Issue - decisions

Housing Futures (including Stock Condition Survey)

01/02/2008 - Housing Futures (Cabinet, 10 January 2008)

 Council RESOLVED:

(a)               That the Council develop a housing transfer proposal in consultation with its tenants. Council recognises that housing transfer cannot proceed without the support of its tenants and wishes to involve them fully in developing its proposal. The Council further recognises that retention will be an option for consultation.

(b)               That an application be submitted to Communities and Local Government (CLG) for a place on the 2008 housing transfer programme by the deadline of 31 March 2008; and

(c)               That authority be delegated to the Leader and Cabinet to agree a new landlord selection process that involves tenants, elected members and staff, the result of the new landlord selection process being presented to Council for approval. 

10/01/2008 - Housing Futures


(a)               that the Council develop a housing transfer proposal in consultation with its tenants, as it considers transfer to a not for profit housing association to be in the best interests of the Council’s tenants, future housing applicants and staff because:

·                     it would enable improvements to homes and housing services;

·                     it would be the most sustainable option for the longer term ownership management and development of affordable homes in the district; and

·                     it offered the best prospects for staff in terms of job security.

Council recognises that housing transfer cannot proceed without the support of its tenants and wishes to involve them fully in developing its proposal.

(b)               that an application be submitted to Communities and Local Government (CLG) for a place on the 2008 housing transfer programme by the deadline of 31 March 2008; and

(c)               that authority be delegated to the Leader and Cabinet to agree a new landlord selection process that involves tenants, elected members and staff, the result of the new landlord selection process being presented to Council for approval.

19/12/2007 - Housing Futures: Summary and key findings

The Portfolio Holder RECOMMENDED Cabinet to put a proposal before full Council to proceed to a tenant ballot on the subject of a stock transfer option.

09/07/2007 - Housing Futures Update (Urgent Item)

Cabinet RE-AFFIRMED its decision of 12 April 2007 to establish a member / tenant working group be established to oversee the project, supported by a corporate officer project team, to be comprised of five members, appointed in accordance with the political proportionality rules, and five elected tenant representatives.

12/04/2007 - Housing Stock Options Appraisal Process

Cabinet AGREED that:

(a)               a new stock options appraisal be carried out to evaluate the options to deliver a sustainable future for the Council’s housing stock in full consultation with / involvement of tenants, staff, members and other key stakeholders;

(b)               the stock options appraisal process commence as soon as possible, taking into account receipt of stock condition survey and financial modelling information, with a view to presenting the outcome to the Cabinet and Council later this year;

(c)               a member / tenant working group be established to oversee the project, supported by a corporate officer project team, to be comprised of five members, appointed in accordance with the political proportionality rules, and five tenants; and

(d)               the initial project management and staffing proposals be implemented and that the other costs associated with the stock options appraisal, e.g., consultancy fees, be from within the Housing Revenue Account Estimates for 2007/08, in order that the project be well managed and adequately resourced.

03/11/2005 - Housing Stock Options Appraisal

Cabinet DEFERRED making a recommendation to Council on its preferred future housing option pending the result of the capping decision and for more work on tenants’ and Members’ views.

03/11/2005 - Housing Options Appraisal

RECOMMEND TO COUNCIL the Management Team’s conclusions as set out in the report to Cabinet, paragraphs 33 to 38.

30/07/2005 - Housing Stock Options Appraisal

Council, by 26 votes to 22, with 2 abstentions,



proceeding to a formal ballot of tenants on the transfer of the housing stock to a housing association; and consequently



to retain the housing stock.

18/06/2004 - Housing Options Appraisal Project Framework

Endorsed the project management arrangements set out in the report to the Portfolio Holder and agreed to receive progress reports at future Housing Portfolio Holder meetings.