Agenda item

2022-23 Quarter Three Performance Report


The Scrutiny and Overview Committee considered a report on the Council’s Quarter Three (Q3) position regarding its operational Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).


Councillor Helene Leeming referred to AH211 (Housing, average days to re-let all housing stock), noting the improvement in performance. She did however question the viability of the target of 17 days. The Head of Housing and the Lead Cabinet Member for Housing informed the Committee that this Indicator was to be broken down into its component parts and that work was ongoing to assess how the re-let period could be improved.


Regarding AH204 (Housing, percentage of tenants satisfied with responsive repairs), Councillor Heather Williams drew a distinction between major and minor repairs asking that future reports should differentiate between the two.  The Head of Housing and the Lead Cabinet Member for Housing informed the Committee that a new methodology for collecting data for this KPI was currently being developed.


The Committee discussed the disparity between the satisfaction with emergency repairs (SH322) and responsive repairs (AH204) with the Lead Cabinet Member for Housing stating that levels of feedback on AH204 were low and that the aforementioned methodology changes were expected to remedy this.


Regarding ES418 (household waste sent for reuse, recycling, and composting (cumulative)) Councillor James Hobro noted that the overall trend from July 2021 to date appeared to be going down. The Deputy Leader and Lead Cabinet Member for the Environment explained that there was an increase in the target figures and that increased recycling, reduced contamination of residual waste, and behavioural change were all essential. The Head of Climate, Environment & Waste said that the challenge being faced by South Cambridgeshire District Council was replicated throughout the UK and assured Members that the Council would collaborate with other local authorities, including Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority in seeking ways to manage waste and take other steps to improve performance.


The Deputy Leader and Lead Cabinet Member for the Environment explained that the Shared Waste Service frequently audited the waste collection process which measured what was being put in bins, but a specific KPI would be considered.


The Head of Climate, Environment & Waste explained that although waste as a whole was not tracked, a national target would be coming into force which would help set a target for South Cambridgeshire District Council.


The Committee highlighted and briefly discussed the subsidised home composting scheme that was available to all residents, the difficulties in obtaining accurate figures for dry recycling and composting, and the Food Waste trial.


The Chair commended managers for their support of staff working for the Shared Waste Service (SF786a (Staff sickness days per FTE - Shared Waste Service only)).


The Committee noted the improvement regarding CC305 (percentage of formal complaints resolved within timescale (all SCDC)). The Chief Executive outlined the measures that had been taken, including the creation of ‘complaints champions’ in every Council service.


Having reviewed the Key Performance Indicator results and narrative at Appendix A and being satisfied with the comments made by Lead Cabinet Members and officers in response to Members’ questions, the Scrutiny and Overview Committee noted the report and by affirmation supported its submission to Cabinet.

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