Issue - decisions

LONGSTANTON: Planning Applications

19/10/2021 - 21/02310/REM - Northstowe (parish of Longstanton) (Phase 2B, Northstowe,Land South of Rampton Drift)

By affirmation, the Planning Committee approved the application subject to the Conditions and Informatives set out in the report from the Joint Director of Planning and Economic Development.

01/10/2021 - 20/05101/FUL - Longstanton (Land at The Retreat, Fews Lane)

1.       By eight votes to three, the Planning Committee resolved that, had it still the authority to determine the application then it would have been Minded to Approve the application subject to the Conditions and informative set out in the report dated 8 September 2021from the Joint Director of Planning and Economic Development and reproduced in identical terms for the meeting on 29 September 2021; and


2.       By seven votes to three with one abstention, the Planning Committee gave officers delegated authority to submit a response to the Planning Inspectorate in relation to the costs application dated 23 September 2021 made against the Local Highways Authority by Fews Lane Consortium for consideration on behalf of South Cambridgeshire District Council.

28/05/2021 - 20/02453/S73 - Longstanton (The Retreat, Fews Lane)

By eight votes to one, with two abstentions, the Committee approved the application subject to


1.             The revision of paragraph 3.2.4 of the Traffic Management Plan to state, during the construction stage, delivery vehicles shall not park on any street within the village of Longstanton;


2.             the addition of an Informative urging the establishment of a liaison mechanism between residents, the Site Manager and Longstanton Parish Council to monitor compliance with the Traffic Management Plan and to resolve any disputes; and


3.             The Conditions and Informatives set out in the 13 January 21 report from the Joint Director of Planning and Economic Development.

15/04/2021 - 20/02453/S73 - Longstanton (The Retreat , Fews Lane)

By six votes to five, the Planning Committee deferred consideration of the application to allow further representations to be considered by officers.


(Councillors Bradnam, Heylings, Roberts, Heather Williams, Richard Williams, and Wright voted to defer. Councillors Henry Batchelor, Cahn, Fane, Hawkins and Rippeth voted against deferral.)

15/04/2021 - S/3215/19/DC - Longstanton (The Retreat, Fews Lane)

By nine votes to nil with two abstentions, the Planning Committee approvedthe application to discharge Conditions 4 and 5 attached to planning permission S/2937/16/FL as follows:


A. Condition 4 (Foul Water Drainage)


The following details are acceptable to the local planning authority and therefore approved:


·       Site Plan, Drawing Reference FLL-345-Site 01

·       Drainage Layout, Drawing Reference 19/0321/100 Rev P9

·       Below Ground Construction Details, Drawing Reference 19/0321/110 Rev P2


Condition 4 shall be fully discharged once the foul water drainage system has been installed and made operational in accordance with the approved details.


B. Condition 5 (Surface Water Drainage)


The following details are acceptable to the local planning authority and therefore approved:


·       Site Plan, Drawing Reference FLL-345-Site 01

·       Drainage Layout, Drawing Reference 19/0321/100 Rev P9

·       Ditch Plan and Section 1, Drawing Reference 19/0321/101 Rev P3

·       Below Ground Construction Details, Drawing Reference 19/0321/110 Rev P2

·       Document titled Below Ground Drainage Operation and Maintenance Strategy Report, prepared by Andrew Firebrace Partnership Limited


Condition 5 shall be fully discharged once the surface water drainage system has been installed and made operational in accordance with the approved details.


(Councillors Henry Batchelor, Bradnam, Cahn, Fane, Hawkins, Heylings, Rippeth, Richard Williams and Wright voted to approve the application. Councillors Roberts and Heather Williams abstained from voting.)

15/01/2021 - 20/02453/S73 - Longstanton (The Retreat, Fews Lane)

Upon a proposal from Councillor Pippa Heylings,  seconded by Councillor Anna Bradnam, and by eight votes to three, the Committee agreed that the Traffic Management Plan be amended to state that, during the construction stage, delivery vehicles shall not park on any street within the village of Longstanton.


(Councillors Henry Batchelor, Bradnam, Cahn, Hawkins, Heylings, Richard Williams, Wilson and Wright voted in favour. Councillors Fane, Roberts and Heather Williams voted against.)


Upon a proposal from Councillor Dr. Tumi Hawkins, seconded by Councillor Anna Bradnam, the Committee voted unanimously to add an Informative to the planning consent urging the establishment of a liaison mechanism between residents, the Site Manager and Longstanton Parish Council to monitor compliance with the Traffic Management Plan and to resolve any disputes.


By ten votes to one, the Committee approved the Variation of Condition 7 (Traffic Management Plan) subject to


1.    The revision of paragraph 3.2.4 of the Traffic Management Plan to state, during the construction stage, delivery vehicles shall not park on any street within the village of Longstanton.


2.    Addition of an Informative urging the establishment of a liaison mechanism between residents, the Site Manager and Longstanton Parish Council to monitor compliance with the Traffic Management Plan and to resolve any disputes; and


3.    The Conditions and Informatives set out in the report from the Joint Director of Planning and Economic Development.


(Councillors Heney Batchelor, Bradnam, Cahn, Fane, Hawkins, Heylings, Heather Williams, Richard Williams, Wilson and Wright voted in favour. Councillor Roberts voted against.)

15/01/2021 - S/3215/19/DC - Longstsnton (The Retreat, Fews Lane)

By nine votes to nil, the Planning Committee approved the application to discharge Conditions 4 and 5 attached to planning permission S/2937/16/FL as follows:


Condition 4 (Foul Water Drainage)


The following details are acceptable to the local planning authority and therefore approved:


·       Site Plan, Drawing Reference FLL-345-Site 01

·       Drainage Layout, Drawing Reference 19/0321/100 Rev P9

·       Below Ground Construction Details, Drawing Reference 19/0321/110 Rev P2


Condition 4 shall be fully discharged once the foul water drainage system has been installed and made operational in accordance with the approved details.


Condition 5 (Surface Water Drainage)


The following details are acceptable to the local planning authority and therefore approved:


·       Site Plan, Drawing Reference FLL-345-Site 01

·       Drainage Layout, Drawing Reference 19/0321/100 Rev P9

·       Ditch Plan and Section 1, Drawing Reference 19/0321/101 Rev P3

·       Below Ground Construction Details, Drawing Reference 19/0321/110 Rev P2

·       Document titled Below Ground Drainage Operation and Maintenance Strategy Report, prepared by Andrew Firebrace Partnership Limited


Condition 5 shall be fully discharged once the surface water drainage system has been installed and made operational in accordance with the approved details.


(Councillors Henry Batchelor, Bradnam, Cahn, Fane, Hawkins, Heylings, Richard Williams, Wilson and Wright voted to discharge the Conditions. Councillor Heather Williams was not present and did not vote. Councillor Roberts was not present during part of the consideration of this application, and did not vote.)

16/10/2020 - S/3215/19/DC - Longstanton (The Retreat, Fews Lane)

The Committee unanimously deferred the application to allow time for a full public consultation exercise to be carried out in respect of the Drainage Review at Fews Lane, Longstanton conducted by Stantec (Project Ref: 49304/001 | Rev: AA | Date: August 2020).


(Councillors Bradnam and Daunton were not present and did not vote).

11/09/2020 - S/3215/19/DC - Longstanton (The Retreat, Fews Lane)

This item was deferred.

23/07/2020 - S/2011/14/OL - Longstanton / Oakington (Land to the East of the B1050 and Longstanton West of the Cambridgeshire Guided Busway (CGB) and North of Oakington)

By affirmation, the Committee authorised officers to vary the Legal Agreement

under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 to revise

triggers ensuring delivery of the re-prioritised infrastructure set out at

Appendix 2 to the report from the Joint Director of Planning and Economic

Development and that the proposed elements thus falling outside

the cost cap would need to be delivered through alternative funding. The

Committee also varied the Section 106 Agreement to reflect the approved

delivery strategy, specifically:


·       Revision of Part 8 Clause 1.1(a) to deliver the Western Sports Hub reverting from 2,000 dwellings across Phase 1 and Phase 2 to 3,300 dwellings across Phase 2. This would deliver this element in accordance with the approved Phase 2 Phasing Strategy.


·       Revision of Part 8 Clause 1.2 The trigger for the town park to 1,500 dwellings across Phase 2. The play equipment within the town park would be delivered and be available for use by residents at the existing trigger. It would also be necessary to ensure that any damage to the play equipment be kept under review during the construction process and appropriate maintenance be undertaken as appropriate. This is in accordance with the Healthy Living Youth and Play Strategy.


·       Payment of about £3.2 million (with indexation) being brought forward from 2,500 dwellings across Phases 1 and 2 to 450 occupations within Phase 2 so that this reflects the delivery and completion of the Education Campus.

01/07/2020 - S/2423/19/DC - Longstanton (Northstowe Phase 2)

By nine votes to one with one abstention, the Committee discharged Condition 14 of Outline planning permission S/2011/14/OL requiring further detail of the early phases of the development of the town centre to ensure that services and facilities could be delivered. The discharge would include text in the following terms


1.    That the submitted Town Centre Strategy provided a suitable basis for the early delivery of community buildings (known as the Civic Hub) and the first commercial building (the Market Hall) and in particular Stage A of the submitted Strategy in accordance with the requirements of Condition 14 of S/2011/14/OL.


2.    That indicative floorspace figures provided an initial basis for consideration of the capacity of the town centre but with appropriate flexibility in the delivery to allow for changes in technology and new uses as well as delivering significant employment provision. The town centre would be capable of accommodating the level of comparison retail floorspace under planning reference S/3187/18/FL in a sustainable town centre location. The proposals would also deliver other aspects including community uses, residential, public realm, leisure and other commercial floorspace through promoting flexibility in uses. The town centre strategy was consistent with the creation of the education campus.


3.    The town centre strategy provided the opportunity to deliver a range of uses and temporary facilities to create new markets and provide innovation and enterprise, particularly to the Small and Medium-sized Enterprise market.


4.    Discharge of the condition would  not grant Reserved Matters or detailed consent for any building but rather agreed a Strategy for early phases which would build on the approved outline planning permission, and should be read in conjunction with the Town Centre Strategy approved as part of outline planning permission reference S/2011/14/OL.


(Councillors John Batchelor, Bradnam, Faunton, Fane, HeylingsMilnes, Rippeth. Richard Williams and Wright voted to discharge the Condition. Councillor Heather Williams voted against discharge. Councillor Roberts abstained.)

03/03/2020 - S/3499/19/RM - Longstanton / Oakington (Phase 2a, Northstowe)

Members visited the site on 11 February 2020.


Mark Latham (Urban Splash) and Councillor Sarah Cheung Johnson (a local Member) addressed the meeting.


The Committee noted that improved delivery times were likely because the nature of the buildings’ construction off site meant that that could take place at the same time as groundwork on site. The Committee also received an assurance that cladding used would be non-flammable. Members noted local concern about the impact on the residents of Rampton Drift of three-storey dwellings proposed for the edge of this development.


Further debate focussed on


·       The provision of bat boxes, and bird boxes designed to attract a wider variety of birdlife

·       The key importance of both age-restricted accommodation and the modular construction of the housing

·       The need for careful consideration to be given to building heights so as to protect as far as possible the amenity of residents in Rampton Drift


A proposal from Councillor Deborah Roberts, seconded by Councillor Heather Williams, to defer making a decision until the issue of building heights had been resolved was lost by six votes to three with one abstention.


Planning Committee


1.     By seven votes to three approved Part A of the report from the Joint Director of Planning and Economic Development - Reserved Matters to Phase 2A of Northstowe subject to conditions outlined in the report and an additional highways condition following receipt of further late comments;

(Councillors John Batchelor, Bradnam, Cahn, Fane, Heylings, Milnes and Rippeth voted for approval. Councillors Roberts, Heather Williams and Wright voted to refuse.)


2.     By seven votes to three approved Part B of the report -  Discharge Conditions 9, 10, 11, 12, 19, 20, 23, 24, 27, 31, 32, 33, 34, 38, 41, 42, 43, 45, 48, 57 and 64 of outline planning permission S/2011/14/OL, subject to the implementation of the agreed details; and

(Councillors John Batchelor, Bradnam, Cahn, Fane, Heylings, Milnes and Rippeth voted for approval. Councillors Roberts, Heather Williams and Wright voted to refuse.)


3.     Unanimously approved Part C of the report -  Temporary change of use of two dwellings to show homes.

21/02/2019 - S/2439/18/FL - Longstanton (Land rear of The Retreat, Fews Lane)

Councillor Pippa Heylings having previously left the meeting, the Committee  unanimously approved the application by ten votes to nil, subject to


1.    the Conditions and Informatives set out in the report from the Joint Director of Planning and Economic Development;


2.    an additional Condition requiring there to be no deliveries between 7.30am and 9.30am and between 3.00pm and 6.00pm (or such other times as to avoid a conflict with school drop off and collection); and


3.    the final wording or amendment of Conditions and Informatives referred to in 1. And 2. above being agreed by officers in consultation with the Chairman of the Planning and Vice-Chairman for this item (Councillor BBrian Milnes) prior to the issue of a Decision Notice.

04/10/2017 - S/2407/17/DC - Longstanton (Northstowe Phase 2)

The Committee discharged Condition 9 (Design Code) attached to planning permission S/2011/14/OL (Northstowe Phase 2).

07/12/2016 - S/2011/14/RM - Northstowe (Land to the East of B1050 and Longstanton, West of the Cambridgeshire Guided Busway (CGB) and North Of Oakington)

Further to the former Northstowe Joint Development Control Committee’s  resolution on 29 July 2015 to grant planning permission (Minute 6 refers), the Planning Committee:


1.               Approved the amendments to the Legal Agreement entered into by virtue of Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990  in relation to affordable housing, and authorised officers on this basis to complete, with the Homes and Communities Agency (HCA), an amended Section 106 Agreement, securing the following:


a.     350 affordable rented homes (10% of the total number of dwellings in Phase 2) to be delivered at an accelerated rate such that the affordable rented homes make up 20% of each of the early housing parcels of Phase 2;


b.     1,400 starter homes (40% of the total number of dwellings in Phase 2), and;


c.      A review mechanism that would apply following the grant of Reserved Matters approvals for 700 starter homes, such review mechanism addressing any broadening of the definition of starter homes;


2.               delegated any further minor editing of the Section 106 Agreement to the Joint Director for Planning and Economic Development;


3.               Noted the approach to binding third party land within the Section 106 Agreement, and approved a new planning Condition in the following terms:


“No development shall commence on any part of the Site not bound by the Planning Agreement unless and until all estates and interests in such part of the Site that need to be bound to ensure satisfactory performance / enforcement of the obligations contained in the Planning Agreement  have been bound  to the satisfaction  (as confirmed in writing) of the Local Planning Authority.


Not to Occupy more than 1800 Dwellings across the Northstowe Phase 1 Site and the Site until all estates and interests in that part of the Site required for the provision of Sports Hub West and the land required for the primary access to the Second Primary School Land  that need to be bound to ensure satisfactory performance / enforcement of the obligations contained in the Planning Agreement  have been bound  to the satisfaction  (as confirmed in writing) of the Local Planning Authority”; and


4.               noted that the HCA intended to own and manage the burial ground, and asked Officers to discuss further with the applicant the trigger point for delivering the burial ground sooner than had been previously envisaged.

05/08/2016 - S/1040/16/FL - Longstanton ( Land to the rear of existing haulage yard and No.5 Station Road)

The Committee


1.         approved the application subject to the Conditions and Informatives set out in the report from the Head of         Development Management, amended as follows

a.         by adding to the condition requiring details of the acoustic fencing along the rear western boundary of No. 5 Station Road, a further requirement that it extend for 60 metres along the southern boundary of the site to ensure that the amenity of adjoining neighbours is protected; and

b.         by adding to the landscaping condition the need to provide landscaping details to protect the existing tree belt.


2.         instructed officers, in consultation with the Developers, local Member and other interested parties, to investigate the possibility of establishing a Local Liaison Group to monitor noise disturbance and other issues.

08/03/2016 - S/2541/15/FL - Longstanton (St Michaels Mount, St Michaels)

The Committee approved the application subject to the Conditions and Informative set out in the report from the Planning and New Communities Director.

06/02/2015 - S/2676/14/FL - Longstanton (1 Fairview)

The Committee gave officers delegated authority to approve the application, subject to:


1.    The prior completion of a Legal Agreement under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 securing financial contributions towards public open space, community facilities, waste receptacles, and monitoring and legal fees;

2.    The Conditions and Informatives referred to in the report from the Planning and New Communities Director; and

3.    An additional Condition (as agreed with the applicant) requiring the two windows on the first floor south east elevation and serving a kitchen and bathroom to be either hi-level or obscure glazed in order to prevent overlooking.

08/08/2013 - S/0757/13/FL - Longstanton (High Street/Nelson Crescent)

The Committee gave officers delegated powers to approve the application subject to the satisfactory conclusion of negotiations between the applicant and the Council’s Environmental Health Officers to minimise noise nuisance, and to the Conditions referred to in the report from the Planning and New Communities Director.

08/08/2013 - S/1196/13/FL - Longstanton (38 Prentice Close)

The Committee refused the application for the reasons set out in the report from the Planning and New Communities Director and for the additional reason of it being considered to have an adverse impact on the amenity of the occupier of no. 36 High Street.

11/05/2012 - S/2290/10 - Longstanton (53 Woodside)

The Committee gave officers delegated powers to approve the application, subject to the receipt of comments from Anglian Water updating their previous consultation response, the prior completion of a Section 106 Legal Agreement relating to Affordable Housing, education contributions, public open space and public art, and the Conditions referred to in the report from the Planning and New Communities Director.

07/10/2011 - S/1379/11 - Longstanton (56 High Street)

The Committee approved the application subject to the Conditions set out in the report from the Corporate Manager (Planning and New Communities), a condition ensuring works are carried out in line with the Flood Risk Assessment, and extra relevant conditions and informatives as recommended by the Environmental Health Manager.

05/08/2011 - S/2079/10 - Longstanton, Garages and 18&19 Haddows Close

The Committee approved the application (as amended by plans HCL-PL-01-RevII, HCL-PL-06, HCL-PL-07 and HCL-PL-08 date stamped 10 June 2011), subject to the Conditions set out in the report from the Corporate Manager (Planning and New Communities) and additional Conditions recommended by the Environment Agency intended to address flooding concerns.

16/05/2011 - S/2290/10 - Longstanton (53 Woodside)

The Committee noted that this application had been withdrawn from the agenda.

16/05/2011 - S/0538/10 - Longstanton (Pole Barn, Woodside)

The Committee gave officers delegated powers to approve the application, contrary to the recommendation in the report from the Corporate Manager (Planning and New Communities), subject to it being advertised as a Departure from the Development Plan and not called in for determination by the Secretary of state, and to safeguarding Conditions yet to be determined.  Members agreed that the reason for approval was that  the partial removal of the existing structure, and its replacement, would have a positive impact on the Conservation Area and the listed Manor Farmhouse. 

08/04/2011 - S/1793/10 - Longstanton (The Grange, St Michaels)

The Committee refused the application as amended by drawings 200F and 205F for the reason set out in the report from the Corporate Manager (Planning and New Communities).

08/04/2011 - S/1792/10 - Longstanton (The Grange, St Michaels)

The Committee approved the application contrary to the recommendation in the report from the Corporate Manager (Planning and New Communities).  Having visited the site, Members agreed the reason for approval as being that the proposal would not harm the historic fabric of the Listed Building, and would maintain its special character and appearance.

04/03/2011 - 2079/10 - Longstanton, Garages at 18/18 Haddows Close.

The Committee deferred the application to allow further discussions to take place, particularly with a view to removing from the proposal the two properties that would be most at risk of flooding.

04/03/2011 - 1463/10 - Longstanton, Land to North of Nelson Crescent, High Street

The Committee gave officers delegated powers to approve the application subject to safeguarding Conditions, including those set out in the report from the Corporate Manager (Planning and New Communities). 

04/02/2011 - S/1463/10 - Longstanton (Land to North of Nelson Crescent, High Street)

 Deferred for a site visit.

14/01/2011 - S/1811/10 - Longstanton - 14 Thatchers Wood

The Committee approved the application to extend the time limit for implementation of extant planning permission S/0996/07/F, subject to the Conditions set out in the report from the Corporate Manager (Planning and New Communities).

14/01/2011 - S/1624/10 - Longstanton - St Michael's Mount, St Michaels

 The Committee approved the application, subject to the Conditions set out in the report from the Corporate Manager (Planning and New Communities).

09/07/2010 - S/1780/09/F - Longstanton (All Saints Church, Rampton Road)

The Committee approved the application, for a temporary period of one hundred years, contrary to the recommendation in the report from the Corporate Manager (Planning and New Communities).  Reason: The reinstatement of a lead roof would not provide an effective security solution and members were satisfied that the construction, materials and details of the proposed welsh slate roof were appropriate in the circumstances.

04/06/2010 - S/0438/10/F - Longstanton (Former Oakington Barracks, Rampton Road.)

The Committee gave officers delegated powers to approve the application subject to the Cconditions referred to in the report from the Corporate Manager (Planning and New Communities).

15/01/2010 - S/1695/09/F - Longstanton (to the North-West of 71-74 Magdalene Close) - Withdrawn

The Committee noted that this application had been withdrawn.

05/11/2009 - S/1251/09/F - Longstanton (Land off High Street)

Delegated approval as report, with an informative relating to the Condition attached to the Reserved Matters approval requiring reinstatement of the pond to the south of the site.

12/10/2009 - S/0745/09/F - Longstanton (Land to North of Nelson Crescent, High Street)

The Committee refused the application contrary to the recommendation in the report from the Corporate Manager (Planning and Sustainable Communities).  Reason: the loss of community land and the unresolved issue of affordable housing. 

12/10/2009 - S/0547/09/F- Longstanton (Land to the East of 'Lyndhurst', Station Road for Aspinalls Builders Merchants Ltd)

The Committee approved the application contrary to the recommendation in the report from the Corporate Manager (Planning and Sustainable Communities).  Reason: the encouragement of a local business venture outweighing countryside policies in the South Cambridgeshire Local Development Framework. 

02/07/2009 - S/0547/09/F- Longstanton, (Land to the East of 'Lyndhurst', Station Road)

 Withdrawn from the agenda.

12/06/2009 - S/0534/09/F - Longstanton (land to the north-west of 71-74 Magdalene Close)

The Committee refused the application contrary to the recommendation in the report from the Corporate Manager (Planning and Sustainable Communities).  Reason: the lack of play space in the immediate area of the village, and the loss of land for recreation contrary to Policy SF/9 of the South Cambridgeshire Local Development Framework 2007.

08/05/2008 - S/1970/07/A21- Longstanton (Land West of Longstanton (Home Farm))

Approved as report. 

08/11/2007 - S/1390/07/RM – Longstanton (Phase 3b - Home Farm)

Approved as report with an extra condition relating to the public footpath, and communication with the consortium relating to the Section 106 trigger point for completion of the Longstanton bypass.

04/10/2007 - S/0793/07/F – Longstanton (Home Farm)

Delegated approval as report 

04/10/2007 - S/1390/07/RM – Longstanton (Land West of Longstanton)


02/08/2007 - S/0548/07/F - Longstanton (Phase 2, Home Farm)

Approved as report. 

02/08/2007 - S/0793/07/F – Longstanton (Phase 3B at Home Farm)


06/07/2007 - S/0548/07/Rm – Longstanton (Phase 2, Home Farm)

Refused contrary to report for reasons of drainage, sewage and floor levels. 

16/03/2007 - S/1948/06/F – Longstanton (Land adj 23 Thatchers Wood)

Approval (as amended by letter date stamped 26January 2007 and plans ref.

603.01 Rev A and 603.02 Rev A date stamped 7February 2007) for the reasons set out in the report from the Corporate Manager (Planning and Sustainable Communities) and subject to the Conditions referred to therein.  A proposal to defer making a decision until Members had been provided with an indicative street scene drawing had been defeated on the Chairman’s casting vote.

16/03/2007 - S/2255/06/F – Longstanton (Unit 5, New Close Farm Business Park, Bar Road)

Approval for the reasons set out in the report from the Corporate Manager (Planning and Sustainable Communities) and subject to the Conditions referred to therein. 

12/02/2007 - S/2395/06/F – Longstanton (Land adj 11 Thatchers Wood)

Approved as report. 

12/02/2007 - S/1630/06/F – Longstanton (Land adjacent The Sidings, Station Road)

Minded to Approve as report. 

11/01/2007 - S/2040/06/F – LONGSTANTON (Oakington Barracks)

Refused contrary to report 

07/12/2006 - S/1876/06/RM – LONGSTANTON (Land within Phase 2, Home Farm)

Delegated approval as report, with a specific Condition relating to working hours.

07/12/2006 - S/1875/06/RM & S/1877/06/RM – LONGSTANTON (Land within Phase 2, Home Farm)

Delegated approval as report, with a specific Condition relating to working hours.

08/09/2006 - S/0625/06/RM - Longstanton

Delegated approval as report 

07/07/2006 - S/0110/06/F – Longstanton

APPROVAL of the current application for a bungalow at Nether Grove as amended by Drawing No. NGL-PL-01 Rev B, for the reasons set out, and Conditions referred to, in the report presented to the Committee at its meeting on 1st March 2006, and to an additional Condition requiring a brick wall along the southern boundary.


Councillor Mrs DP Roberts declared a personal and prejudicial interest as Housing Portfolio Holder, withdrew from the Chamber, did not contribute to the debate and did not vote.

09/06/2006 - S/0625/06/RM - Longstanton

Delegated approval subject to the Conditions referred to in the report from the Director of Development Services in order to resolve outstanding design issues in conjunction with the local Member.   Should the scheme not be amended satisfactorily within the statutory timescale, the application would be refused.

16/05/2006 - S/1846/04/F - Longstanton

Delegated Approval for the reasons set out in the report from the Director of Development Services, subject to the Conditions referred to therein, and to the prior completion of the necessary maintenance and access agreement between the Council, as Drainage Authority and Peter Stroude, as land owner, and to the payment, by Persimmon to the District Council, of the agreed maintenance sum.

16/05/2006 - S/0618/06/O - Longstanton

Refused for the reasons set out in the report from the Director of Development Services.

02/03/2006 - S/0049/06/F - Longstanton

Refused as report.  Enforcement with a nine month compliance period. 

02/03/2006 - S/0110/06/F - Longstanton

Deferred to explore the possibility of a suitable site being made available elsewhere in the village. 

02/02/2006 - S/2335/05/F- Longstanton

Refused contrary to report on the grounds of the development being inappropriate in a rural setting, detrimental to the appearance of the Village Green and therefore contrary to Policy P1/2 of the County Structure Plan and resolution to take enforcement action with a one month compliance period 

05/01/2006 - S/1846/04/F - Longstanton

Recommendation at paragraph 21 of the report approved as report.  The recommendation at paragraph 22 was withdrawn from the agenda to allow further consultation with all relevant parties prior to the application being reconsidered and presented again for the Committee’s determination. 

Enforcement of Planning Conditions authorised in two months if considered necessary at that time.

12/12/2005 - Longstanton - S/2481/04/O


08/12/2005 - S/1907/05/O - Longstanton

Withdrawn by the applicant.

07/12/2005 - S/1122/04/O - Longstanton


07/12/2005 - S/1066/04/F - Longstanton


17/06/2005 - S/0475/05/O - Longstanton


11/05/2005 - S/0129/05/F - Oakington and Longstanton


11/05/2005 - S/2069/04/RM - Longstanton

Delegated approval

07/02/2005 - S/2069/04/RM - Longstanton

Deferred for further consideration. 

07/02/2005 - S/1846/04/F - Longstanton

Delegated approval as report, subject to the Land Drainage Advisory Group agreeing to the terms of the Section 106 Agreement. 

02/12/2004 - S/1172/04/Circular 18/84 - Longstanton

No objections from South Cambridgeshire District Council.

04/11/2004 - S/1846/04/F - Longstanton

Deferred pending consideration by the Land Drainage Advisory Group

04/11/2004 - S/1172/04/Circular 18/84 - Longstanton

Deferred until after the Parish Council has considered the issue at its next meeting

11/10/2004 - S/0696/04/RM - Longstanton

Refusal as report 

08/09/2004 - S/1172/04/Circular 18/84 - Longstanton

RESOLVED that, subject to no new material adverse comments being made by Longstanton Parish Council, officers be authorised to inform the Home Office that South Cambridgeshire District Council has no objection to the use of Oakington Barracks as an immigration centre for an additional period up to 31st December 2006, for the reasons set out in the report from the Director of Development Services and subject to the Conditions stated therein.  Should the Parish Council come forward with new material adverse comments, this issue would be reported back to a future meeting of the Development and Conservation Control Committee for further consideration.

08/09/2004 - S/1127/04/F - Longstanton


08/09/2004 - S/1066/04/F - Longstanton


02/09/2004 - S/1247/04/F - Longstanton

 Approval as report on casting vote of Chairman