Agenda item

2017-18 Second Quarterly Position Statement on Finance, Performance and Risk


The Finance and Staffing Portfolio Holder presented with the Policy and Performance Manager,  the report which provided an update in respect of the Council’s financial position, performance and risk. The Portfolio Holder highlighted the following:

·         The Council’s performance was on track.

·         Invoices were being paid within 30 days however performance was still not where the Council wanted it to be.

·         Performance around complaints handling was not where the Council wanted it to be, however work was in progress to improve this.

·         There had been a significant improvement in the performance of the processing of benefits claims.


The report was discussed by the committee:

·         Members advised that the table at paragraph 17 of the report was not easy to understand and further explanation was requested to make it easier for members of the public to understand. The committee pointed out that this was a public meeting and as such, papers needed to be easily understood by members of the public.

·         Further information regarding the Combined Authority housing programme would be provided to members after the meeting, as the information was not available during the meeting.

·         In response to a query regarding the net risk score, members were informed that the Council’s Executive Management Team scored the risks using a methodology that had been designed by the Corporate Governance Committee. Any proposed change to the methodology would have to be approved by the Corporate Governance Committee.

·         Members were informed that the arrow on the Strategic Risk Matrix reflected the movement of the gross risk.

·         The committee was informed that Universal Credit had already been introduced for a small part of the district’s population. There was a Government administration grant to help the Council cater for the increased administration that would result from the full introduction of Universal Credit, however this was only a two year grant. It was hard to predict if this would lead to a shortfall in resource.

·         It was advised that the performance of devolution and the performance of the Greater Cambridge Partnership should be added to the Strategic Risk Register, as there was a risk to the Council if they did not deliver. The Portfolio Holder would suggest this to Cabinet.

·         In response to a query regarding lack of sign off of the Council’s accounts by Ernst and Young, the committee was informed that this was a service level risk rather than a strategic risk. The Finance and Staffing Portfolio Holder assured the committee that the Council’s business was not affected by this. The committee was informed that the Government’s valuation of the Council’s housing stock was based on the affordability to support and maintain this stock.

·         The committee was informed that the next bidding round for the County Council’s innovation fund was in the new year and the Council would be submitting a bid.

·         In response to a query that could not be answered at the meeting, officers would find out whether an older people’s accommodation needs report had been completed.

·         The committee was informed that a consultation on the planning shared service had been completed and a report would be presented at a future Cabinet meeting.

·         In relation to the Corporate Plan, a query was raised regarding S106 contributions for Girton sports pavilion and sports pitches. This could not be answered at the meeting and officers would circulate information to members following the meeting.


The Scrutiny and Overview Committee NOTED the report.

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