Issue - decisions

Model Petition Scheme (including e-Petitions)

28/05/2010 - Model Petition Scheme (Policy and Performance Portfolio Holder's Meeting, 13 May 2010)

Council RESOLVED that the Petition Scheme be adopted in respect of non-executive functions, replacing the existing Petition Scheme at Part 5, Section L of the Constitution, subject to the following amendments:

·                      Minimum number of signatures required for an Ordinary Petition: 50; and

·                      Minimum number of signatures required for a Petition for Debate: 100

13/05/2010 - Model Petition Scheme

The Portfolio Holder, subject to the amendments made at the meeting,


(i)            AGREED


(a)            to adopt the draft Petition Scheme in respect of executive functions,

(b)        that the Democratic Services Team Leader be designated as the Petitions Officer and be instructed to report annually to the relevant Portfolio Holder on the operation of the Scheme;

(c)        that the relevant Portfolio Holder, based upon the topic of the petition, will receive Ordinary Petitions for decision, but that the Portfolio Holder may refer a petition to Cabinet if s/he felt that it raises wider issues or is outside the powers delegated to the Portfolio Holder;

(d)        that the Group Leaders / Convenors and relevant ward Councillor(s) be provided with a copy of each petition within 5 working days of receipt, at the same time as it is put on the Petitions Site on the Council website and that all Members and relevant officers be advised of its receipt;

(e)        that the Chief Executive be instructed to incorporate the Petition Scheme in the Council’s Constitution and make consequential amendments;

(f)         that a maximum of 30 minutes be allowed at any meeting for discussion of a petition, but that this can be extended by the Chairman when appropriate; and, where a decision or response is not reached at a meeting, that the petition stand referred to the relevant Portfolio Holder to respond; and

(g)        that the Democratic Services Team Leader undertake immediate investigation of alternative software provision, including the possibility of an in-house solution, in consultation with the Head of ICT and the Policy and Performance Portfolio Holder, and


(ii)            RECOMMENDED TO COUNCIL the adoption of the Petition Scheme in respect of non-executive functions.