Issue - decisions

2022/23 Provisional Housing Revenue Account (HRA) Outturn

04/12/2023 - 2022/23 Provisional Housing Revenue Account (HRA) Outturn (Cabinet, 7 November)



Agreed          to


A)       Acknowledge the 2022/23 revenue outturn position and the net underspend in the year of £0.473 million, and the explanations provided for the variances compared to the revised 2022/23 revenue budget;


B)       Acknowledge the overall decrease in the Housing Revenue Account balance as at 31 March 2023 to £3.878 million;


C)       In relation to the Capital Programme:


(i) Note the 2022/23 capital outturn of £21.405 million;


(ii) Acknowledge the performance achieved in relation to the Capital Programme schemes substantially completed in 2022/2023, summarised in Appendix A.


(iii) Approve the carry forward amounts of £3.034 million to 2023/24 in relation to HRA housebuilding during 2022/23, due to slippage.


07/11/2023 - 2022/2023 Provisional Housing Revenue Account (HRA) Outturn



1.    acknowledged the 2022/23 revenue outturn position and the net underspend in the year of £0.343 million, and the explanations provided for the variances compared to the revised 2022/23 revenue budget,


2.    acknowledged the overall decrease in the Housing Revenue Account balance as at 31 March 2023 to £3.749 million, and


3.    in relation to the Capital Programme:


i.      noted the 2022/23 capital outturn of £21.405 million,


ii.    acknowledged the performance achieved in relation to the Capital Programme schemes substantially completed in 2022/2023, summarised in Appendix A to the report, and


iii.   approved the carry forward amounts of £3.034 million to 2023/24 in relation to HRA housebuilding during 2022/23, due to slippage.