Agenda item

22/00887/OUT - Girton College, Huntingdon Road, Girton

Outline application for the construction of student residential accommodation together will ancillary meeting, office and social space (maximum 14700sqm), auditorium (maximum 1300sqm) replacement buildings and grounds maintenance workshops, one new and relocated sports pitch, additional ball-stop fencing, relocated tennis courts, two new vehicular accesses and replacement car park with some matters reserved except for access.


By affirmation, the Committee agreed to the amendment to condition 2 as laid out in the supplementary update report and further agreed to the adding of an additional condition regarding foul water drainage together with an additional informative regarding ongoing communication between the applicant and Anglia Water with respect to drainage. By 9 votes to none, with one abstention, the Committee agreed to the addition of a condition regarding delivery hours. The Committee granted delegated authority for officers to produce the final wording of the additional conditions and the informative.


By 9 votes to none, with one abstention, the Committee approved the application in accordance with the officer’s recommendation, the update sheet amendment to condition 2, an additional condition in relation to the hours of use of the new access road from Girton Road, and informatives (including an informative in relation to encouraging the applicants to work with Anglian Water regarding foul water improvements), the completion of a S106 agreement and confirmation from the Secretary of State that the application is not to be called-in, as laid out in the report from the Joint Director of Planning and Economic Development and amended or added to by the Committee’s agreement.


The Principal Planning Officer, Elisabeth Glover, presented the report and informed the Committee of a number of updates. The Committee noted and agreed by affirmation the changes to the report as listed in the supplementary update report published on 13 June 2023. The Committee also noted that a late submission from the Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Integrated Care Board, regarding a request for NHS funding to be allocated within the Heads of Terms, had been received on 13 June 2023.


Councillor Anna Bradnam declared that she was on the Committee that approved the previous application on the site and, following advice from the Senior Planning Lawyer, concluded that there was no conflict of interest and thus she could continue to take part in making the decision for the application


Members asked a number of questions of clarity regarding a number of topics:

• Lapsed permission- it was confirmed that the lapsed permission was a material consideration but did not provide a fallback provision

• Green belt- it was confirmed that the entire site lay within the green belt and that the proposed development would lie within the grounds of the College

• Foul water capacity at Water Recycling Centre (WRC) (as described paragraph 7.123)- officers advised that as Anglian Water had the responsibility to accept foul water from the site, the capacity of the Utton’s Drove WRC was Anglian Water’s responsibility and that it would be inappropriate to introduce a Grampian condition securing off-site improvements

• Space increase with the return to fellow sets- it was confirmed that the space in rooms would increase with the proposed return to fellow sets. Officers also confirmed that the application was for the maximum quantum of floor space but precise layout and thus floor space details would be agreed at Reserved Matters stage and that officers would engage in pre-application discussions with the applicant prior to the submission of a reserved matters application

• NHS contributions through Section 106- officers confirmed that the applicant accepted that NHS contributions would need to be made and that negotiations regarding the amount contributed were ongoing, with officers requesting delegated authority to agree this


The Committee was addressed by a neighbour, Dr Jake Grimmett, who objected to the application on the grounds that the increased traffic from the conversion of the pedestrian entrance to site into a vehicle entrance, for deliveries etc., would negatively impact upon neighbours. Two representatives of the applicant (James Anderson, Bursar for Girton College, and John Gant, Surveyor for Girton College) addressed the Committee in support of the application. Members asked questions of clarity on when deliveries would be likely to take place and were assured that the majority would be made in working hours. Further questions were asked regarding sewage capacity and the speakers informed the Committee that they fully intend to work closely with Anglian Water and the NHS to ensure that the development caused no issues to the wider community. Councillor Richard Stobart addressed the Committee as local Member and informed Members that both he and the other local Member supported the application. Members asked a question of clarity regarding the impact on Girton Road and increased traffic and enquired as to what the local Member would like to see. Councillor Stobart responded that it would be good to see cycling infrastructure be introduced to the southern side of Girton Road up to the roundabout at Wellbrook Way, alongside provisions at junctions to ensure cycle safety. Further questions were asked with respect to local concern over the quantum of the development, the use of public access to the site by local people and the demands on local healthcare provision.


Councillor Heather Williams joined and then left the meeting


In the debate, Members stated that the very special circumstances for development in the green belt were met due to the community benefit and importance of the site in the local context, as well as the provision of accommodation that there was a need for. It was also stated that as the development would take place entirely within the college grounds it would not have caused harm to the green belt in a manner that would create a reason for refusal. Members gave strong steer to officers that Section 106 contributions should satisfy the requirements of the NHS. Concerns were raised over active travel safety on Girton Road but the Committee noted that this was the responsibility of the Highways Authority to manage. Foul water drainage was discussed and Members raised concerns over the comments from Anglian Water in the report. Officers informed the Committee that a condition regarding foul water was included in the recommendation and that a condition regarding off-site works at Utton’s Drove would be inappropriate; instead, officers advised that an informative regarding this would be appropriate. By affirmation, the Committee agreed to the addition of an informative regarding ongoing communication between the applicant and Anglia Water with respect to drainage, with delegated authority granted to officers to produce the final wording of the informative. Further concerns were raised over deliveries impacting neighbours and it was requested that a condition restricting delivery hours be introduced. The Committee approved the introduction of such a condition, with delegated authority granted to officers to finalise the wording, by 9 (Councillors Dr Martin Cahn, Peter Fane, Ariel Cahn, Bill Handley, Geoff Harvey, Judith Rippeth, Peter Sandford, Dr Richard Williams and Eileen Wilson) votes to none with one abstention (Councillor Anna Bradnam).



By 9 votes to none, with one abstention (Councillor Ariel Cahn), the Committee approved the application in accordance with the officer’s recommendation, the update sheet amendment to condition 2, an additional condition in relation to the hours of use of the new access road from Girton Road, and informatives (including an informative in relation to encouraging the applicants to work with Anglian Water regarding foul water improvements), the completion of a S106 agreement and confirmation from the Secretary of State that the application is not to be called-in, as laid out in the report from the Joint Director of Planning and Economic Development and amended or added to by the Committee’s agreement.

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