Issue - decisions

STAPLEFORD: Planning Applications

15/04/2021 - 20/02929/OUT - Stapleford (Land Between Haverhill Road and Hinton Way)

By affirmation, the Planning Committee refused the application for the reasons set out in the report from the Joint Director of Planning and Economic Development.

20/12/2019 - S/1782/19/FL - Stapleford (The Tree, 9 Bar Lane)

By seven votes to one, the Committee approved the application subject to the Conditions and Informative set out in the report from the Joint Director of Planning and Economic Development.


Councillors Henry Batchelor, John Batchelor, Cahn, Milnes, Rippeth, Roberts and Topping voted to approve the application. Councillor Bradnam voted to refuse it. Councillor Fane did not vote.

12/10/2018 - S/1549/18/FL - Stapleford (5 St Andrew's Close)

The Committee unanimously approved the application subject to the Conditions set out in the report from the Joint Director for Planning and Economic Development and the following additional Condition:


“No site or plant machinery shall be operated, no works shall be carried out and no construction related deliveries taken or dispatched from the site except between 0800 hours and 1800 hours Mondays to Fridays and between 0800 hours and 1300 hours on Saturdays, and not at any time on Sundays and Bank Holidays.

(Reason - To minimise noise disturbance for adjoining residents in accordance with Policy CC/6 of the South Cambridgeshire Local Plan, 2018).”


06/02/2015 - S/2753/14/VC - Stapleford (12 Aylesford Way)

The Committee approved the application, subject to the Conditions and Informative set out in the report from the Planning and New Communities Director.

06/06/2014 - S/0560/14/FL- Stapleford (22 Mingle Lane)

The Committee approved the application, as amended by plans date stamped 24 April 2014, subject to the Conditions set out in the report from the Planning and New Communities Director.

09/05/2014 - Stapleford (Proposed application for injunction to remedy current breaches and prevent apprehended future breaches of planning control at land at Hill Trees, Babraham Road, stapleford)

The Committee resolved to give officers the authority sought in paragraph 8 of the report from the Planning and New Communities Director for the reasons set out in paragraphs 9, 10 and 11.

08/11/2013 - S/1953/13/FL- Stapleford (12 Aylesford Way)

The Committee approved the application subject to the Conditions referred to in the report from the Planning and New Communities Director.

08/03/2013 - S/1665/12/FL - Stapleford (Keepers Cottage, Haverhill Road)

The Committee gave officers delegated powers to approve the application, subject to the prior completion of a Section 106 Legal Agreement ensuring that the holiday let and main house remain within the same ownership, and to the Conditions referred to in the report from the Planning and New Communities Director.

07/12/2012 - S/1727/12/OL - Stapleford (29-35 London Road)

The Committee gave officers delegated powers to approve the application, as amended by tree survey date stamped 19 September 2012, drawing number SK51B date stamped 16 October 2012, noise impact assessment date stamped 12 November 2012, and drawing numbers G003/102 Rev PL3 and 104 Rev PL2 date stamped 21 November 2012, subject to the prior completion of a Section 106 Legal Agreement in accordance with the terms set out in this report from the Planning and New Communities Director and to include an overage provision amounting to 60% / 40% of surplus monies above a viability base figure  (60% to be paid to  South Cambridgeshire District Council, and such sum to be applied by the Council as an Affordable Housing commuted sum to mitigate towards the shortfall of   Affordable Housing below 40% and arising from  provision (across the 3 residential sites) of 21% and subject to the Conditions set out in the report from the Planning and New Communities Director.

07/12/2012 - S/1725/12/OL - Stapleford (Granta Terrace)

The Committee gave officers delegated powers to approve the application as amended by Flood Risk Assessment (Part 2) date stamped 18 September 2012, Health Impact Assessment date stamped 18 October 2012, noise impact assessment date stamped 12 November 2012, and Tree Survey and drawing numbers G003/102 Rev PL3, 103 Rev PL3, 107 Rev PL2 and 675007/120 Rev PL1 date stamped 21 November 2012, (subject to (i) no objections being raised by the Environmental Health Officer and Local Highways Authority to any additional noise impact information provided and the revised access arrangement respectively), (ii) subject to the prior completion of a Section 106 Legal Agreement in accordance with the terms set out in this report from the Planning and New Communities Director and to include an overage provision amounting to 60% / 40% of surplus monies above a viability base figure  (60% to be paid to  South Cambridgeshire District Council, and such sum to be applied by the Council as an Affordable Housing commuted sum to mitigate towards the shortfall of Affordable Housing below 40% and arising from  provision (across the 3 residential sites) of 21% and subject to the Conditions set out in the report from the Planning and New Communities Director.

08/06/2012 - S/2509/11 - Stapleford (Bury Farm, Bury Road)

The Committee approved the application as amended, subject to its description being changed to ‘…community study and education centre for the arts and music (Use Class D1) together with the use of identified performance spaces for concert use no more than 12 times per calendar year’, the Conditions set out in the report from the Planning and New Communities Director, and additional conditions to restrict the potential for overlooking and to agree the location of contractors’ storage and parking during the building works.

07/07/2011 - S/0654/11 - Stapleford (27 Mingle Lane)

The Committee approved the application, as amended by drawing numbers PL01 Rev B, PL02 Revision B, PL03 Revision B and PL04 Revision B date stamped 10 June 2011, subject to the Conditions contained in the report from the Corporate Manager (Planning and New Communities) and the update report produced subsequent to publication of the agenda.

16/05/2011 - S/0534/11 - Stapleford (26 Church Street)

The Committee approved the application, as amended by drawing number P01 Revision A date stamped 31 March 2011, ownership certificate dated 29 March 2011, and drawing numbers P02 Revision A and P03 Revision A date stamped 18 April 2011, subject to the Conditions set out in the report from the Corporate Manager (Planning and New Communities).

04/12/2008 - S/0812/08/F - Stapleford (Keepers Cottage, Haverhill Road)

 Delegated Approved as report.

04/12/2008 - S/1863/08/F – Stapleford (11A Church Street)

 Approved as report.

04/04/2008 - B/1/45/85 – Stapleford (Land adjacent to Hill Trees, Babraham Road)

 Agreed as report

06/07/2007 - S/0520/07/F – Stapleford (Hill Farm, Gog Magog Way)

Approved as report with extra Conditions requiring the provision of fire hydrants and bird boxes (including for swallows).  Officers would explore the potential for renewable energy on the site.

05/04/2007 - S/0067/07/F – Stapleford (Land Adj 17 Gog Magog Way)

Approved as report, taking into account the Planning Inspector’s comments. 

16/03/2007 - S/0067/07/F - Stapleford (Land Adj 17 God Magog Way)

Minded to refuse the application, and Resolved to defer making a final decision until the Planning Committee meeting on 4 April 2007 to enable officers to prepare a report outlining their concerns and for the applicant and Parish Council to meet to discuss the proposal further.

12/02/2007 - S/2236/06/F – Stapleford (Bar Lane)

Approved as report .with an additional Condition removing the permitted development right to install a balcony on Plot 5.

02/11/2006 - S/2423/06/F - Stapleford (12 Priams Way)

Refused contrary to report on the grounds of height, proximity to neighbouring properties, overbearing nature and reduction in light to the neighbours.  Enforcement agreed with a compliance period of one month.

05/10/2006 - S/1615/06/F - Stapleford

 Approval with re-worded Conditions.

07/07/2006 - S/0985/06/PNT - Stapleford

REFUSED, as amended by ICNIRP Certificate and plan attached to 28.6.06 e-mail  dated 28 June 2006, contrary to the recommendation contained in the report.  Members felt that the proposed monopole and associated development, in addition to the existing two monopoles and associated development, lamp columns and signage along London Road, would result in an extent of clutter that would seriously detract from the visual amenities of the locality; and that opportunities for mast sharing had not been considered fully.  They considered therefore that the proposal was contrary to Policy CS8 of the South Cambridgeshire Local Plan 2004.


Councillor Mrs DP Roberts was not present for the first part of the debate, and did not vote.

09/06/2006 - S/0528/06/F - Stapleford


16/05/2006 - S/0442/06/F - Stapleford

Delegated Refusal (as amended by drawing no. 04/960/PL.02 Rev.A date stamped 11 April 2006 and drawing no. 04/960/PL.01 Rev.A date stamped 18 April 2006 for Reasons 1 and 2 set out in the report from the Director of Development Services and, should the Ecology Officer be dissatisfied with the results of the ecological survey, Reason 3.  Reason 4 was deleted as the football pitch had been deleted from the application.

12/12/2005 - S/0958/05/F - Stapleford


08/12/2005 - S/1785/05/F - Stapleford


02/11/2005 - S/1845/05/F - Stapleford

Refused contrary to report 

02/12/2004 - S/1203/04/F - Stapleford

Refusal contrary to report.

04/11/2004 - S/1734/04/F - Stapleford

Approval as report 

04/11/2004 - S/1735/04/F - Stapleford

Approval as report