Issue - decisions

CALDECOTE: Planning Applications

30/07/2021 - 20/04702/OUT - Caldecote (Land at the back of 4 and 6 East Drive, Highfields Caldecote)

By five votes to four, the Planning Committee approved the application subject to the Conditions set out in the report from the Joint Director of Planning and Economic Development.

10/07/2020 - S/3835/19/RM - Caldecote (Land To The West Grafton Drive, Highfields Caldecote)

By ten votes to nil, with one Member not voting, the Committee approved the application subject to


1.    An additional Condition requiring the applicant to submit to the Local Planning Authority a statement detailing the species of trees to be planted on site;


2.    An additional condition requiring details of tree protection measures for existing trees on the site;


3.    An additional Condition requiring the applicant to arrange for an Ecological Clerk of the Works to be present on-site during clearance of that site to establish the presence or otherwise of breeding Great Crested Newts; and


4.    The Conditions and Informatives set out in the report from the Joint Director of Planning and Economic Development


the precise wording of the Conditions and Informatives referred to in 1, 2, 3 and 4 above being agreed by officers in consultation with the Chair of Planning Committee and Vice-Chair of this meeting.


Councillor Dr. Martin Cahn joined the meeting during consideration of this item. While he took part in the debate, Councillor Cahn did not vote.

12/06/2020 - S/3777/19/VC - Caldecote (Land East Of Highfields Road Highfields Caldecote)

By affirmation, the Committee gave officers delegated authority


1.    to issue a new planning permission conditional on the completion of a Deed of Variation (to attach the Section 106 from the 2017 outline consent to the current Section 73 application); and


2.    in order to observe due process, to issue Certificate B and consult upon it for 21 days,

10/10/2019 - S/4619/18/RM - Caldecote / Hardwick (Highfields Caldecote) (Land East of Highfields Road)

On the Chairman’s casting vote, Planning Committee gave officers delegated powers to approve the application subject to


-          The review and amendment of Condition a) drawing numbers to include latest plans approved by the Local Highways Authority.

-          The review and amendment of Condition c) to include the trigger ‘prior to the construction’ of the pumping station.

-          Inclusion of a Condition requiring the retention of the hedgerow along the Highfields Road.

-          Final wording of all Conditions being reviewed and agreed by officers in consultation with the Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the meeting prior to a Decision Notice being issued.


(Councillors John Batchelor, Fane, Milnes, Rippeth and Wright voted to approve the application. Councillors Henry Batchelor, Bradnam, Roberts, Topping and Heather Williams voted to refuse it. Councillor John Batchelor cast his second vote in favour of the application.)

15/01/2018 - S/1524/16/OL - Caldecote (Casa De Foseta)

The Committee gave officers delegated powers to approve the application, subject to


1,         the Conditions and Informative set out in the report set out in the report from the Joint Director for Planning and Economic Development, final wording and any minor amendments being agreed by the Joint Director for Planning and Economic Development in consultation with the Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Planning Committee; and


2.         the prior completion of the Legal Agreement under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 required by the Planning Committee at its meeting on 9 August 2017, amended to reflect a change in the way South Cambridgeshire District Council applies its affordable housing policy, following the Planning Portfolio Holder meeting on 11 December 2017.

16/05/2017 - S/2047/16/FL - Caldecote (Land r/o 18-28 Highfields Road)

The Committee gave officers delegated powers to approve the application subject to


1.     The prior completion of a Legal Agreement under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 securing the items set out in Appendix 2 to the report from the Joint Director for Planning and Economic Development;


2.     The Conditions and Informatives set out in Appendix 3 to the report from the Joint Director for Planning and Economic Development;


3.     Additional Conditions relating to controlling the hours of use of the school car park and retention of the screening to Flat block 1-8; and


4.     Updating plan numbers to include minor amendments to the roads and footpaths within the development.

12/07/2016 - S/2510/15/OL - Caldecote, (Land East of Highfields Road)

Had it not been appealed for non-determination, and had the Local Planning Authority still had power formally to determine the application, the Committee would have refused the application unanimously for the reasons set out in the report from the Planning and New Communities Director. Such decision would inform officers detailed with defending the Appeal.

06/03/2015 - S/2186/14/FL - Caldecote (115 Highfields Road)

The Committee approved the application, subject to the Conditions referred to in the report from the Planning and New Communities Director. Planning Consent was no longer subject to the need for contributions referred to in the report under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. However, approval  is still subject to a Deed of Modification of an existing Section 106 agreement relating to the property.

03/10/2014 - S/0459/14/FL - Caldecote (101a West Drive)

The Committee gave officers delegated powers to approve the application, subject to the prior completion of a Legal Agreement under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 securing a financial contribution towards the provision of community facilities, public open space and household waste receptacles,towards the payment of Section 106 Monitoring fees, and to the Conditions referred to in the report from the Planning and New Communities Director.

05/07/2013 - S/0255/13/FL - Caldecote (adj Casa de Foseta, St Neots Road)

The Committee gave officers delegated powers to approve the application, contrary to the recommendation in the report from the Planning and New Communities Director, subject to the outcome of enquiries with appropriate Registered Social Landlords and steps made necessary by the application being contrary to local planning policies.  In Members’ opinion, the proposal was sustainable and did not conflict with Policy DP/1 of the South Cambridgeshire Local Development Framework 2007.  In addition, they felt that the proposal was not inconsistent with Policy HG/2 of the LDF, relating to housing mix.

07/12/2012 - S/1995/12/FL - Caldecote (Land at Bossets Way)

The Committee gave officers delegated powers to approve the application subject to further advice about drainage, Affordable Housing figures being agreed, and the Conditions referred to in the report from the Planning and New Communities Director.

09/11/2012 - S/0699/11/OL - Caldecote (Site adj. 6 Main Street)

The Committee gave officers delegated powers to approve the application, subject to resolution of highway and access issues in consultation with the Committee Chairman and local Member, and to Conditions 1-13, 15 and 18 set out in the report dated 7 March 2012 from the Planning and New Communities Director.

09/11/2012 - S/1693/12/FL - Caldecote (101A West Drive)

The Committee approved the application subject to the Conditions set out in the report from the Planning and New Communities Director, Condition 3 being reworded to better specify the extent and nature of the boundary treatment.

05/10/2012 - S/1693/12/FL - Caldecote (101A West Drive)

The Committee deferred the application for a site visit.

06/07/2012 - S/0968/12/FL - Caldecote (Plot 7 The Willows)

The Committee refused the application contrary to the recommendation in the report from the Planning and New Communities Director.  Members agreed the reasons for refusal as being adverse impact on the amenity of the future occupiers through noise disturbance, detrimental effect on the street scene, and insufficient information as to the effectiveness of drainage measures.

10/04/2012 - S/1383/11 - Caldecote (Adj Casata de Foseta, St Neots Road)

Upon the Chairman’s casting vote, the Committee approved the application subject to the Conditions referred to in the report from the Corporate Manager (Planning and New Communities) and to an additional Condition requiring reinstatement of the field should the business fail.  Members asked officers to make sure that the Condition seeking to address drainage concerns relating to the site should be complied with prior to the first residential occupation of the site.

05/08/2011 - S/1263/09/F - Caldecote, Highfields Court, Highfields

The Committee refused the application contrary to the recommendation in the report from the Corporate Manager (Planning and New Communities).  Members agreed the reasons for refusal as being adverse impact on the character of the area, and loss of an amenity area were the application to be granted consent.

03/12/2010 - S/1633/10 and S/1986/10 - Caldecote, Manor Farm, Main Street

The Committee approved applications S/1633/10 and S/1986/10/LB contrary to the recommendation in the report from the Corporate Manager (Planning and New Communities).  Members agreed the reasons for approval as being that the existing buildings were detrimental to the setting of the adjacent Listed Building and church; that some effective use needed to be found for the builidngs; economic development would provide the potential for local employment opportunities; significant structural work was in any event needed; and the previous concerns regarding highway visibility had now been overcome.  Members concluded that these reasons for approval outweighed the planning harm to policies contained in the South Cambridgeshire Local Development Framework 2007, particularly Policy ET/7.  The Senior Lawyer reminded Members that the resolution would have to be advertised as a departure from the Development Plan.

05/08/2010 - S/0856/10/F and S/0857/10/LB - Caldecote (Manor Farm, Main Street)

The Committee noted that this application had been withdrawn from the agenda.

09/07/2010 - S/1397/09/O - Caldecote (at Land to the East of 18-28 Highfields Road)

The Committee refused the application contrary to the recommendation in the report from the Corporate Manager (Planning and New Communities).  Reason: the proposal was seen as unsustainable.

09/04/2010 - S/1805/09/F - Caldecote (Land to the East of, 3 Crafts Way)

Approval as report.

09/04/2010 - S/0267/10/O - Caldecote (97-99 West Drive)

Approval as report. 

04/03/2010 - S/1830/09/F - Caldecote (Manor Farm, Main Street)

The Committee refused the application for the reasons set out in the report from the Corporate Manager (Planning and Sustainable Communities).

05/02/2010 - S/1397/09/O - Caldecote (Land to the East of 18-28 Highfields Road)

The Committee gave officers delegated powers either to refuse the application or to present a further report to a future Planning Committee meeting with a recommendation of approval, subject to the resolution of the outstanding matters in relation to mix, viability and infrastructure provision.

15/01/2010 - S/1583/09/O - Highfields Caldecote (Land in Rear Garden of 97-99 West Drive for Mr Phil Wright)

The Committee approved the application, subject to the Conditions referred to in the report from the Corporate Manager (Planning and Sustainable Communities).

06/07/2007 - S/0805/07/O – Highfields Caldecote (Land rear of 99 Highfields Road)

Approved as report. 

07/06/2007 - S/0698/07/F – Caldecote (2 Damms Pasture, Clare Drive)

Approved as report

16/03/2007 - S/2373/06/O – Highfields Caldecote (86 West Drive)

Approved for the reasons set out in the report from the Corporate Manager (Planning and Sustainable Communities) and subject to the Conditions referred to therein. 

12/02/2007 - S/2454/06/F – Highfields Caldecote (Barn adjacent Highfields Farm)

 Refused as report.

11/01/2007 - S/2126/06/F – HIGHFIELDS CALDECOTE (Land Rear of 16 East Drive)

Approval as report 

05/10/2006 - S/1560/06/F - Caldecote

Approval as report. 

09/06/2006 - S/0667/06/F – Caldecote

Delegated approval for the reasons set out in the report from the Director of Development Services, subject to the Conditions referred to therein.

16/05/2006 - S/0311/06/F - Highfields Caldecote

Refused for the reasons set out in the report from the Director of Development Services, and for a third reason, namely the proximity of the proposal to the pond and the failure of the applicant to take wildlife into account.

02/03/2006 - S/0029/06/F- Caldecote

Approved as report with an additional Condition precluding any further windows at first floor level.

02/02/2006 - S/2327/05/F- Highfields Caldecote

Delegated approval / refusal, subject to the resolution of land drainage issues and additional Conditions relating to finished floor and ground levels, the limitation in the number of first floor windows, and the first floor bathroom window being obscure glazed and non-opening.  Condition 10 to require acoustic fencing to be in place prior to the commencement of construction. 

12/12/2005 - S/1239/05/F - Caldecote


12/12/2005 - Highfields Caldecote - S/2382/04/F


07/12/2005 - S/0934/03/F - Caldecote


09/09/2005 - S/1426/05/F - Caldecote

Refused contrary to the report.  Reason:  Bulk of proposal and overbearing impact on the garden of no. 14a West Drive. 

09/09/2005 - S/0572/05/O - Highfields Caldecote

Approval as report. 

06/01/2005 - S/0934/03/F - Highfields Caldecote

Delegated approval subject to resolution of drainage maintenance issues. 

02/12/2004 - S/1662/04/F - Highfields Caldecote

Approval as report.

04/11/2004 - S/1798/04/F - Highfields Caldecote

Minded to approve contrary to report

04/11/2004 - S/1797/04/F - Highfields Caldecote

Minded to approve contrary to report

08/09/2004 - S/1078/04/F - Highfields Caldecote

Delegated Approval