorities, which were speed of delivery, housing choice, and quality of place. Councillor Alex Riley (speaking as a Committee member) expressed disappointment that the Design Code had not addressed the issue of minimum room sizes. In reply, Mr. Harris said that the Government now only required this if minimum room sizes formed part of the Local Plan. Minimum room sizes had not been specified in the outline planning permission for Phase 2, but could could be a consideration as part of Phase 3, should the draft Local Plan have been adopted by then.


A representative from Longstanton Parish Council was in the public gallery, but opted not to address the Committee. He confirmed that the Parish Council considered that Condition 9 had been complied with satisfactorily.


Speaking as the local Member, Councillor Riley acknowledged the Design Code as an impressive document, but cautioned against becoming too prescriptive. He regretted that the document did not specify minimum room sizes. He wondered how the character of Long Lane would be protected. Other important elements were delivery of a secondary school, the date of the first house completion, and the build-out timescale. The Northstowe Transport Planning Officer said that Long Lane would acquire an enhanced function as a cycle way, but that its essential character would be preserved. Councillor Riley feared that Long Lane might be damaged by the use of Quad bikes. The New Communities Team Leader said that the secondary school was due in September 2019, and that the first house completion was expected six months before that.


Councillor Riley asked how construction vehicles would access the site. The case officer informed the Committee that delivery routes would be agreed between South Cambridgeshire District Council and the HCA, and indentified in an Environmental Management Plan. The Access Road West would not be ready in time for the first construction project, but the case officer assured Members that Longstanton Parish Council would be consulted before routes were agreed.


Councillor Sebastian Kindersley noted that the indicative drawings showed balconies on flats, and commented that such balconies were not a traditional feature in South Cambridgeshire. In response, the Team Leader (Consultancy Unit) referred to Section 4.5 of the Northstowe Phase 2 Design Code. That section was clear that one of the essential design principles was that all proposals must provide external space. In the case of flats, external space most frequently meant balconies. The Team Leader (Consultancy Unit) assured Members that detailed guidelines would be drawn up.


Councillor Kindersley expressed concern about the ‘Fluid’ nature of the town centre. Officers pointed out that the layout was purely indicative at this stage, and that the relevant Supplementary Planning Document would be followed. Councillor Brian Burling was similarly keen that Northstowe Town Centre should be characterised by a Feature Building. There should also be opportunities for small-scale retail, public houses and Faith groups. Officers assured Councillor Burling that such comments were, and would be, addressed by the Section 106 Agreement and the Town Centre Strategy.


Distinctiveness and significance would help to deliver Town Centre quality. The Team Leader (Consultancy Unit) aassured Members that the detail would evolve from what was seen as a long-term project.


Councillor Philippa Hart expressed concern at the apparent erosion of the concept of Northstowe as an  exemplar development. She regretted the fact that the indicative Town Centre was excessively urban.cllr Hart said that the Council should reach out to Faith groups in an effort to promote community integration. Councillor Tim Scott and ccllr David McCraith shared the view that the indicative Town Centre lacked character, partly because of a rigid grid system of development. Councillor Burling suggested a design competition as one way of securing an exemplar Town Centre. Offices acknowledged the significance of the opportunities offered by the Design Code, and assured Members that consideration would be given to a design competition as one way of addressing the issue of evolving character.


Councillor Robert Turner agreed that design of the Town Centre was work in progress, and that Northstowe should be considered differently from North West Cambridge. He said that balconies should be allowed only where appropriate.


The Committee discharged Condition 9 (Design Code) attached to planning permission S/2011/14/OL (Northstowe Phase 2).

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