Agenda item

Shared Waste Service Alternative Bin Collection Day Initial Project Review


The Environmental Services Portfolio Holder presented this report, which reviewed the implementation of the Shared Waste Service Alternative Bin Collection Day project.


Collection of cardboard

Concern was expressed regarding missed collections of cardboard. The Head of Waste Services explained that cardboard left beside the bin should be collected, providing it was small enough to fit inside a wheeled bin. Instances of cardboard not being collected should be reported to the Council to ensure that errors were rectified. He also pointed out that the Council could provide an extra blue bin for households that required it. This was a better solution than continuously having to put out side waste. The Committee recommended that the Council be more proactive in communicating how it collected cardboard side waste.


Reducing waste

It was suggested that the Council should reduce the number of plastic cups used at its offices, especially at its meeting to give the correct perception to the public. The Portfolio Holder explained that there was a complex debate about the virtues of paper as opposed to plastic cups. It was noted that the Council had recently changed the way in which it collected its office waste in an aim to increase its recycling rate.


It was suggested that more could be done to encourage businesses, particularly those that used mail order, to reduce the amount of packaging. The Head of Waste Services explained that the Council was lobbying for this, but we were one voice in a larger national issue.


Improving practice

It was noted that the Council’s collection vehicles were equipped with CCTV cameras, which could be used for training purposes. For example, bins should be placed back where they were collected from and any instances of this not happening could be investigated.


It had been reported that batteries were being mixed in with recycling, which caused contamination. The Portfolio Holder apologised for this, as the aim was to collect these separately.


The Portfolio Holder reported that the operatives were gaining experience of rounds, which meant that cover could be provided in the event of staff sickness.


In response to questioning the Head of Waste Services explained that there was no policy in place with regard to lying bins on their sides in windy weather, it was a judgement call for the operatives.


Missed bins

Whilst missed bin collections were responded to promptly, they should not have occurred in the first place. The Head of Waste Services explained that all missed collections were analysed to try and avoid repeats. If they were promptly reported then it was likely that a vehicle would only have to make a brief detour to collect it. Analysing the data could also identify instances of assisted collections being repeatedly missed. The aim was to avoid repeat errors as these cost the Council money and resources.



The Head of Waste Services reported that operatives had recently received training, which covered health and safety and promoting mutual respect and dignity at work. This would help to improve the service.


Overall performance

The Portfolio Holder stated that the Council provided an excellent service, with the lowest collect rate recorded this year for a village in a single quarter was 99.4%. He explained that overall the Council collected 5 million bins a year and it was inevitable that some bins would be missed. A number of Committee members reported that they had not received any complaints.


Export of recycling waste

China had recently announced that they would no longer be accepting certain types of plastic for recycling. The Portfolio Holder explained that as the Council’s recycling was collected by Ameycespa, who disposed most of its waste locally, he was hopeful that the announcement from China would not have a detrimental effect on the Council’s recycling rate. The Portfolio Holder offered to send this information to all councillors and put in on the Council’s website.


The Committee recommended that communication be improved for residents through the website and parish councils through direct contact.


The Committee thanked the Portfolio Holder and officers for a comprehensive report and presentation. The Committee NOTED the report.

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