Election results for Longstanton

Longstanton Ward - Thursday, 3 November 2022

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Longstanton - results
Election Candidate Party Votes % Outcome
Natalie Warren-Green Liberal Democrat 578 16.88% Elected
Tom Bygott Conservative 566 16.53% Elected
Lawrence Zeegen Liberal Democrat 534 15.59% Not elected
Debra James Poyser Independent 422 12.32% Not elected
Dan Greef Labour 411 12.00% Not elected
Khadijeh Jaqori Conservative 394 11.50% Not elected
Anand Pillai Labour 266 7.77% Not elected
Silke Scott-Mance Green 169 4.93% Not elected
Colin Cyril Coe Green 85 2.48% Not elected
Voting Summary
Details Number
Seats 2
Total votes 3425
Electorate 5364
Number of ballot papers rejected 3
Share of the votes (%)
Candidate name Vote percentage Elected
Natalie Warren-Green 16.88% Elected
Candidate name Vote percentage Elected
Tom Bygott 16.53% Elected
Candidate name Vote percentage Elected
Lawrence Zeegen 15.59% Not elected
Candidate name Vote percentage Elected
Debra James Poyser 12.32% Not elected
Candidate name Vote percentage Elected
Dan Greef 12.00% Not elected
Candidate name Vote percentage Elected
Khadijeh Jaqori 11.50% Not elected
Candidate name Vote percentage Elected
Anand Pillai 7.77% Not elected
Candidate name Vote percentage Elected
Silke Scott-Mance 4.93% Not elected
Candidate name Vote percentage Elected
Colin Cyril Coe 2.48% Not elected
Rejected ballot papers
Being unmarked or wholly void for uncertainty2
Voting for more than one candidate1
Total rejected3