Agenda item

Work Programme

Attached to this agenda are the Forward Plan of Cabinet decisions and the Scrutiny and Overview Committee work programme. Committee members are asked to note these and to consider the following topics not on the Forward Plan:


·       Relationships between the planning service and parish / town councils

·       Plans for the efficient use of the space available at South Cambridgeshire District Council Hall up to 2026

·       Young people in South Cambridgeshire

·       Engagement of the council with stakeholders across the district



The Scrutiny and Overview Committee noted its work programme attached to the agenda.


Committee members also noted the following topics not on the Corporate Forward Plan, but which Councillor Stephen Drew considered as worthy of committee review.


·       Relationships between the planning service and parish / town councils

·       Plans for the efficient use of the space available at South Cambridgeshire District Council Hall up to 2026

·       Engagement of the council with stakeholders across the district

·       Young people in South Cambridgeshire

Relationships between the planning service and parish / town councils


Members discussed several concerns contributing to some parish and town councils’ perception they were not fully engaged in the planning process. While Members accepted that a scrutiny review of this topic should seek to build on the outcomes of work carried out last year by the Planning Committee Development Group, a crucial element would be to identify a mode of engagement that recognised the diversity of parish and town councils in terms of their size, composition, and skill sets.


A scrutiny review should also consider whether the internal structure at the Greater Cambridge Shared Planning Service could be made simpler for outsiders to follow and also whether the transition between case officers could be less disruptive. Clearer communication, including the use of Plain English, was an important factor.


The Chief Executive welcomed Members’ suggestions that a survey of parish and town councils be carried out and that a series of case studies be compiled to help the Committee conduct its review.


The Scrutiny and Overview Committee agreed to allocate time within its work programme for an analysis of relationships between the Greater Cambridge Shared Planning Service and parish / town councils.

Plans for the efficient use of the space available at South Cambridgeshire District Council Hall up to 2026


Building on the investment put into South Cambridgeshire Hall and noting the impact on working patterns brought about by the Covid-19 pandemic, Members envisaged that this review would examine options for maximising the effective use of the Hall by providing a facility for businesses and private organisations. While security would be an important factor in agreeing tenancy arrangements, Members recognized the opportunity to promote the work of South Cambridgeshire District Council and enhance its profile within the community.


There was scope for sharing ideas with Cambridge City Council as that Council considered its own options for benefiting from using its assets differently.


The recent installation of green energy measures at South Cambridgeshire Hall set the building apart from many others and would be used to attract potential tenants such as social businesses.


The Scrutiny and Overview Committee agreed to allocate time within its work programme for considering a briefing note detailing progress in implementing plans for the efficient use of the space available at South Cambridgeshire District Council Hall up to 2026

Engagement of the Council with stakeholders across the district


Members envisaged this review looking at ways to engage with all residents, including those for whom face-to-face meetings were favoured over video calls, and those represented for example by tenant participation groups.


It would consider how best to communicate with those living in small communities with parish meetings rather than parish councils. Part of this engagement would be to effectively communicate the full extent of the District Council’s powers. It would look at options for improving engagement with hard-to-reach groups.


The Scrutiny and Overview Committee agreed to allocate time within its work programme for an analysis of South Cambridgeshire District Council’s various methods of engagement with stakeholders across the district.

Young people in South Cambridgeshire


Following Full Council’s support in July 2022 for an investigation into how South Cambridgeshire District Council can improve democratic and service engagement with young people throughout the district, the Scrutiny and Overview Committee established a Task & Finish Group consisting of the following five Members:


·       Councillor Graham Cone

·       Councillor Stephen Drew

·       Councillor Sue Ellington

·       Councillor Helene Leeming

·       Councillor Richard Stobart


The Chief Executive said that the Task & Finish Group would be able to co-opt others, such as a young person from within the district, should it wish to. The Chief Executive would identify a lead officer.

Future scrutiny


Scrutiny and Overview Committee members suggested several organisations (including from the voluntary sector, transport providers and utilities) that might be invited to attend future meetings. Officers would consider options for taking this forward.

Supporting documents: