Agenda item

S/2501/19/RM - Linton (Land to the North and South of Bartlow Road)


Approval of matters reserved for appearance, landscaping, layout and scale following outline planning permission S/1963/15/OL for residential development for up to 55 dwellings with landscape buffer and new vehicular access from Bartlow Road


Members had regard to the update report published on 7 November 2019 and, in particular, the updates to paragraphs 10 (comments from the Landscape Officer) and 15 (comments from the Affordable Housing Officer) of the main report published on 5 November 2019, and deletion of the reference to Plot 35 having a garage as part of the application. By five votes to four, the Planning Committee approved the application subject to the Conditions and Informative set out in the main report from the Joint Director of Planning and Economic Development, with the final wording of any amendments to these being delegated to officers in consultation with the Chairman and Vice-Chairman for this item (Councillors Brian Milnes and Peter Fane) prior to the issuing of the Decision Notice.


(Councillors Cahn, Daunton, Fane, Milnes and Rippeth voted to approve the application. Councillors Bradnam, Roberts, Topping and Heather Williams voted to refuse it)


Members visited the site on 12 November 2019.


In accordance with his Declaration of Interest (Minute 2 refers) Councillor John Batchelor withdrew to the public gallery. Councillor Brian Milnes (Vice-Chairman of the meeting) took the chair and, by affirmation, the Committee agreed that Councillor Peter Fane be appointed Vice-Chairman for the duration of the current item.


The current application for Reserved Matters followed the Committee’s refusal of application S/2487/18/RM in May 2019.


Members had regard to the update report published on 7 November 2019 and, in particular, the updates to paragraphs 10 (comments from the Landscape Officer) and 15 (comments from the Affordable Housing Officer) of the main report published on 5 November 2019, and deletion of the reference to Plot 35 having a garage as part of the application. The case officer addressed Linton Parish Council’s concerns relating to procedure, including validation of the application and adequacy of public consultation. She said that, as a Reserved Matters application was not technically a planning application, officers felt that due process had been followed.


Councillor Enid Bald (Linton Parish Council) and Councillor John Batchelor (in his capacity as a local Member) addressed the meeting.


Members’ debate focussed on the ‘pepper-potting’ of the affordable housing, design, including building heights, and the nature of the public consultation. Councillor Deborah Roberts concluded that the revised layout of the affordable housing was probably the best that could be hoped for. However, she expressed disappointment that the developers had failed fully to address the Committee’s concerns, raised in May 2019, about design. Councillor Roberts said the Committee should defend its policies.


Taking a contrary view, Councillor Peter Fane said that significant changes had been made to the proposal, and that it should now be approved.


Councillor Brian Milnes considered the design in the context of the huge variety of housing in Linton. He concluded that it would be difficult to justify refusal on the ground of the proposal being contrary to the character of the local area.


By five votes to four, the Planning Committee approved the application subject to the Conditions and Informative set out in the main report from the Joint Director of Planning and Economic Development, with the final wording of any amendments to these being delegated to officers in consultation with the Chairman and Vice-Chairman for this item (Councillors Brian Milnes and Peter Fane) prior to the issuing of the Decision Notice.


(Councillors Cahn, Daunton, Fane, Milnes and Rippeth voted to approve the application. Councillors Bradnam, Roberts, Topping and Heather Williams voted to refuse it)

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