Agenda, decisions and minutes

Policy and Performance Portfolio Holder's Meeting - Tuesday, 15 February 2011 11.00 a.m.

Venue: Jeavons Room, First Floor. View directions

Contact: Maggie Jennings  03450 450 500

No. Item


Declarations of Interest




Minutes of Previous Meeting pdf icon PDF 34 KB

The Portfolio Holder is asked to sign the minutes of the meeting held on 18 January 2011 as a correct record.


The minutes of the meeting held on 18 January 2011 were agreed as a correct record.


Matters Arising


Minute 33. Capital and Revenue Estimates


An explanation was sought on the wording of the minute used within the second bullet point, which stated that a higher rate of inflation would be applied when it was known that an external supplier would be applying it. In response it was explained that in the past, estimates were based on a 2.5% inflation rate, whereas now if it was known that individual providers would be including a higher rate of inflation, that rate was included in the estimates.


Street Naming and Numbering - Charges pdf icon PDF 36 KB

Additional documents:


The Policy & Performance Portfolio Holder,


(a)               APPROVED the draft Address Management Policy, subject to the changes agreed at the meeting, and

(b)               AGREED the charges for Street Naming and Numbering, subject to the changes agreed at the meeting for adoption by the Council with effect from 1 April 2011.


Paul Grainger, GIS and Information Manager was in attendance for this item.


The Portfolio Holder considered the proposed fee payment structure for street naming and numbering, which would enable the recovery of some of the costs of providing the service.


·                 Graphs were circulated by the Portfolio Holder to Cllr Lynda Harford who was present at the meeting, which showed the comparable costs of the local authorities named in Appendix 2 to the policy, together with his suggested charges. The Portfolio Holder’s proposed changes to the scale of charges reduced the number of steps required for the number of plots/proposed fee ratio

·                 The Principal Accountant informed the Portfolio Holder that any comparison with other authorities needed to be treated with a degree of caution as they had a higher number of overheads compared with SCDC

·               The Head of ICT informed the Portfolio Holder that the proposed charge for additional plots over 101 should have read £10 and not £5 as shown in the table at para 12 of the report

·               Senior Management Team had endorsed the proposed scale of charges

·               The charges would be subject to a 6-month review

·               Cllr Lynda Harford agreed with the officer’s recommendation and to err on the side of caution in case of the possibility of the proposed charges being challenged


The Policy & Performance Portfolio Holder, having considered the options,


(i)                  AGREED the charges for Street Naming and Numbering, as set out in the table at para 12 of the report, subject to an amendment of the wording `Naming a new or re-naming an existing property’ to `Re-naming an existing property and the charge for Re-naming an existing property to be amended from £50 per dwelling to £30 per dwelling. The charges to become effective from 1 April 2011.


Copies of amendments made to the Address Management Policy by the Portfolio Holder were circulated for consideration. As a result of the ensuing discussion, the following changes to the Policy were made:


(a)        Para 2.1 – insert the following paragraph after the first set of bullet points:


`Any new naming and numbering scheme shall be as simple and clear as possible, to enable emergency vehicles to rapidly locate any house, and to prevent visitors from becoming disoriented or lost.’


(b)        Para 2.1- replace the third bullet point within the second set of bullet points with the following:


`Streets may occasionally be named after people. It would be preferable not to do so unless the person whose name has been suggested is in some way related to the particular area or village where the development is taking place and is deceased.  A street must never be named using both parts of a person’s name (this may cause confusion to an emergency operator between a patient’s name and an address). With the exception of saints or members of a royal family, the surname alone is to be used.


(c)               Para 2.1 – add the following text to the end of the first bullet point in the 3rd set  ...  view the full minutes text for item 39.


Customer Service Excellence (CSE) Update pdf icon PDF 40 KB


The Policy & Performance Portfolio Holder noted the latest position with regard to the Customer Service Excellence project and outcomes from the pre-assessment and AGREED that the Council proceed to full assessment in June 2011, subject to a satisfactory assessment of the Council’s readiness to proceed by 30 April 2011.


The Policy & Performance Portfolio Holder noted the latest position with regard to the Customer Service Excellence project and outcomes from the pre-assessment and AGREED that the Council proceed to full assessment in June 2011, subject to a satisfactory assessment of the Council’s readiness to proceed by 30 April 2011.


Integrated Business Monitoring Report 2010/11: Third Quarter pdf icon PDF 63 KB

Additional documents:


Consideration was given to the third quarter Integrated Business Monitoring report and in particular,


·         the success of the recycling and composting rate

·         that achieving a 10% reduction in CO2 emissions from the Council’s operations was unlikely to be met

·         the figures relating to Supported Housing / Rent Income / Recharged Departmental and Overhead Accounts shown in Appendix A under Housing Revenue Account were incorrect

·         the impact of the withdrawal of subsidy in respect of Community Transport was not yet known


The Portfolio Holder NOTED the projected expenditure and performance position.


Customer Service Performance 2010/11 - Third Quarter pdf icon PDF 47 KB

Additional documents:


The Portfolio Holder drew attention to various aspects within the report, particularly emphasising that the Council had received no complaints submitted to the Local Government Ombudsman in the third quarter; that 91% of interviewees surveyed had had their enquiry resolved during their visit and of 55 complaints registered, 52 were resolved at stage 1 of the process. In acknowledging the positive achievements, the Portfolio Holder NOTED the contents of the report.


Service Improvements & Performance Indicators 2010/11: Third Quarter pdf icon PDF 18 KB

Additional documents:


The Portfolio Holder NOTED that all Community and Customer Services Service Plan actions for 2010/11 were either complete or on target to be met. 


Financial Monitoring Reports 2010/11: Third Quarter pdf icon PDF 20 KB

Additional documents:


Prior to consideration of this item, the Principal Accountant informed the Portfolio Holder that the information provided in the report and appendices related to the period up to 31 January 2011.


The Principal Accountant reported that as there had been a delay in implementing the ICT Housing Management system and Building Control system within the Capital Programme, the amounts totalling £128,000 would be rolled-over to 2011/12. The Portfolio Holder agreed with that course of action.


The Portfolio Holder NOTED the contents of the financial report and appendices.


Forward Plan pdf icon PDF 13 KB

The Portfolio Holder will maintain, for agreement at each meeting, a Forward Plan identifying all matters relevant to the Portfolio which it is believed are likely to be the subject of consideration and / or decision by the Portfolio Holder, or recommendation to, or referral by, the Portfolio Holder to Cabinet, Council, or any other constituent part of the Council.   The plan will be updated as necessary.  The Portfolio Holder will be responsible for the content and accuracy of the forward plan.


The Portfolio Holder NOTED the information relating to the Forward Plan, together with the following amendments:


15 March 2011


ICT Security Policy and ICT Strategy – information items


17 May 2011


ICT Security Policy and ICT Strategy - decision items


Date of Next Meeting

The next scheduled meeting is 15 March 2011, commencing at 11am.


The next meeting would be held at 11am on 15 March 2011.