Agenda item

Response to consultation on Pre-Submission Draft Uttlesford Local Plan (Reg 19)


The Deputy Leader of the Council presented the report which outlined the Council’s proposed consultation response to the pre-submission draft Uttlesford Local Plan Regulation 19. The Council was objecting to the proposed new North Uttlesford Garden Community (NUGC) and the committee was informed of some of the following concerns that the Council had about the proposal:

·         The impact on transport infrastructure, particularly the A505 corridor which was already congested at peak periods, and the potential for rat running through South Cambridgeshire villages.

·         The impact on the landscape and the visual impact as the site was elevated and visible from a considerable distance. There was particular concern for this during the winter months, with the visibility of a large elevated development at night.

·         There was concern regarding the potential impact on the growth of the south of South Cambridgeshire.


The committee discussed the report and made the following comments:

·         The committee was concerned that Uttlesford was proposing large scale development with no substantial additional transport infrastructure. The potential impact on exiting transport infrastructure was significant, which raised significant concerns regarding the sustainability of the development.

·         The Local Member for Duxford informed the committee that the parish councils in his ward supported the report. The committee was informed that the parish councils were grateful and felt a thorough job had been done by South Cambridgeshire officers.

·         Concern was expressed that Uttlesford had not addressed mitigations to potential rat running and the visual impact on the landscape.

·         Major intervention works would be needed on the A505.

·         There was concern that the NUGC could negatively impact potential future planning applications in South Cambridgeshire, that were important for the district’s future economic growth, accepting that those planning applications would have to be assessed on their own merits taking account of all material planning considerations.

·         Members recognised that the NUGC would provide housing for employment sites in South Cambridgeshire, however the delivery of this could not be relied upon as it was not in the Council’s control.

·         Concerns were raised regarding the visual impact of the NUGC on the landscape as this was an undulating area of South Cambridgeshire. South Cambridgeshire officers considered the potential visual impact to be significant. The committee was informed that Uttlesford’s consultants also considered the potential visual impact to be significant . It was noted that Uttlesford’s Sustainability Appraisal commented that it was uncertain whether the landscape impact could  be mitigated without affecting the development area.

·         The committee asked that reference to aquifers be added to the Council’s response to Uttlesford, based on the Council’s representations from 2017.

·         The committee also requested that officers included other points raised in the Council’s 2017 representations. Officers advised that while some of these points were no longer relevant, this would be considered and relevant points included.

·         Members recognised the difficulties faced by Uttlesford as it planned for the future of its district and reaffirmed South Cambridgeshire District Council’s commitment to continue to work constructively with Uttlesford on planning matters into the future.


Members thanked officers for their work on the proposed response, which the committee supported.

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