Agenda item

21/03628/FUL - 36 Apthorpe Street, Fulborn

Erection of a three bedroom, one and a half storey, timber framed barn-style dwelling on land to rear of St Martins Cottage.


By 10 votes to 1, the Planning Committee refused the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation set out in the report from the Joint Director of Planning and Economic Development.


The Principal Planner presented the report with no updates. The applicant, Keith Carter addressed the meeting in support of the application. The Committee was informed by the applicant that the upkeep of St Martins Cottage was no longer viable for the owners, and when it was placed on the market for new ownership no new owners were forthcoming- largely due to the land maintenance commitments that came with the property. The applicant also stated that the proposed building would be constructed with sustainable building techniques and would have an eco-centric design. Councillor Graham Cone addressed the Committee in support of the application and noted the Parish Council’s support. The issue of the Village Development Framework boundary was raised by both the applicant and Local Member. Part of the proposed site fell outside of the boundary, and when questioned if he felt that the boundary was incorrect, the Local Member stated that, in this instance, it did seem to be questionable as part of the site was outside of the boundary even though it was not in open countryside and was part of a resident’s property.


The Committee debated the village boundary issue extensively. Members understood the frustrations over part of the property being outside of the boundary, noting that it was clearly not in open countryside and the development would not infringe on the greenbelt, but agreed that the proposed development would be outside of the Village Development Framework and was therefore against policy. Members noted that, if there were concerns over the boundary, it should have been addressed at an earlier date and the Committee had to make a decision based on the policies in place at the time. The Committee also discussed the harm to the Grade II Listed Building (St Martin’s Cottage). Members were concerned by the applicant’s claim that the building would fall into disrepair, but the Delivery Manager informed the Committee that there was no material evidence to back up the claim and, consequently, it would be very difficult to justify the approval of the application on the grounds of the potential for the Listed Building to fall into disrepair.


The Committee expressed a desire to approve the application due to a variety of reasons. The applicant was commended for submitting such an incredibly detailed, well thought through application that utilised innovative building techniques and would create a truly sustainable development. It was also noted that significant effort had been made to allay the Highways Authority’s concerns. Members stated that it was rare for an application such as this to get overwhelming support from residents, the Parish Council and Local Members. However, the Committee noted that the standards set for approval of developments outside of a village’s Design Framework Boundary were very high and there was not enough evidence to show that the application was truly special and exceptional. The Committee felt that, on balance of the material considerations for a Planning application, it would be inappropriate to approve the development due to the reasons laid out in the report.


By 10 votes to 1 (Councillor Dr Martin Cahn), the Planning Committee refused the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation set out in the report from the Joint Director of Planning and Economic Development.

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