Agenda item

North East Cambridge Area Action Plan: Proposed Submission (Regulation 19)


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The Scrutiny and Overview Committee considered a report seeking Cabinet support for the Proposed Submission North East Cambridge Area Action Plan (NECAAP) that would establish the policies and proposals advanced by South Cambridgeshire District Council and Cambridge City Council for managing development, regeneration, and investment in North East Cambridge over the next twenty years and beyond. Officers gave a short PowerPoint presentation of the proposals.


Councillor Dr. Claire Daunton was concerned by the lack of any indication of the timeframe for the construction and occupation of the first phase, which incorporated around 4,000 homes. Councillor Daunton also wondered where the alternative site or sites might be If the Development Consent Order failed, and North East Cambridge could not be developed.


Further discussion focussed on six key aspects:


A. Open space on the development and sports provision


While Members broadly welcomed the proposed increased provision of children’s play space and informal open space, Councillor Dr. Richard Williams expressed concern about the inclusion as part of that provision of open space within employment areas.


Committee members agreed that the North East Cambridge development could have a negative impact of neighbouring communities and should be required to provide more open space on-site. Councillor Anna Bradnam (a local Member for Milton and Waterbeach) said that recreation space must be provided on site because Milton was already lacking in the level of recreational facilities needed to meet the demand of its own residents.


Regarding the future use of the existing Milton Waste site, it was suggested that the NECAAP should safeguard a route to this area as it could be used as open space in the future.


B. Milton Country Park


The new community would be located on the opposite side of the A14 to Milton Country Park which currently operated at capacity on several days each year. Councillor Judith Rippeth (a local Member for Milton and Waterbeach) said that the park would be overwhelmed unless provision could be agreed via a Legal Agreement under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 for funding a significant expansion of the park, or of additional informal recreation space at North East Cambridge. Such Section 106 Agreement should also seek to mitigate against any harm to local biodiversity.


It was suggested that a tunnel connecting the development with Milton Country Park should be constructed under the A14. Parkrun had already discontinued use of Milton Country Park because of capacity issues.


C. Connectivity and transport


Committee members regretted that no provision had been made for connecting the development site with the residents and businesses beyond the level crossing on Fen Road by securing a permanent means of crossing the increasingly busy railway tracks. While noting that discussions with Network Rail were ongoing, Members felt that greater urgency was needed. There was a clear need for an additional vehicle access for more than 500 residents and more than 200 staff of businesses in that location.


There was some concern about the amount of parking provision proposed at Cambridge North Railway Station (and how this related to the Trip Budget) and the potential impacts of car parking displacement on adjacent communities, including Milton. Regarding the proposed trip budget, Members challenged assumptions about the use of public transport. Councillor Paul Bearpark (a local Member for Milton and Waterbeach) voiced concerns about congestion along Milton Road and in surrounding areas. He also suggested ‘car barns’ should be called ‘multi-storey car parks’.


D. Health and other facilities


Some members specifically welcomed the provision of health facilities on-site.


E. Water


Regarding the implementation and on-going management of water systems as well as water usage requirements, one member queried whether this had been achieved elsewhere at a scale similar to NEC and whose responsibility was it to maintain water systems. Another member queried about the amount of open space on-site and how much water would be needed to maintain these spaces.


Regarding the Development Consent Order (DCO) for the relocation of the Wastewater Treatment Plant and the provision of water to serve the development, one member questioned whether the Area Action Plan was premature as it is undeliverable.


Regarding the relocation of the Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP), one member noted that the AAP was not transparent enough on this issue given the two projects were interrelated.


The report targeted water usage of 80 litres per person per day but even at that level the provision of a reliable, ongoing supply of water could not presently be guaranteed and clarity on how this requirement would be met was needed.


F. Quantum, Building heights and densities


Members generally supported the reduction whilst one member noted that higher heights and densities could have been retained from the draft AAP provided it was well designed.


Regarding the overall quantum of development, one member noted that housing numbers should be reduced as it would have no impact on the emerging strategy for the Greater Cambridge Local Plan.


Other comments


The Scrutiny and Overview Committee recommends that Cabinet


a.    Recognises that Milton Country Park is already operating at capacity and that the future strategic open space beyond the Area Action Plan area should be delivered in part through financial contributions from development at North East Cambridge.


b.     Recognises the nature of North East Cambridge as a high-density, urban development that should eventually become a part of Cambridge city (unrelated to Milton parish), with a boundary review being considered at the appropriate time.


c.     Commits to the provision of an appropriate amount of recreation space onsite with easy access for future residents.


d.    Incorporates into the development faith, cultural and community facilities, and workspace for small and start-up businesses (based on demand in the light of changed working practices because of the Covid-19 pandemic).


e.    Seeks reassurance that there is adequate provision for future cemetery requirements.


f.      Acknowledges the issues around the Fen Road Level Crossing and asks officers to continue to engage further with Network Rail on this matter through the preparation of the Greater Cambridge Local Plan.

Supporting documents: