Issue details

Chairman's Delegation Meetings: Review of Protocol and Operating Principles

Arising from a recommendation of the Standards Committee Hearing Panel:

"We further make the following recommendations to the authority: that the procedures and operating principles of the Chairman’s Delegation Meeting be reviewed within three months of today, this review to include the consideration of provision of officer support from either Legal or Democratic Services, or both.  This should be achieved by the establishment by the Monitoring Officer of an officer working group, reporting to a task and finish group of the Scrutiny and Overview Committee and to the Standards Committee at its September 2009 meeting." 

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Decision due: 7 October 2009 by Planning Committee

Lead member: Lead Cabinet member for Planning

Department: Executive Director - Operational Services

Contact: Fiona McMillan, Legal Services Manager and Monitoring Officer Email: Tel: 01954 713027.


Agenda items
