Issue - decisions

Job Evaluation Project (formerly Single Status Agreement / Equal Pay Audit


Council RESOLVED to:

(a)               note the report;

(b)               approve the Single Status Agreement; and

(c)               authorise the Executive Director (Corporate Services) to finalise the clauses in relation to Annual leave, Task & Finish and Standby arrangements for insertion into the Single Status Agreement.

14/01/2011 - Job Evaluation Project

19/02/2008 - Single Status Agreement (including Equal Pay Audit)

Cabinet RESOLVED that the change to the NJC Job Evaluation Scheme and the changes to the pay structure to allow compliance with legislation be supported. 

25/01/2008 - Single Status Agreement (including Equal Pay Audit)

Noting that this would be a lengthy process, without any major decisions and changes to pay and grading before the 2009/10 municipal year, the Portfolio Holder RECOMMENDED TO CABINET that the Council make changes to the job evaluation and pay and grading structure and implement the NJC job evaluation scheme and a new pay structure process.

17/05/2006 - Job Evaluations - Existing posts

20/10/2005 - Single Status Agreement

20/10/2005 - Job Evaluation