Agenda, decisions and minutes

Planning Committee - Wednesday, 9 August 2023 10.00 a.m.

Venue: Council Chamber, First Floor

Contact: Laurence Damary-Homan 01954 713000 Email:  Members of the public wishing to speak at this meeting are requested to contact the Support Officer by no later than 4pm two clear working days before the meeting. A public speaking protocol applies.


No. Item


Chair's announcements


With the absence of the Chair, the Vice-Chair assumed to role of Chair for the meeting. Councillor Peter Sandford was appointed, by affirmation, as Vice-Chair for the duration of the meeting. The Chair then made several brief housekeeping announcements.



To receive apologies for absence from committee members. 


Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Dr Martin Cahn, Ariel Cahn, Judith Rippeth and Heather Williams. Councillors Anna Bradnam and Mark Howell were present as substitutes.


Declarations of Interest


1.         Disclosable pecuniary interests (“DPI”)

A  DPI is where a committee member or his/her spouse or partner has any kind of beneficial interest in the land under consideration at the meeting.


 2.        Non-disclosable pecuniary interests

These are interests that are pecuniary involving a  personal financial benefit or detriment but do not come within the definition of a DPI.  An example would be where a member of their family/close friend (who is not their spouse or partner) has such an interest.


3.         Non-pecuniary interests

Where the interest is not one which involves any personal financial benefit or detriment to the Councillor but arises out of a close connection with someone or some  body /association.  An example would be membership of a sports committee/ membership of another council which is involved in the matter under consideration.


With respect to Minute 6, the Chair declared that many Members had been present when the previous application for the site (as referenced in the report) was heard by the Committee but that there was no conflict of interest for those Members who had been part of the previous decision.


Minutes of Previous Meeting pdf icon PDF 182 KB

To authorise the Chairman to sign the Minutes of the meeting held on 12 July 2023 as a correct record. Minutes document to follow.


Amendments were made to include Councillor Eileen Wilson in the list of attendees, to include Councillor Peter Sandford as having voted “for” in Minute 6 and the insertion of an “of” into the paragraph following the bullet points in Minute 8 in order to read “a number of Member questions”. With the amendments, the Committee authorised the Chair to sign the Minutes of the meeting held on 12 July 2023 as a correct record by affirmation.



23/00482/FUL - Land at Wellcome Genome Campus, Cambridge Road, Hinxton pdf icon PDF 533 KB

Construction of two bridges and all associated structures, ramped walkways, stairs, lifts, boundary wall, footway and cycle paths, lighting, utilities, construction access, construction compound, hard and soft landscaping works, planting, tree removal, earthworks, drainage infrastructure, surface water drainage features and all necessary enabling works and demolitions

Additional documents:


By affirmation, the Committee agreed to amendments to the wording of condition 3, the merging of conditions 18 and 20 into a newly worded condition 18 and the addition of a new condition 20 regarding materials. Delegated authority was granted to officers to produce final wording.


By 8 votes to none, with 1 abstention, the Committee approved the application in accordance with the officer’s recommendation and subject to the conditions laid out in the report from the Joint Director of Planning and Economic Development, as amended and added to by the Committee and the Update Report.


The Principal Planner (Strategic Sites) presented the report and provided updates on the recommended conditions which were as follows:

- Condition 3 was amended to read:

“All ecological measures and/or works shall be carried out in accordance with the details contained in the Biodiversity Assessment (including Biodiversity Net Gain Assessment), dated January 2023, and the Landscape and Ecology Management Plan, dated January 2023


Notwithstanding the approved documents, an implementation, management and monitoring plan (including identified responsible bodies) for a period of 30 years for on and off-site proposals as appropriate shall be submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority prior to the use of the permitted development. The approved plan will be implemented in accordance with the approved details.


Monitoring data shall be submitted to the local planning authority in accordance with DEFRA guidance and the approved monitoring period / intervals.


Reason: To provide ecological enhancements in accordance with the NPPF 2021 para 174, Policy NH/4 of the South Cambridgeshire Local Plan 2018, and the Greater Cambridge Shared Planning Biodiversity SPD 2022.”


- Conditions 18 and 20 were amalgamated as condition 18 to read:

“No development above ground level, other than demolition, shall commence until details of the serpentine wall have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. These details shall include:

a) full details of the gabion walls;

b) proposed methodology for the curved and angled shapes for the walls;

c) proposed details and methodology for how the proposed gabion baskets will be filled with the various stone types; and

d) ongoing maintenance programme for the serpentine wall.


All works shall be carried out and maintained in accordance with the approved details.


Reason: To ensure the development is satisfactorily assimilated into the area and enhances biodiversity in accordance with Policies HQ/1 and NH/4 of the South Cambridgeshire Local Plan 2018.”


- A new condition 20, regarding materials, was introduced and read as follows:

“No development shall take place above ground level, except for demolition, until details of all the materials for the external surfaces of the bridges and supporting structures to be used in the construction of the development have been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority.


The details shall include:

- Materials schedule of the external surfaces for the bridges and ramps,

- Detailed specifications for the lifts, and

- Detailed specifications of the street furniture.


Development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details.


Reason: To ensure the external appearance of the development does not detract from the character and appearance of the area in accordance with Policy HQ/1 of the South Cambridgeshire Local Plan 2018.”


Officers responded to a number of Member questions regarding:

• The Outline consent- it was clarified that the proposal was in accordance with the agreed parameter plans and Outline consent.

• Seating on the bridge deck- Members were informed that seating was provided along the length of the bridge deck and, whilst width varied at points, there  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5.


23/02061/FUL - 73 High Street, Cottenham pdf icon PDF 465 KB

Change of use of public house with flat (Sui Generis) to dwelling (C3), demolition of existing annex/outbuildings, erection of detached dwelling and creation of amenity space, bin storage and parking and manoeuvring for 2 dwellings

Additional documents:


The Committee agreed, by affirmation, to a change to the wording of condition 3 which altered the trigger point. Delegated authority was granted to officers to produce final wording.


The Committee requested, and approved by affirmation, a condition to introduce a plaque or other information board, detailing the history of the building, to the street side of the former pub. Delegated authority was granted to officers to produce final wording.


By 8 votes to none, with 1 abstention, the Committee approved the application in accordance with the officer’s recommendation and subject to conditions as laid out in the report from the Joint Director of Planning and Economic Development and as amended and added to by the Committee.


The Senior Planner presented the report and informed the Committee that in paragraph 1.2 of the report it stated that the previous application was determined by the Committee on 19.01.2021 when it should have read 19.01.2022. The Senior Planner also informed the Committee that the trigger point for condition 3 (regarding water drainage) had been altered. Officers responded to a number of questions of clarity. It was clarified that Highways considered the visibility splays to be acceptable. Conditions 4, 19 and 20 were referenced to explain how biodiversity matters and the issue of the bat survey were to be dealt with. The comments of the Conservation Officer, regarding reinstating the pub sign, were raised and the Committee was informed that the previous application had a recommended condition that secured the sign, but since that time the sign had fallen into disrepair and been removed. Members enquired as to if it was possible to condition the reintroduction of the sign but were advised that, as there was not sign in good condition available to reintroduced, it would not be possible. Instead, it was suggested that a plaque detailing the history of the pub could be introduced and secured via conditioning and Members expressed support for this solution. Legal advice was sought on the weight of the Inspector’s decision and the Senior Planning Lawyer advised that it would be unwise to go against the Inspector’s decision as it would risk the Council facing costs for making an unreasonable decision. Officers clarified that the Cottenham Neighbourhood Plan was in place when the previous application was determined and both officers and the Inspector had given weight to it in their considerations of the application.


The Committee was addressed by the agent of the applicant, Steven Barker of Barker Parry, who supported the application. Councillor Tim Jones of Cottenham Parish Council addressed the Committee on behalf of the Parish Council who objected to the application. Further clarity on the Neighbourhood Plan was given and the Senior Planning Lawyer advised that the Neighbourhood Plan had been given weight in the Inspector’s decision. Councillor Eileen Wilson, as local Member, stated that, notwithstanding the Inspector’s decision, she and residents felt that the loss of the pub would have a negative impact on the amenity of Cottenham.


In the debate, Members stated that the loss of the pub was undesirable and some had concerns over parking but noted the lack of objection from the Highways authority. The Committee agreed that the issue of the bat surveys and biodiversity considerations had been resolved and that, whilst Members may not be happy with the appeal decision, there were no material reasons for refusal. Members agreed, by affirmation to the addition of a condition regarding the introduction of a plaque, detailing the history of the pub, onto the street front of the house; delegated authority was granted to officers to produce the final wording of the condition.


By 8 votes (Councillors Peter Fane, Peter Sandford, Anna Bradnam, Bill Handley, Geoff Harvey, Dr  ...  view the full minutes text for item 6.


Compliance Report pdf icon PDF 106 KB

Additional documents:


The Committee noted the report.      


Appeals against Planning Decisions and Enforcement Action pdf icon PDF 27 KB

Additional documents:


Members enquired as to when the Informal Hearing regarding the site in Milton (ref. EN/00216/21) would be held and requested that information on why the appeal in Little Abington (for application 21/03039/FUL) was allowed be provided to the Committee. The Area Development Manager agreed to circulate information regarding both of the cases to Members.


The Committee noted the report.