Agenda item

Declarations of Interest


1.         Disclosable pecuniary interests (“DPI”)

A  DPI is where a committee member or his/her spouse or partner has any kind of beneficial interest in the land under consideration at the meeting.


 2.        Non-disclosable pecuniary interests

These are interests that are pecuniary involving a  personal financial benefit or detriment but do not come within the definition of a DPI.  An example would be where a member of their family/close friend (who is not their spouse or partner) has such an interest.


3.         Non-pecuniary interests

Where the interest is not one which involves any personal financial benefit or detriment to the Councillor but arises out of a close connection with someone or some  body /association.  An example would be membership of a sports committee/ membership of another council which is involved in the matter under consideration.


In respect of Minute 4 (S/2239/13/FL - Sawston (Deal Grove, Babraham Road)):


·        Councillor David Bard declared a on-pecuniary interest. Councillor Bard had been a member of the Planning Committee when it first considered this application in June 2014, and had also attended Parish Council meetings at which the matter had been discussed. He stepped down as Vice-Chairman of the Committee for the duration of the debate, addressed the Committee as a public speaker taking no part in that debate, and did not vote.


·        Councillor Kevin Cuffley declared a non-pecuniary interest. Councillor Cuffley had not been a member of the Planning Committee when it first considered this application in June 2014, and had also attended Parish Council meetings, as the Vice-Chairman of Sawston Parish Council, at which the matter had been discussed. He stepped down from the Committee for the duration of the debate, addressed the Committee as a public speaker taking no part in that debate, and did not vote.


·        Councillors Brian Burling, Pippa Corney, Sebastian Kindersley, David McCraith, Des O’Brien and Robert Turner had each been a Planning Committee member when this application had last been considered. Each confirmed that they were considering the matter completely afresh.


Councillor John Batchelor declared a non-pecuniary interest in respect of Minute 6 (S/0460/17/FL - Balsham (Plumbs Dairy,107 High Street)) and Minute 7 (S/1818/17/OL - Balsham (Land to the west of 10 Cambridge Road)). Balsham was located within the catchment area of Linton Village College, where he was Chairman of the Board of Governors. In that capacity, Councillor John Batchelor had been involved in discussions with the County Education Authorities over the formula applied to establish the student capacity of Linton Village College, and had raised objections to the lack of any request for Section 106 monies for secondary education. He was considering the matter afresh.


Councillor Anna Bradnam declared a non-pecuniary interest as a member of Cambridgeshire County Council. Referring to Minute 5 (S/3052/16/FL - Shepreth (Meldreth Road)), she pointed out that the County Council owned the land the subject of this application.


Councillor Brian Burling declared a non-pecuniary interest in respect of Minute 9 (S/2341/17/FL - Over (16 Mill Road)). Councillor Burling was a member of Over Parish Council, and had been present at the Parish Council meeting at which this application had been discussed. He was now considering the matter afresh.


Councillor Pippa Corney declared a disclosable pecuniary interest in respect of Minute 9 (S/2341/17/FL - Over (16 Mill Road)) because she was named on the planning application form as a joint applicant with Ian Corney. Councillor Corney withdrew from the Chamber for the entirety of the consideration of this application, took no part in the debate and did not vote.


Councillor Sebastian Kindersley declared a non-pecuniary interest as a member of Cambridgeshire County Council. Referring to Minute 5 (S/3052/16/FL - Shepreth (Meldreth Road)), he pointed out that the County Council owned the land the subject of this application.

Councillor Des O’Brien mentioned that, as a matter of public record, he was a member of South Cambridgeshire District Council, the applicant in respect of Minute 7 (S/1818/17/OL - Balsham (Land to the west of 10 Cambridge Road)).